Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Top 100 Quotes
Quotes by Spiritual Leaders
- Page 20
Why does one ruminate about the past? He is treating his wounded egoism.
Dada Bhagwan
Egoism and Money [Goddess of wealth; Lakshmi] are very much at odds [have great enmity]. There should be just enough egoism to accomplish one’s work. Beyond that, any expanded egoism and money have great enmity. Money (Lakshmi) stays away from it.
Dada Bhagwan
One simply goes around doing egoism and then ultimately he ends up on the wood of the funeral pyre; such is the pitiful state. And if one is a very good person, he will be cremated with sandalwood. But it is all wood in the end. The true victor is the one who never dies.
Dada Bhagwan
There is no value to anything in this world, at the same time there is no need to ‘devalue’ anything.
Dada Bhagwan
What has more value in this world? That which is in shortage.
Dada Bhagwan
The rupee becomes cheap [of less value] and is that why man becomes expensive [valuable] and when the rupee becomes expensive, man becomes cheap. At present, man has become cheap; he will become expensive again.
Dada Bhagwan
How beautiful are these bangles! But if you put them on a man, he will not like it because he has assessed his own worth. One cannot be the ‘thermometer (gauge)’ as well as the ‘fever’, both cannot be one.
Dada Bhagwan
Do not keep control over household affairs. The one who keeps control has to wander around. The unusable money [torn notes, ruined coins] are offered as homage in prayer rituals! ‘Live’ as a ‘friend’ with the ‘wife’. You are her ‘friend’ and she is your ‘friend’.
Dada Bhagwan
Whether you practice craftiness in your business, you will have profit and if you do not practice craftiness, then also you will have [same] profit. Craftiness creates a liability for the next life. So God had said not to do craftiness. There is no benefit in it and there is infinite suffering.
Dada Bhagwan
When the vision becomes right [correct], one sees only his own faults and when the vision is wrong [incorrect], he sees others at fault.
Dada Bhagwan
Everything is happening according to the ‘drawing’ [past causes], You just have to ‘see’ them. Desires are ‘drawings’ too.
Dada Bhagwan
One has thieving intention himself, otherwise no one can ever steal from him; no one can ever rob him. One’s own intention does the stealing; the thief is simply instrumental (nimit) in that. Really, the account is one’s own.
Dada Bhagwan
Anything you strive to correct, it will increasingly become wrong. So just let go of that which does not turn out right.
Dada Bhagwan
We’ (the Gnani Purush, the enlightened one) do not have the time to prove that ‘ours’ is correct; nor do ‘we’ have the time to make you correct as well.
Dada Bhagwan
No matter what the other person says, then take the bottom line out of it, everything in this world is ‘vyavasthit’ [result of scientific circumstantial evidences]. So don’t tell anyone, ‘you did wrong’. Not only should you not say this, you should not even think it.
Dada Bhagwan
Gnani’ [the enlightened one] is He who gives proof of whatever He says. He would not say, ‘All that I have said is correct; you will have to accept it’.
Dada Bhagwan
The world’s existence is with common intent. No one has ownership of it. One may do whatever suits him. You cannot criticize him; you cannot say, ‘This is wrong’. You cannot even think it. Everything is under nature’s management.
Dada Bhagwan
One becomes independent (free) from the moment one realizes the principle that, ‘No living being is able to interfere with another living being to the slightest’.
Dada Bhagwan
If you try to do that which is not ‘our’ duty [the Self’s duty], it will create interference.
Dada Bhagwan
When you do not bother anyone at night, does anyone bother you? No one scolds you at night, do they? During the daytime, you create interferences, and that is why you suffer. Nature’s law is such that not a single difficulty will affect you, provided you do not interfere. All that affects you is your own interferences.
Dada Bhagwan
It is certain that if there is someone to hurt you on one side, there is also someone to help you on the other side. Just as you cannot see the one that hurts you, you also cannot see the one that helps you. If the one that hurts you cannot last more than four or five years, neither will the one that helps you.
