Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Top 100 Quotes
Quotes by Spiritual Teachers
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G. I. Gurdieff, "Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson"So-and-so-and-so-must-be; do-not-do-what-must-not-be. Mullah's favorite saying. p. 598
Remember you come here having already understood the necessity of struggling with yourself — only with yourself. Therefore thank everyone who gives you the opportunity.
G.I. Gurdjieff
All I plead with you is this: make love of your self perfect
Nisargadatta Maharaj
Our real Self does not ask questions, as it does not require answers. It is there, it is present Now. We are only able to find it if we forget about questions and submit to the Self, radiating its light in the Present!
Frank Wanderer
Like the medieval cartographers of Europe, who felt one would fall into endless space at the edges of the oceans of their maps, we fear the presumed nothingness of no-self. Fortunately, there have been many spiritual circumnavigators who have returned to tell the tale of the beauty beyond self.
Kathleen Dowling Singh
What you usually refer to when you say “I” is not who you are. By a monstrous act of reductionism, the infinite depth of who you are is confused with a sound produced by the vocal cords or the thought of “I” in your mind and whatever the “I” has identified with.
Eckhart Tolle
By identifying with a particular name that belongs to a particular body and mind, the self begins the process of creating a separate identity. Add in a complex jumble of ideas, beliefs, and opinions, along with some selective and often painful memories with which to create a past to identify with, as well as the raw emotional energy to hold it all together, and before you know it, you've got a very convincing - though divided - self.
See the Divinity in others and you will find it within yourself.
Ka Chinery
The dancing Sun the dancing moon the dancing stars and the dancing galaxies are the direct expression of our divine Self.
Amit Ray
One has to get rid of the self. Once the self is thrown away, nothing is lacking. You start overflowing and blossoms start falling on you.
[O]ur own bodies are changing every second. Yet we take the body to be our Self; and, speaking in terms of it, we say, “I am hungry” or “I am lame”; “I am black” or “I am white.” These are all just the conditions of the body. We touch the truth when we say, “My body aches,” implying the body belongs to us and that therefore we are not that. (87)
Swami Satchidananda
To deal with things knowledge of things is needed. To deal withpeople, you need insight, sympathy. To deal with yourself, you neednothing. Be what you are--conscious being--and don't stray away fromyourself.
Nisargadatta Maharaj
When you want to arrive at your goal more than you want to be doing what you're doing, you become stressed.
Eckhart Tolle
An ordinary teacher teaches how to accumulate information. A good teacher teaches how to assimilate information. A great teacher teaches how to stand up and turn every challenge into opportunities. An extraordinary teacher teaches how to be larger than life by following your own dreams, own goals and own instincts.
Amit Ray
Common aim is stronger than blood.
G.I. Gurdjieff
Self-development is a contradiction in terms Personal development is the way.
Frank Ra (Exstatica)
Outer relationships with a man or a woman are a mirror of the relationship between our own inner man and woman. Embracing our own inner man and woman means to understand the inner drama that happens between our male and female aspects, which manifests on the outside as relationships.
Swami Dhyan Giten
When we have developed a trust in both our inner man and woman and they can nourish, support, communicate and cooperate with each other, a love begins to flow between them.
Swami Dhyan Giten
When we are in touch with our creativity, through passion and excitement, we always put ourselves in the most expansive state of consciousness. Fear slows down our development, while love supports a rapid growth.
Raphael Zernoff
As you develop, the people around you also develop. As you progress, the world progresses with you to a certain degree.
Choa Kok Sui
By cultivating the beautiful we scatter the seeds of heavenly flowers, as by doing good we cultivate those that belong to humanity.
Vernon Howard
When there is no tension between the inner beingness and that which is being expressed, there is grace.
Donna Goddard
Food for the ego is poison for the soul.
Donna Goddard
Illumination is remembering your identity as the eternal spirit and energy that animates all that is.
Raphael Zernoff
For aeons past, there were many gods who descended to be humans, yet there were not many humans who ascended back to their divinity.
Raphael Zernoff
You can either be a person who is a coward, afraid, ready to submit, surrender, a person who has himself no dignity, no respect for his own being—or you can be fearless. But then you are going to be a rebel, you cannot avoid that. Either you can be a man of faith or you are going to be a rebellious spirit.
There is no virtue in poverty and illness. we all have been created to be healthy and wealthy with more than enough for everyone.
Raphael Zernoff
The more you make your thoughts and beliefs into your identity, the more cut off you are from the spiritual dimension within yourself.
Eckhart Tolle
Ego is the complete identification with form. Physical forms, thought forms, emotional forms.
Eckhart Tolle
Your body is made of two things: your will to do, your ego, and the physical form you have received from the prakriti, the nature. If the will to do is present within you, then the nature will go on providing you with an appropriate body. This is how you have been born again and again. Sometimes you were an animal, sometimes a bird, a tree some other time, and sometimes a man. Whatsoever you wished to achieve, it has happened. Your desire to achieve becomes the actuality; thoughts become real things. So beware when you desire, because all desires are fulfilled – sooner or later.If you are of the habit of watching the birds fly in the sky and wonder, ”How free the birds are, I wish I were a bird.” it will not be long before you become a bird. You see dogs mating, and if that moment a thought arises in you, ”What freedom! What happiness!” – soon you will become a dog. Whatever desire you keep within you, it becomes a seed.
