Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Top 100 Quotes
Quotes by Politicians
- Page 24
If you are being run out of town get in front of the crowd and make it look like a parade.
Sally Stanford
We must make the best of those ills which cannot be avoided.
Alexander Hamilton
Little things affect little minds.
Benjamin Disraeli
I have seen boys on my baseball team go into slumps and never come out of them and I have seen others snap right out and come back better than ever. I guess more players lick themselves than are ever licked by an opposing team. The first thing any man has to know is how to handle himself.
Connie Mack
We must never despair our situation has been compromising before and it has changed for the better so I trust it will again. If difficulties arise we must put forth new exertion and proportion our efforts to the exigencies of the times.
George Washington
Every night before I turn out the lights to sleep I ask myself this question: Have I done everything that I can.... Have I done enough?
Lyndon B. Johnson
To carry care to bed is to sleep with a pack on your back.
Thomas C. Haliburton
The first law of ecology is that everything is related to everything else.
Barry Commoner
Morale is the greatest single factor in successful wars.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Practice being excited.
Bill Foster
Nothing is so contagious as enthusiasm it moves stones it charms brutes. Enthusiasm is the genius of sincerity and truth accomplishes no victories without it.
Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton
Sometimes success is due less to ability than to zeal.
Charles Buxton
Success is due less to ability than to zeal.
Charles Buxton
Every production of genius must be the production of enthusiasm.
Benjamin Disraeli
What one has one ought to use and whatever he does he should do with all his might.
Enthusiasm moves the world.
Arthur James Balfour
Nothing is so contagious as enthusiasm it moves stones it charms brutes. Enthusiasm is the genius of sincerity and truth accomplishes no victories without it.
Edward Bulwer-Lytton
What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Let us have Wine and Women Mirth and Laughter Sermons and soda-water the day after.
Lord Byron
All the great pleasures in life are silent.
Georges Clémenceau
If you resolve to give up smoking drinking and loving you don't actually live longer it just seems longer.
Clement Freud
I have nothing to offer but blood toil tears and sweat.
Winston Churchill
Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties and so -bear ourselves that if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years men will still say "This was their finest hour."
Winston Churchill
We are indeed a nation of shopkeepers.
Benjamin Disraeli
The English nation is never so great as in adversity.
Benjamin Disraeli
Though I love my country I do not love my countrymen.
Lord Byron
In the end it may well be that Britain will be more honoured by the historians for the way she disposed of an empire than for the way in which she acquired it.
David Ormsby Gore
The Englishman respects your opinions but he never thinks of your feelings.
Wilfrid Laurier
The Englishman has all the qualities of a poker except its occasional warmth.
Daniel O'Connell
The English never draw a line without blurring it.
Winston Churchill
I think the British have the distinction above all other nations of being able to put new wine into old bottles without bursting them.
Clement Attlee
Every man has a House of Lords in his own head. Fears prejudices misconceptions - those are the peers and they are hereditary.
David Lloyd George
Great Britain has lost an empire and has not yet found a role.
Dean Acheson
London is a roost for every bird.
Benjamin Disraeli
Remember that you are an Englishman and consequently have won first prize in the lottery of life.
Cecil Rhodes
The Empire is a Commonwealth of nations.
Lord Rosebery
The House of Lords is like a glass of champagne that has stood for 5 days.
Clement Attlee
There is no man so friendless but what he can find a friend sincere enough to tell him disagreeable truths.
Edward Bulwer-Lytton
Those who hate you don't win unless you hate them - and then you destroy yourself.
Richard Nixon
They love him most for the enemies that he has made.
General E. S. Bragg
Man is his own worst enemy.
Schoolhouses are the republican line of fortifications.
Horace Mann
What greater or better gift can we offer the republic than to teach and instruct our youth?
Some men are graduated from college cum laude some are graduated summa cum laude and some are graduated mirabile dictu.
William Howard Taft
When there are two PhD's in a developing country one is Head of State and the other is in exile.
Lord Samuel
After order and liberty economy is one of the highest essentials of a free government.... Economy is always a guarantee of peace.
Calvin Coolidge
No man is rich whose expenditure exceeds his means and no one is poor whose incomings exceed his outgoings.
Thomas Haliburton
Tell me what you eat and I will tell you what you are.
Anthelme Brillat-Savarin
Thou shouldst eat to live not live to eat.
Most people hate the taste of beer to begin with. It is however a prejudice that many people have been able to overcome.
Winston Churchill
He is . . . like many other geniuses a greater friend to the bottle than the bottle is to him.
William Lyon Mackenzie
Bacchus has drowned more men than Neptune.
Guiseppe Garibaldi
Whisky drowns some troubles and floats a lot more.
Robert C. Edwards
I'm often wrong but never in doubt.
Ivy Baker Priest
I'm from Missouri you must show me.
Colonel Willard D. Vandiver
Gentlemen of die Jury: The one absolute unselfish friend that man can have in this selfish world the one that never deserts him the one that never proves ungrateful or treacherous is his dog.
Senator George Graham Vest
Great ability without discretion comes almost invariably to a tragic end.
Leon Gambetta
All things come to him who waits- provided he knows what he is waiting for.
Woodrow Wilson
The world is round and the place which may seem like the end may also be only the beginning.
Ivy Baker Priest
I will believe in the right of one man to govern a nation despotically when I find a man born unto the world with boots and spurs and a nation with saddles on their backs.
Algernon Sidney