Dada Bhagwan
One gets ‘headaches’, because he gives headache to others.
Dada Bhagwan
If you are straightforward, then others will have no choice but to be straightforward with you. If someone curses you, is he doing so at your responsibility? Is he doing so at God’s responsibility? No. He curses you at his own responsibility. And if you were to curse back, then it will be at your responsibility.
Dada Bhagwan
If a prisoner paints his cell in the prison, does it mean that he likes the prison? Why does he do so? It is because he has no choice. Similarly, one has no choice in the worldly life, and that is why he builds a house, buys car, builds a bungalow.
Dada Bhagwan
If one sides with pickpockets by saying, ‘what’s wrong with what he is doing? He doesn’t have any food so of course he’ll pick pockets!’ Now even when he is not a pickpocket himself, by supporting such actions, he will become a pick pocket in his next life. The poor man, although he makes the mistake in ignorance (in darkness, within), the price he will pay in brightness [that can be seen with 5 senses, the outer world].
Dada Bhagwan
There should not be opinion regarding anything. Opinion means you are supporting it. ‘Know’ the wrong as wrong, ‘Know’ right as right. There should not be any attachment (raag) towards the right, and abhorrence (dwesh) towards the wrong. There is no such thing as right or wrong. Right and wrong is a duality, it is illusionary vision, it is a societal belief. God does not see it that way. In God’s view, having a dinner on the table or going to toilet, they are both the same.
Dada Bhagwan
Refuting anything in this worldly life is tantamount to refuting God. Even refuting stealing is tantamount to refuting God. This Stealing is a kind of laxative. It cleanses us and leaves.
Dada Bhagwan
If one does not interfere in the obtained worldly life, then worldly life will run straight forward & smoothly. But one keeps interfering in the obtained worldly life. From the moment he wakes up, he interferes. If there is no interference in the unfolding circumstances one has obtained, then God’s control will prevail, but by interfering one takes over the control himself.
Dada Bhagwan
Disturbing anything [situation] results in damage. To improve, you do not need to disturb anything that is natural and has turned bad. You need to make way out; you need to find a solution.
Dada Bhagwan
Interfering in the worldly life is impure action (ashuddha vyavahar).
Dada Bhagwan
It is very wrong to make fun of anyone because you make fun of the Lord residing within. It doesn’t matter if it is a donkey, but after all, (finally) who is he? He is God.
Dada Bhagwan
Where there is conflict, there is no God.
Dada Bhagwan
What kind of a stage should we attain? One where our intellect becomes such that it never creates conflict within our home. Everything else is acceptable but there must never be any inner conflict.
Dada Bhagwan
The world is the puzzle, itself. The one who solves this ‘puzzle’ attains the degree of Parmatma [the Absolute Supreme Self].
Dada Bhagwan
Physical action [paudgalik kriya] will give only worldly fruits; it will not go in vain. If you plant sugar cane, you will eat sweet food and if you plant bitter gourd, you will eat bitter food. Plant whichever taste appeals to you and if you want liberation [Moksha], then don’t plant anything. Stop sowing seeds altogether.
Dada Bhagwan
If we break someone’s ego, then we can’t be happy. Egoism is his life!
Dada Bhagwan
Until pride (vanity) leaves, there is nothing but pain, pain and more pain!
Dada Bhagwan
Wherever there is ownership, there is upadhi (externally induced problems).
Dada Bhagwan
Anything you assume ownership of, it will strike back at you. Ultimately, even at the time of death, whomever you've had excessive intent of ownership, it will all become painful.
Dada Bhagwan
Misery will not come to the one who does not deceive his own Self. Miseries arise because one deceives one’s own Self.
