Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Top 100 Quotes
Quotes by Social Workers
There are three ways of dealing with difference: domination compromise and integration. By domination only one side gets what it wants by compromise neither side gets what it wants by integration we find a way by which both sides may get what they wish.
Mary Parker Follett
The insight to see possible new paths the courage to try them the judgment to measure results-these are the qualities of a leader.
Mary Parker Follett
Social advance depends as much upon the process through which it is secured as upon the result itself.
Jane Addams
There is no such thing as vicarious experience.
Mary Parker Follett
That is always our problem not how to get control of people but how all together we can get control of a situation.
Mary Parker Follett
Imitation is for shirkers like-minded-ness for the comfort lovers unifying for the creators.
Mary Parker Follett
The unifying of opposites is the eternal process.
Mary Parker Follett
The unifying of opposites is the eternal process.
Mary Parker Follett
The manager cannot share his power with division superintendent or foreman or workman but he can give them opportunities for developing their power.
Mary Parker Follett
I am convinced that any feeling of exaltation because we have people under us should be conquered for I am sure that if we enjoy being over people there will be something in our manner which will make them dislike being under us.
Mary Parker Follett
I truly believe that before I retire from public office I'll be voting for a woman for president.
Barbara Mikulski
Leader and followers are both following the invisible leader-the common purpose.
Mary Parker Follett
A friend is one who withholds judgment no matter how long you have his unanswered letter.
Sophie Irene Loeb
Hunger is not debatable.
Harry Hopkins
Unity not uniformity must be our aim. We attain unity only through variety. Differences must be integrated not annihilated not absorbed.
Mary Parker Follett
It is not opposition but indifference which separates men.
Mary Parker Follett
Most people are not for or against anything the first object of getting people together is to make them respond somehow to overcome inertia.
Mary Parker Follett
Experience may be hard but we claim its gifts because they are real even though our feet bleed on its stones.
Mary Parker Follett
Coercive power is the curse of the universe coactive power the enrichment and advancement of every human soul.
Mary Parker Follett
106When I don’t have anything to read, I feel like a tortoise without a shell or a boat without an anchor. There is nothing to hide under. Nowhere to stop and rest. When I don’t have a book, there is nowhere good or interesting to be, there is nobody to care about, nothing to hope for, and nothing to puzzle over. When I do have something to read, it keeps me breathing. It’s the reward for all the other things. It’s the thing to look forward to, the reason for doing my day.” p. 177, Dime
E. R. Frank
A nurse and a social worker took fifteen minutes out of their shitty thankless job in the roughest corner of town, sat on a couple of milk crates drinking coffee, flopped their real selves out of the cement and both liked what they saw.
Laura Buzo
And the weird weird thing about this story of Angela's Ring was that it didn't even have a point to it, no happy ending, no lesson to be learnt.It was like one person's cry of pain, echoing out on and on and on trough the generations, even after that person was long long dead.
Chris Beckett
The meanings of life aren’t inherited. What is inherited is the mandate to make meanings of life by how we live. The endings of life give life’s meanings a chance to show. The beginning of the end of our order, our way, is now in view. This isn’t punishment, any more than dying is a punishment for being born.
Stephen Jenkinson
How people die remains in the memory of those who live on.
Cicely Saunders
In 35 years, 50 percent of our population will live in our cities. Most other countries will be in a similar situation. We need to start preparing now to ensure everyone has the opportunity to live meaningful lives, and our cities are places that will allow that to happen.
Sir Fazle Hasan Abed
Right now, Youngster, you remind me of a mosquito buzzing over what she thinks is a nice, normal, juicy vein, angling to swoop down, stick in the old proboscis and suck up some blood to take back to the kids. Little does she know that she's hovering over an artery and when she sticks it in, she will be exploded by a back draft of arterial spray." - Chris Harvey
Laura Buzo
The most important choices we make in life are not the dramatic turning points such as a change of career, the person we marry, the country we emigrate to. The most important choices are the thoughts and feelings we choose to entertain, moment after moment, day after day. They shape our lives more surely than any outward circumstance. So why not opt for an experience of blessing – of blessing life moment after moment? After all, each moment is the repository of infinite possibilities, ever renewed.Pierre Pradervand, The Gentle Art of Blessing
Pierre Pradervand
On awakening, bless the day, for it is already full of unseen good which your blessing will call forth; for to bless is to acknowledge the unlimited good that is embedded in the very texture of the universe and awaiting each and all.To bless is to acknowledge the omnipresent, universal beauty, hidden to material eyes. It is to activate the law of attraction which for the furthest reaches of the universe will bring into your life exactly what you need to experience and enjoy.
