Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Top 100 Quotes
Quotes by Speakers
- Page 46
If you are lacking confidence in something, just keep trying and don’t give up.
Susan C.Young
Nurture a balanced perspective and don’t “sweat the small stuff.
Susan C.Young
Get outside your comfort zone. Stretch beyond your norm and try new things.
Susan C.Young
Set goals to create a clear sense of purpose and direction.
Susan C.Young
Embrace change and practice flexibility. It will make you more agile in adapting to new people and situations.
Susan C.Young
Dress confidently in clothes that make you feel great about yourself. When you look better you feel better.
Susan C.Young
If you want to appear more confident—speak slowly, articulately, clearly, and deliberately. Communicating with clarity will not only help you build more confidence in yourself, but it will inspire respect from others.
Susan C.Young
Use your body language and posture to project confidence. Shift your physiology into a more powerful pose or position and your mindset will follow.
Susan C.Young
Think and act positively by focusing on the positives in yourself, other people, and situations.
Susan C.Young
Self-confident people take the initiative to move forward in the direction of their dreams.
Susan C.Young
Self-confident people don’t make their self-esteem, self-image, happiness, or self-confidence dependent on another person’s approval, validation, or acceptance.
Susan C.Young
Practice positive and affirming self-talk.
Susan C.Young
Identify confident people whom you admire and respect and notice what they do differently to project such confidence. Learn by observing role models.
Susan C.Young
Walk the talk and project confidence. If at first you don’t feel confident, fake it until you make it.
Susan C.Young
Yes, learning curves can be painful, exhausting, trying, scary, and intimidating. How did you learn to ride a bike? One pedal, one balance, one turn, and one step at a time.
Susan C.Young
Noble and great. Courageous and determined. Faithful and fearless. That is who you are and who you have always been. And understanding it can change your life, because this knowledge carries a confidence that cannot be duplicated any other way.
Sheri Dew
Sometimes in the quest for enlightenment the only thing that gets lighter is your wallet.
Steve Maraboli
Enlightenment is not an attainment, it is a realization. And when you wake up, everything changes and nothing changes.
Dan Millman
May you listen to the voice within the beat even when you are tired. When you feel yourself breaking down, may you break open instead. May every experience in life be a door that opens your heart, expands your understanding, and leads you to freedom. If you are weary, may you be aroused by passion and purpose. If you are blameful and bitter, may you be sweetened by hope and humor. If you are frightened, may you be emboldened by a big consciousness far wiser than your fear. If you are lonely, may you find love, may you find friendship. If you are lost, may you understand that we are alllost, and still we are guided—by Strange Angels and Sleeping Giants, by our better and kinder natures, by the vibrant voice within the beat. May you follow that voice, for This is the way—the hero’s journey, the life worth living, the reason we are here.
Elizabeth Lesser
I’ve heard that sometimes a version of you must die before another more enlightened version can be born. I think that’s true after watching the corpse of myself walk around.
Julie Flygare
There is an enlightened way to flow with, in, and through conflict.
Bryant McGill
The unseen essential awaits your enlightened heart's ascension to love.
Bryant McGill
I never realized it was all a game,until I started winning.
Eric Micha'el Leventhal
What matters is the act of surrender. The awakening process all boils down to this: surrender. How, you may ask?Like this: Lay yourself down on the floor and let go of everything.Let go of the need to understand, the need to know how exactly to do it and what to say, how to be and so on.Just "give up" (the struggle).Literally just lay there and say "Take me, I'm yours. Do with me what you wish, I won't resist or avoid anything anymore. I'm sincerely yours".Let go. Surrender. Just let go.You don't have to figure anything out, you don't have to seek anymore, you don't have to look for any answers or solutions anymore.Just let go. Let everything go.I'm telling you; this is the ultimate solution and answer that the awakening process leads to anyway, so you might as well save yourself years of suffering by surrendering to Truth right now and let it take over your life.It all falls into place in the moment of surrender, that's when freedom and peace comes and takes over your whole being.
Maria Erving
Truth is non-negotiable and its promise is love.