Has it ever occurred to you that the last thought before your falling asleep at night becomes the first thought on waking up in the morning? All night long, while you remain asleep, the thought stays within you in a seed form. And so, that which is the last thing at night becomes first in the morning. At the moment of your death all your desires will come together and become a seed. That very seed will consequently be the new life in the womb. You start fresh from where you left off.Whatsoever you are is of your own making. Don’t blame others. As a matter of fact, there is no one whom you can blame. Basically it is the cumulative effect of your own actions. Whatsoever you are – beautiful or ugly, happy or unhappy, man or a woman – it is all a result of your actions. You are the architect of your life. Don’t blame on your stars – you’ll be simply fooling yourself. This way you are dumping the responsibility on to someone else.No need to say God has sent you – don’t dump the responsibility on God. That’s just a strategy to avoid your own responsibility. You alone are the cause for being imprisoned in this body. One who understands perfectly that he himself is responsible for being in this world, a transformation takes place in his life.
We are not trapped by our thoughts. What we generally do, however, is create thoughts that trap us.” (p.162)
Joshua David Stone
Rather than being your thoughts and emotions, be the awareness behind them.
Eckhart Tolle
In the end, the only thing that really matters is how we treated all living things.
Ka Chinery
From looking at your neighbor and realizing his true significance, and that he will die, pity and compassion will arise in you for him and finally you will love him.
G.I. Gurdjieff
The path of compassion does not obligate you to love people regardless of how they act or who they are. It is a path of seeing the truth of who people are, acknowledging all their parts, their humanness as well as divinity. It is the path of looking at people and asking, "is there anything I can do to heal, assist, or bring them in touch with their higher vision?" If there is not, then you are pulling down your own energy by spending time with them".
Sanaya Roman
What is success? What does it mean that someone is successful? Success can be different things to different people. For us being successful is a conscious choice to be oneself. Success does not have to be dependent on any external circumstances and rules dictated by the mainstream society. It does not matter where we live and what we possess. When we love and support ourselves unconditionally choosing to be ourselves as much as we can, this is for us, Being Successful.
Raphael Zernoff
The world is focused on success, which is defined as riches and fame. Define your success as a person of values. Make love, compassion, and kindness your only success and everything else will be available to you.
Raphael Zernoff
Let everything we do and say be an expression of the beauty in our heart, always based on love.
Miguel Ruiz
There is no real need to save others, because they will help themselves learning from us, when we choose to shine our light of unconditional love. Through our loving examples others can create, for themselves, an opportunity to act the way they are inspired by us.
Raphael Zernoff
You are the very creator and co-creator of your own reality. When you allow yourself to remember what you already know about yourself on the spirit level, you shine the light of unconditional love, compassion and understanding. You become more of who you truly are, when you choose compassion and kindness. It must start from being kind to yourself.
Raphael Zernoff
Nonviolence aims at doing no harm to living being. Compassion aims at doing good to all being.
Amit Ray
Compassion stands on the pillars of trust, love, awareness and detachment.
Amit Ray
Compassion means removal of suffering – suffering of the self and the others.
Amit Ray
Whenever tragic loss occurs, you either resist or you yield. Some people become bitter or deeply resentful; others become compassionate, wise, and loving. Yielding means inner acceptance of what is.You are open to life.
Eckhart Tolle
As the flower blooms in spring, compassion grows in mindfulness.
Amit Ray
Mindfulness helps us to focus on one goal at a time. It helps us to be more relaxed, patience and compassionate towards the goal.
Amit Ray
Never let your desire to have an accepting heart towards others keep you from your strong boundaries. The hurricane may come blasting at our door; yet it doesn’t mean we have to invite it in for tea. Sometimes, it’s important to recognize that the hurricane is a powerful and damaging storm, not a light spring shower.
Alaric Hutchinson
There are miracles and glory in every child. Our glory lies in empowering them to flourish their glory.
Amit Ray
See life and feel its pulses with the eyes of a compassionate mother.
Amit Ray
We can bring heaven on the earth when we have compassion for all living beings.
Amit Ray
Mindfulness helps us to live in harmony with our thoughts, words and actions.
Amit Ray
A seed cannot grow in stone. Compassion is the fertile soil where life grows.
Amit Ray
A seed cannot grow in stone. It requires fertile soil & water. Compassion is the soil where life grows.
Amit Ray
Enlightenment is the moment when you are most alive and most compassionate.
Amit Ray
Yoga exercises are the best connecting tools for unity, human dignity, health, equality, global peace and compassion.
Amit Ray
A compassionate leader always feel motivated to bring happiness and relieve the suffering of customers, investors, suppliers, employees, government and the communities.
Amit Ray
Compassion is like mother giving love to her children. Mother’s ways are higher than others, even when everyone rejects, mother accepts with her arms open and wide.
Amit Ray
When I did a therapist education in USA 1984, one of the course leaders – who had given personal and spiritual guidance to thousands of seekers of truth from all over the world, and who I consider to be one of the best spiritual therapists in the world – said that I was going to get enlightened, that I would ”disappear into the silence”. I did not really understand what he meant then, and it was totally absurd for me when other course participants congratulated me afterwards. The thought that I was going to be enlightened was totally absurd for me. For me enlightenment was something that happened to special and chosen persons like Osho, Buddha, Jesus, Lao-Tzu and Krishnamurti. I did not feel either special or chosen. I did not feel worthy of being enlightened.
Swami Dhyan Giten
[C]ontinence is a very important part of yoga. If a handful of people come forward with strong wills, nothing is impossible. One Buddha changed half the globe; one Jesus, three quarters of the world. We all have that capacity. (140)
Swami Satchidananda