Pierre Pradervand
The air in my home is heavy with my mom's unhappiness. And her exhaustion. And her sheer dissatisfaction with her life. And I hate it. I can be up in my room when she's in the kitchen below and I feel her despair seeping up through the floorboards. You can hear her banging pots and pans or cursing the vacuum cleaner
Laura Buzo
['non-white' gay men] are run over at the intersection of racism and homophobia
Eric C. Wat
Embracing a healing presence requires you to just be in the moment together.
Nancy L. Kriseman
My caregiver mantra is to remember 'The only control you have is over the changes you choose to make.
Nancy L. Kriseman
One goal of the mindful caregiver is to find ways to not feel ‘dis-eased’ in the caregiving process.
Nancy L. Kriseman
Caregiving will never be one-size-fits-all.
Nancy L. Kriseman
My caregiver mantra is to remember: the only control you have is over the changes you choose to make.
Nancy L. Kriseman
Many caregivers share that they often feel alone, isolated, and unappreciated. Mindfulness can offer renewed hope for finding support and value for your role as a caregiver…It is an approach that everyone can use. It can help slow you down some so you can make the best possible decisions for your care recipient. It also helps bring more balance and ease while navigating the caregiving journey.
Nancy L. Kriseman
As your care recipient’s advocate, be involved, don’t accept the status quo, and don’t be afraid to voice your concerns.
Nancy L. Kriseman
In the unceasing ebb and flow of justice and oppression we must all dig channels as best we may, that at the propitious moment somewhat of the swelling tide may be conducted to the barren places of life.
Jane Addams
When your focus is on how you feel about things in the world then the things of the world slip from view, your little boat of learning things for what they are are swamped by the swells of how you feel about them. With hard work and with learning, the things of the world are still somehow out there, waiting for you to know about them, no matter how you feel. They survive how you feel about them and they are there before and after the storms of your feelings roar through and abate. Feelings aren't much of a compass to go by.
Stephen Jenkinson
a single generation enamoured of foreign ways is almost enough in history to risk the whole continuity of civilization and learning.
Sister Nivedita
When you stop living for luxuries you understand the real meaning of life.
Edhi Sahab
When you stop living for luxuries, you understand the real meaning of life.
Abdul Sattar Edhi
The way I figure it, here in New Earth, men's power has won out over women's power, just like it's done on Mainground. But men still fear women's power. No one ever forgets their mother's power to give them nourishment or withhold it. And men specially don't forget it, because they never grow into women themselves, and never lose a child's craving for the comfort of women's bodies.
Chris Beckett
Although there are more than six million documents on the Internet addressing the issue of ritual abuse, few take as fair and comprehensive approach as this; many of the writings deny the existence of ritual abuse despite masses of evidence to the contrary. As a consequence, some victims are persistently re-abused psychologically by having to deal with the fact that organised abusers, their defenders and even police refute their realities and dismiss their reports as fantasy or mental illness. - Ritual Abuse & Torture in Australia (introduction)
Freda Briggs
A lion is stronger than a man, but it does not enable him to dominate the human race. You have neglected the duty you owe to yourselves and you have lost your natural rights by shutting your eyes to your own interests.
Rokheya Shekhawat Hossein
Who wants avocado?
Wendy Lustbader
True peace is not merely the absence of war, it is the presence of justice.
Jane Addams
Perhaps nothing is so fraught with significance as the human hand, this oldest tool with which man has dug his way from savagery, and with which he is constantly groping forward.
Jane Addams
The good we secure for ourselves is precarious and uncertain until it is secured for all of us and incorporated into our common life.
Jane Addams
The events might have taken place twelve centuries back, but when I closed my eyes, I could visualize many things. It made me very emotional. Later, when I grew up, I became passionate about history and started detaching it from emotional point of view and became more aware of the facts.
Sudha Murty
Ugly ducklings often turn into beautiful swans when they are tested.
Sudha Murty
So, many years later there were many who still complained and questioned, ‘Why must you pick up Christians and Hindus in your ambulance?’ And I was saying, ‘Because the ambulance is more Muslim than you’.
Abdul Sattar Edhi
No religion is higher than humanity.
Abdul Sattar Edhi
Empty words and long praises do not impress God. Show Him your faith by your deeds
Abdul Sattar Edhi
Not success. Not growth. Not happiness. The cradle of your love of life … is death.
Stephen Jenkinson
The dead has only one place to go… up. Wherever you bury them, they will go the same way, up
Abdul Sattar Edhi
We can give our children only two things in life which are essential. Strong roots and powerful wings. Then they may fly anywhere and live independently. Of all the luxuries in life, the greatest luxury is getting freedom of the right kind.
Sudha Murty
Never compare your love story to those you watch in movies. They're written by scriptwriters, yours is written by God.
Efren Peñaflorida Jr.