Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
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Nature they say doth dote And cannot make a man Save on some worn-out plan Repeating us by rote.
James Russell Lowell
Style is a simple way of saying complicated things.
Jean Cocteau
It is easier to suppose that the universe has existed from all eternity than to conceive a Being beyond its limits capable of creating it.
Percy Bysshe Shelley
It seems that the creative faculty and the critical faculty cannot exist together in their highest perfection.
Thomas Babington Macaulay
The art of creation is older than the art of killing.
Andrei Voznesensky
I have accepted fear as a part of life-specifically the fear of change. ... I have gone ahead despite the pounding in the heart that says: turn back. ...
Erica Jong
The moment of change is the only poem.
Adrienne Rich
The hearts of great men can be changed.
The mill wheel turns it turns forever though what is uppermost remains not so.
Bertolt Brecht
It is never any good dwelling on goodbyes. It is not the being together that it prolongs it is the parting.
Elizabeth Asquith Bibesco
Nature's mighty law is change.
Robert Burns
Change lays her hand not upon the truth.
Algernon Swinburne
The man who never alters his opinion is like standing water and breeds reptiles of the mind.
William Blake
To hold the same views at forty as we held at twenty is to have been stupefied for a score of years and to take rank not as a prophet but as an unteachable brat well birched and none the wiser.
Robert Louis Stevenson
Every new truth begins in a shocking heresy.
Margaret Deland
The world's a scene of changes and to be constant in nature is inconstancy.
Abraham Cowley
The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.
James Russell Lowell
People who honestly mean to be true really contradict themselves much more rarely than those who try to be "consistent."
Oliver Wendell Holmes
Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself (I am large I contain multitudes).
Walt Whitman
To some will come a time when change itself is beauty if not heaven.
Edwin Arlington Robinson
Our fathers valued change for the sake of its results we value it in the act.
Alice Meynell
Compromise if not the spice of life is its solidity.
Phyllis McGinley
When patterns are broken new worlds emerge.
Tuli Kupferberg
There was an old man who said "How Shall I flee from this horrible cow? I will sit on this stile and continue to smile Which may soften the heart of that cow."
Edward Lear
Ay call it holy ground The soil where first they trod They have left unstained what there they found - Freedom to worship God.
Felicia D. Hemans
Hereditary boundsmen! Know ye not Who would be free themselves must strike the blow?
Lord Byron
And Freedom shrieked as Kosciusko fell!
Thomas Campbell
We must be free or die who speak the tongue That Shakespeare spake the faith and morals hold Which Milton held.
William Wordsworth
In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me As He died to make men holy let us die to make men free While God is marching on.
Julia Ward Howe
All men would be cowards if they durst.
Earl of Rochester
When moral courage feels that it is in the right there is no personal daring of which it is incapable.
Leigh Hunt
A moral sensible and well-bred man Will not affront me and no other can.
William Cowper
rouble creates a capacity to handle it.
Oliver Wendell Holmes
He who fights and runs away May live to fight another day. But he who is in battle slain Can never rise to fight again.
Oliver Goldsmith
However confused the scene of our life appears however torn we may be who now do face that scene it can be faced and we can go on to be whole.
Muriel Rukeyser
Nature reacts not only to physical disease but also to moral weakness when the danger increases she gives us greater courage.
Johann von Goethe
Fatalism is a lazy man's way of accepting the inevitable.
Natalie Clifford Barney
Everyone will be taxed according to his means.
J. C. F. von Schiller
Valor is a gift. Those having it never know for sure if they have it till the test comes. And those having it in one test never know for sure if they will have it when the next test comes.
Carl Sandburg
But screw your courage to the sticking place and we'll not fail.
William Shakespeare
There are some women who seem to be born without fear just as there are people who are born without the ability to feel pain. ... Providence appears to protect such women maybe out of astonishment.
Margaret Atwood
It takes courage to lead a life. Any life.
Erica Jong
Courage is to feel the daily daggers of relentless steel and keep on living.
Douglas Malloch
Courage is the footstool of the Virtues upon which they stand.
Robert Louis Stevenson
Courage is the fear of being thought a coward.
Horace Smith
How then find the courage for action? By slipping a little into unconsciousness spontaneity instinct which holds one to the earth and dictates the relatively good and useful. ... By accepting the human condition more simply and candidly by dreading troubles less calculating less hoping more.
Henri-Frédéric Amiel
Courage that grows from constitution often forsakes a man ... courage which arises from a sense of duty acts in a uniform manner.
Joseph Addison
I became more courageous by doing the very things I needed to be courageous for-first a little and badly. Then bit by bit more and better. Being avidly-sometimes annoy-ingly-curious and persistent about discovering how others were doing what I wanted to do.
Audre Lorde
Courage mounteth with occasion.
William Shakespeare
Between cowardice and despair valour is gendered.
John Donne
The only cowards are sinners fighting the fight is all.
John G. Neihardt
All men would be cowards if they durst.
John Wilmot
The most mortifying infirmity in human nature ... is perhaps cowardice.
Charles Lamb
Fate loves the fearless.
James Russell Lowell
Cowards die many times before their deaths the valiant never taste of death but once.
William Shakespeare
Cowards cannot see that their greatest safety lies in dauntless courage.
Johann Kaspar Lavater
The great man is the man who does a thing for the first time.
Alexander Smith
Dare to begin! He who postpones living rightly is like the rustic who waits for the river to run out before he crosses.
What you can do or dream you can do begin it boldness has genius power and magic in it.
Johann von Goethe
Valour lies just halfway between rashness and cowardice.
Miguel de Cervantes