Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Top 100 Quotes
Quotes by Poets
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Oh death you can wait keep your distance.
Andre Chenier
Death be not proud though some have called Thee Mighty and dreadful for thou art not so.
John Donne
The undiscovered country from whose bourn no traveller returns.
William Shakespeare
You have to learn to do everything even to die.
Gertrude Stein
After sixty years the stern sentence of the burial service seems to have a meaning that one did not notice in former years. There begins to be something personal about it.
Oliver Wendell Holmes
Nothing you can lose by dying is half so precious as the readiness to die which is man's charter of nobility.
George Santayana
There may be little or much beyond the grave But the strong are saying nothing until they see.
Robert Frost
Dying is a wild night and a new road.
Emily Dickinson
Because I could not stop for Death He kindly stopped for me - The carriage held but just ourselves And Immortality.
Emily Dickinson
Poisons pain you Rivers are damp Acid stains you And drugs cause cramp. Guns aren't lawful Nooses give Gas smells awful You might as well live.
Dorothy Parker
When a man dies he does not just die of the disease he has: he dies of his whole life.
Charles Péguy
All human things are subject to decay And when fate summons monarchs must obey.
John Dryden
No 'tis not so deep as a well nor so wide as a church door but 'tis enough 'twill serve: ask for me tomorrow and you shall find me a grave man. I am peppered I warrant for this world.
William Shakespeare
I had a lover's quarrel with the world.
Robert Frost
Do not go gentle into that good night Old age should burn and rave at close of day Rage rage against the dying of the light.
Dylan Thomas
In Spain the dead are more alive than the dead of any other country in the world.
Fedirico Garcia Lorca
Rather suffer than die is man's motto.
Jean de La Fontaine
One short sleep past will wake eternally And death shall be no more Death thou shalt die.
John Donne
Things have a terrible permanence when people die.
Joyce Kilmer
If there is another world he lives in bliss. If there is none he made the best of this.
Robert Burns
Man comes and tills the field and lies beneath And after many a summer dieth the swan.
Alfred Lord Tennyson
The stroke of death is as a lover's pinch Which hurts and is desired.
William Shakespeare
Most persons have died before they expired - died to all earthly longings so that the last breath is only as it were the locking of the door of the already deserted mansion.
Oliver Wendell Holmes
He mourns the dead who lives as they desire.
Edward Young
I care not a man can die but once we owe God a death.
William Shakespeare
I believe that the struggle against death the unconditional and self-willed determination to live is the mode of power behind the lives and activities of all outstanding men.
Hermann Hesse
For death begins with life's first breath And life begins at touch of death.
John Oxenham
If thy daughter marry well thou hast found a son if not thou hast lost a daughter.
Francis Quarles
Every dew-drop and raindrop had a whole heaven within it.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Come and trip it as ye go On the light fantastic toe.
John Milton
Who dares nothing need hope for nothing.
Friedrich von Schiller
On with the dance! Let joy be unconfin'd No sleep till morn when Youth and Pleasure meet.
Lord Byron
Danger for danger's sake is senseless.
Leigh Hunt
We triumph without glory when we conquer without danger.
It's not that the Irish are cynical. It's rather that they have a wonderful lack of respect for everything and everybody.
Brendan Behan
Cynicism is intellectual dandyism without the coxcomb's feathers.
George Meredith
There is nothing to which men while they have food and drink cannot reconcile themselves.
George Santayana
A critic at best is a waiter at the great table of literature.
Louis Dudek
It is not linen you're wearing out But human creatures' lives.
Thomas Hood
I must be cruel only to be kind.
William Shakespeare
Ask me no questions and I'll tell you no fibs.
Oliver Goldsmith
Nature fits all her children with something to do He who would write and can't write can surely review.
James Russell Lowell
Critics are like eunuchs in a harem: they know how it's done they've seen it done every day but they're unable to do it themselves.
Brendan Behan
Nature when she invented manufactured and patented her authors contrived to make critics out of the chips that were left.
Oliver Wendell Holmes
More and more people think of the critic as an indispensable middle man between writer and reader and would no more read a book alone if they could help it than have a baby alone.
Randall Jarrell
Analysis kills spontaneity. The grain once ground into flour springs and germinates no more.
Henri-Frédéric Amiel
As a bankrupt thief turns thief-taker in despair so an unsuccessful author turns critic.
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Poetry is the language of a state of crisis.
Stéphane Mallarmé
Said the pot to die kettle "Get away blackface."
Miguel de Cervantes
What a blessed thing it is that nature when she invented manufactured and patented her audiors contrived to make critics out of the chips that were left!
Oliver Wendell Holmes
He only may chastise who loves.
Rabindranath Tagore
It is fairly obvious that those who are in favour of the death penalty have more affinity with assassins than those who are not.
Rémy de Gourmont
Many commit the same crimes with a very different result. One bears a cross for his crime another a crown.
In creating the only hard thing's to begin A grass-blade's no easier to make than an oak.
James Russell Lowell
Ah take the cash and let the credit go.
Omar Khayyám
If you are seeking creative ideas go out walking. Angels whisper to a man when he goes for a walk.
Raymond Inman
Many times we will get more ideas and better ideas in two hours of creative loafing than in eight hours at a desk.
Wilfred Peterson
I saw an angel in the block of marble and I just chiseled 'til I set him free.
I must create a system or be enslaved by another man's. I will not reason and compare My business is to create.
William Blake
All are but parts of one stupendous whole Whose body Nature is and God the soul.
Alexander Pope