Maria Erving
The ego is the seeker but does not want the Truth.
Maria Erving
Spiritual awakening is not really spiritual at all.
Maria Erving
If you would listen, sir, in the sense of being aware of your conflicts and contradictions without forcing them into any particular pattern of thought, perhaps they might altogether cease.
Jiddu Krishnamurti
You only learn when you give your whole being to something. When you give your whole being to mathematics,you learn; but when you are in a state of contradiction, when you do not want to learn but are forced to learn, then it becomes merely a process of accumulation. To learn is like reading a novel with innumerable characters; it requires your full attention, not contradictory attention.
Jiddu Krishnamurti
Normally, it takes people about 60 to 90 minutes to reach REM sleep, so they wouldn’t enter this stage during a 20 minute nap. People with narcolepsy often enter REM sleep soon after falling asleep. If a person enters REM sleep in two or more of the five naps in eight minutes or less during the study, it’s highly suggestive of narcolepsy.
Julie Flygare
When someone refuses listening to reason disaster will surely follow.
Ken Poirot
My life my selfie!
Ken Poirot
You must firmly, absolutely and ruthlessly protect your safety and sanity.
Bryant McGill
Your pain and struggles only serve to remind you that you are alive.
Bryant McGill
The world's only lessons are tension and fear — relax into yourself.
Bryant McGill
We are never taught more deeply and more truthfully than by pain.
Bryant McGill
Quit allowing negativity to block the positive gifts which are meant for you along with the hard lessons and tribulations.
Bryant McGill
Teaching is a Creative profession, it is our duty as School Leaders and Education Influencers to offer the right climate to foster innovation and support Innovative Teaching practices within our schools, and that's what will make our students succeed in the 21st century
Samer Chidiac
If you are bored it is only because you are a boring person.
Bryant McGill
Some people have abusive, negative, controlling tendencies in their blood; they are wired for havoc, bickering and deception.
Bryant McGill
Being alone is much better than being around negative people out of loneliness or desperation.
Bryant McGill
Learn to catch yourself and stop yourself immediately when you are engaging in negative self-talk.
Bryant McGill
Maybe you never considered yourself a bully, a batterer or an abuser before, but maybe you are — to yourself.
Bryant McGill
Who you allow into your life, mind and heart are among the most important decisions you will ever make.
Bryant McGill
Sometimes, to escape a bad relationship and reclaim our lives, we have to break a piece of our heart off, like a wolf chews its leg off to escape a steel trap.
Bryant McGill
When someone is vicious toward you they are giving you a glimpse of the pain they carry in themselves.
Bryant McGill
Who you spend your time with is who you are, or who you will soon become.
Bryant McGill
Excessive self-criticism is a bad habit and extraordinarily self-destructive. Don't be your own worst enemy!
Bryant McGill
The old saying that, "you are what you eat" extends beyond the body, and includes experiences.
Bryant McGill
Allow sunshine and light into your rooms and life!
Bryant McGill
When you are speaking to someone else you are really speaking only to yourself.
Bryant McGill
Your life was meant for more than being a life-long doormat for deadbeats, losers, gossipers, nay-sayers, dream-crushers, energy vampires, users, abusers, ragers and passive-aggressive backstabbers.
Bryant McGill
You cannot save everyone. Some people are going to destroy themselves no matter how much you try to help them.
Bryant McGill
Misery loves good company, so if you are surrounded with drama, gossip and fools you may want to consider that you are presently at risk of becoming one of them.
Bryant McGill
Staying in an unhealthy relationship can keep a person from finding their own way and moving to the next level of their own path — and that person could even be you.
Bryant McGill
It is never cruel to want to save yourself from being swamped by fools.
Bryant McGill
If your positivity immune system is low, any exposure to a person afflicted with negativity can poison your life.
Bryant McGill
The real zombie-apocalypse is the pandemic of drama and mediocrity.
Bryant McGill
Maybe you are a pig and don't even know it.
Bryant McGill
There is a coarse and ugly temperament and tenor observable in the common unconscious person.
Bryant McGill