Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Top 100 Quotes
Quotes by Poets
- Page 76
Here we have baby. It is composed of a bald head and a pair of lungs.
Eugene Field
O it sets my heart a clickin' like the tickin' of a clock When the frost is on the punkin and the fodder's in the shock.
James Whitcomb Riley
You do not publish your own verses Laelius you criticise mine. Pray cease to criticise mine or else publish your own.
The year's in the wane There is nothing adoring The night has no eve And the day has no morning Cold winter gives warning!
Thomas Hood
The melancholy days have come the saddest of the year Of wailing winds and naked woods and meadows brown and sear.
William Cullen Bryant
An incurable itch for scribbling takes possession of many and grows inveterate in their insane breasts.
The pen is the tongue of the mind.
Miguel de Cervantes
Art as far as it is able follows nature as a pupil imitates his master thus your art must be as it were God's grandchild.
Dante Alighieri
Art is difficult transient is her reward.
Friedrich von Schiller
A picture is a poem without words.
Art hath an enemy called ignorance.
Ben Jonson
The father of every good work is discontent and its mother is diligence.
Lajos Kassak
Art-speech is the only truth. An artist is usually a damned liar but his art if it be art will tell you the truth of his day. And that is all that matters. Away with eternal truth. The truth lives from day to day and the marvelous Plato of yesterday is chiefly bosh today.
D.H. Lawrence
Caricature is rough truth.
George Meredith
The artist like the idiot or clown sits on the edge of the world and a push may send him over it.
Osbert Sitwell
Art is man's nature nature is God's art.
P. J. Bailey
An artist never really finishes his work he merely abandons it.
Paul Valéry
It is not in life but in art that self-fulfillment is to be found.
George Woodcock
In any evolutionary process even in the arts the search for novelty becomes corrupting.
Kenneth Boulding
It is well with me only when I have a chisel in my hand.
Conception my boy fundamental brainwork is what makes the difference in all art.
Dante Gabriel Rossetti
An artist may visit a museum but only a pedant can live there.
George Santayana
Art is a delayed echo.
George Santayana
Pioneers did not produce original works of art because they were creating original human environments they did not imagine Utopias because they were shaping them.
George Woodcock
Works of Art are of an infinite loneliness.
Rainer Maria Rilke
Painting is silent poetry and poetry is painting with the gift of speech
If artists and poets are unhappy it is after all because happiness does not interest them.
George Santayana
When they asked Michelangelo how he made his statue of David he is reported to have said "It is easy. You just chip away the stone that doesn't look like David."
Artists are the antennae of the race but the bullet-headed many will never learn to trust the great artists.
Ezra Pound
A work of art cannot be satisfied with being a representation it should be a presentation.
Jacques Reverdy
There is no good arguing with the inevitable. The only argument available with an east wind is to put on your overcoat.
James Russell Lowell
When Bishop Berkeley said "there was no matter " And proved it - 'twas no matter what he said.
Lord Byron
Myself when young did eagerly frequent Doctor and Saint and heard great argument About it and about: but evermore Came out by the same door where in I went.
Omar Khayyám
Ah to build to build! That is the noblest of all the arts.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Arguments out of a petty mouth are unanswerable.
Joseph Addison
Poetry is simply the most beautiful impressive and widely effective mode of saying things.
Matthew Arnold
Poetry ennobles the heart and the eyes and unveils the meaning of all things upon which the heart and the eyes dwell. It discovers the secret rays of the universe and restores to us forgotten paradises.
Edith Sitwell
Poetry is something to make us wiser and better by continually revealing those types of beauty and truth which God has set in all men's souls.
James Russell Lowell
When you read and understand a poem comprehending its rich and formal meanings then you master chaos a little.
Stephen Spender
About the only person we ever heard of that wasn't spoiled by being lionized was a Jew named Daniel.
G. D. Prentice
The poem is a little myth of man's capacity of making his life meaningful. And in the end the poem is not a thing we see - it is rather a light by which we may see - and what we see is life.
Robert Penn Warren
God respects me when I work but loves me when I sing.
Rabindranath Tagore
When words leave off music begins.
Heinrich Heine
Music is the universal language of mankind.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Art arises when the secret vision of the artist and the manifestation of nature agree to find new shapes.
Kahlil Gibran
Artists are nearest God. Into their souls he breathes his life and from their hands it comes in fair articulate forms to bless the world.
Josiah Gilbert Holland
The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection.
O wad some power the giftie gie us To see oursel's as ithers see us!
James Drummond Burns
All that glisters is not gold.
Miguel de Cervantes
Things are seldom what they seem Skim milk masquerades as cream.
W.S. Gilbert
Fear ringed by doubt is my eternal moon.
Malcolm Lowry
If I had a formula for bypassing trouble I wouldn't pass it around. Wouldn't be doing anybody a favour. Trouble creates a capacity to handle it. I don't say embrace trouble. That's as bad as treating it as an enemy. But I do say meet it as a friend for you'll see a lot of it and had better be on speaking terms with it.
Oliver Wendell Holmes
Apology is only egotism wrong side out.
Oliver Wendell Holmes
I have accepted fear as a part of life-specifically the fear of change. ... I have gone ahead despite the pounding in the heart that says: turn back....
Erica Jong
I have not ceased being fearful but I have ceased to let fear control me.
Erica Jong
Nothing puzzles me more than time and space yet nothing troubles me less.
Charles Lamb
Uncertainty and expectation are the joys of life. Security is an insipid thing and the overtaking and possessing of a wish discovers the folly of the chase.
William Congreve
Fear of death is worse than dying.
J. C. F. von Schiller
How often the fear of one evil leads into a worse.
Nicolas Bouleau-Despreaux
The mere apprehension of a coming evil has put many into a situation of the utmost danger.