Dada Bhagwan
Rather than the one who gets angry, the world is more afraid of the one who does not get angry. Why? When anger ceases, grandeur of authority (pratap) arises. Such is the law of nature. Otherwise there would never be any protection for those who don't get angry. Anger provides protection during one’s conduct in ignorance of the self.
Dada Bhagwan
During anger, the parmanus (subatomic particles) are fiery and fierce and during greed, there are parmanus (subatomic particles) of attraction towards money.
Dada Bhagwan
If you become angry with someone today, it is a discharge kashaya (karma effect of anger-pride-deceit-greed). But in that [discharge karma] your intent is for it, which “charges” a [new] karmic seed.
Dada Bhagwan
Getting angry means setting fire to your own wealth.
Dada Bhagwan
You will not realize the absolute supreme Self (parmatma) unless the weakness departs. Anger, pride, deceit and greed are the weaknesses.
Dada Bhagwan
Understanding spirituality means that every day anger, pride, deceit and greed continue to decrease, will not increase.
Dada Bhagwan
One's liberation begins once he does the darshan of kashaya-free (absence of inner anger, pride, deceit and greed) Gnani purush [the enlightened one]. Who is considered kashaya-free? The one whose state is that where there was no kashaya, there is no kashaya, and there never will be any. The one who is never in the state of the non-Self. Doing darshan of such a One brings ultimate well being.
Dada Bhagwan
Doing Kashaya[anger, pride, deceit and greed] means to stumble. If artadhyan (adverse meditation) and raudradhyan (wrathful meditation) occurs, it is called stumbling.
Dada Bhagwan
What do worldly (non Self-realised) people do? They feel uneasy the moment a guest arrives. The husband tells his wife, 'you just show that you are upset, so then he will leave!' You get upset or even if you verbally abuse him, the guest will not leave. How can he when it was meant to happen [it is decided]? By getting upset, you are gathering stock (of karma) for the next life, you’ll need something to spend in your next life [won’t you]?
Dada Bhagwan
No one should feel hurt by you, you should make everyone happy and leave.
Dada Bhagwan
We have to help the one who has fallen, we should not question ‘why did you fall?
Dada Bhagwan
When does one qualify (for moksha)? It is when he never has any conflict in the worldly life.
Dada Bhagwan
This [worldly life] is a huge entanglement; every sub-atomic particle of it is an entanglement and it is impossible to break free from it. Which is why the Lord has said, ‘If you encounter a Gnani Purush [the enlightened one], remain with Him’.
Dada Bhagwan
Only those with whom you have bound karmic accounts, in the past life, will be able to live with you together.
Dada Bhagwan
If in the laukik (worldly life), one attains the vision of alaukik (beyond the world), his work is accomplished.
Dada Bhagwan
Everyone in this world perform their ‘duty’. But when one performs the ‘duty’ and he also intimidates [scolds] someone in the process, he will reincarnate in the animal life form. If he carries out his duties with understanding, he will return to the human life form. And if he performs them with humbleness, he will reincarnate into the celestial world.
Dada Bhagwan
From the moment you realize, ‘I am the most worthless person in this world’; you become valuable.
Dada Bhagwan
What is samkit (enlightened view; right belief)? One has to realize the complete authoritative power, and accept everyone’s worldly authority. People abuse their acquired authority and consequently loose their right for human birth (manushyapanu). Accept whatever authority one has.
Dada Bhagwan
At the time of death, one says, ‘Dear Lord, extend my life for two more hours, so that a Gnani Purush [the enlightened one] comes and I can do his darshan.’ He complains in this way. Do not complain now. Why are you pleading now? When you had the control, you didn’t do anything and now that you no longer have the control, you are making demands?
Dada Bhagwan
To believe the control is in your hands when it is in the hands of some other power, is indeed a wrong belief (bhranti, illusion). If one were to understand even this much, he will find a solution. When people begin to understand that the power is in the hands of something else, then the wrong belief [illusion] will go away to a little extent.
Dada Bhagwan