Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
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Energy will do anything that can be done in this world.
Johann von Goethe
There is a passion for perfection which you rarely see fully developed but... in successful lives it is never wholly lacking.
Bliss Carman
Without passion man is a mere latent force and possibility like the flint which awaits the shock of the iron before it can give forth its spark.
Henri-Frédéric Amiel
Be still when you have nothing to say when genuine passion moves you say what you've got to say and say it hot.
D.H. Lawrence
A willing heart adds feather to the heel.
Joanna Baillie
Let us go singing as far as we go the road will be less tedious.
What is man but his passion?
Robert Penn Warren
Exuberance is beauty.
William Blake
Enthusiasm is the most beautiful word on earth.
Christian Morgenstern
O lovely Sisters! is it true That they are all inspired by you And write by inward magic charm'd And high enthusiasm warm'd?
Joanna Baillie
Let us have Wine and Women Mirth and Laughter Sermons and soda-water the day after.
Lord Byron
Luxury is more deadly than any foe.
A sense of wrongdoing is an enhancement of pleasure.
Oliver Wendell Holmes
What the mass media offer is not popular art but entertainment which is intended to be consumed like food forgotten and replaced by a new dish.
W.H. Auden
Every luxury must be paid for and everything is a luxury starting with being in the world.
Cesare Pavese
Be England what she will With all her faults she is my country still.
Charles Churchill
Oh to be in England Now that April's there.
Elizabeth Barrett-Browning
When Britain first at Heaven's command Arose from out the azure main This was the charter of the land And Guardian angels sung this strain "Rule Britannia! rule the waves Britons never will be slaves."
James Thomson
If I should die think only this of me: That there's some corner of a foreign field That is forever England.
Rupert Brooke
What have I done for you England my England? What is there I would not do England my own?
W. E. Henley
The royal throne of kings this scepter'd isle This earth of majesty this seat of Mars This other Eden demi-paradise This fortress built by nature for herself Against infection and the hand of war This happy breed of men this little world This precious stone set in the silver sea.
William Shakespeare
For he might have been a Rooshian A French or Turk or Proosian Or perhaps Italian. But in spite of all temptations To belong to other nations He remains an Englishman.
W.S. Gilbert
The nice sense of measure is certainly not one of Nature's gifts to her English children ... we have all of us yielded to infatuation at some moment of our lives.
Matthew Arnold
Though I love my country I do not love my countrymen.
Lord Byron
Not only England but every Englishman is an island.
England is the paradise of individuality eccentricity heresy anomalies hobbies and humours.
George Santayana
Rule Britannia Britannia rule the waves Britains never will be slaves.
James Thomson
If I should die think only this of me that there's some corner of a foreign field that is for ever England.
Rupert Brooke
The English woman is so refined She has no bosom and no behind.
Stevie Smith
The young Cambridge group the group that stood for "freedom" and flannel trousers and flannel shirts open at the neck and a well-bred sort of emotional anarchy and a whispering murmuring sort of voice and an ultra-sensitive sort of manner.
D.H. Lawrence
I have been trying all my life to like Scotchmen and am obliged to desist from the experiment in despair.
Charles Lamb
Land of hope and glory Mother of the Free How shall we extol thee who are borne of thee? Wider still and wider shall thy bounds be set God who made thee mighty make thee mightier yet.
A.C. Benson
If we could read the secret history of our enemies we should find in each man's life sorrow and suffering enough to disarm all hostility.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
None but yourself who are your greatest foe.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Whoever has his foe at his mercy and does not kill him is his own enemy.
Thoughts that breathe and words that burn.
Thomas Gray
Eloquence is the poetry of prose.
William Cullen Bryant
He did nothing in particular And did it very well.
W.S. Gilbert
Thus education forms the common mind Just as the twig is bent the tree's inclined.
Alexander Pope
Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self-confidence.
Robert Frost
The Romans would never have had time to conquer the world if they had been obliged to learn Latin first of all.
Heinrich Heine
Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire.
William Butler Yeats
A university is what a college becomes when the faculty loses interest in students.
John Ciardi
There is that indescribable freshness and unconsciousness about an illiterate person that humbles and mocks the power of the noblest expressive genius.
Walt Whitman
Learning to learn is to know how to navigate in a forest of facts ideas and theories a proliferation of constantly changing items of knowledge. Learning to learn is to know what to ignore but at the same time not rejecting innovation and research.
Raymond Queneau
No one can become really educated without having pursued some study in which he took no interest. For it is part of education to interest ourselves in subjects for which we have no aptitude.
T.S Eliot
It is in fact a part of the function of education to help us to escape not from our own time - for we are bound by that - but from the intellectual and emotional limitations of our time.
T.S Eliot
It is a greater work to educate a child in the true and larger sense of the word than to rule a state.
William Ellery Channing
A child educated only at school is an uneducated child.
George Santayana
One father is more than 100 schoolmasters.
George Herbert
Have more than thou showest Speak less than thou knowest.
William Shakespeare
He hath eaten me out of house and home.
William Shakespeare
When I demanded of my friend what viands he preferred He quoth: "A large cold bottle and a small hot bird!"
Eugene Field
There is nothing wrong with sobriety in moderation.
John Ciardi
The proof of the pudding is in the eating.
Miguel de Cervantes
There St. John mingles with my friendly bowl The feat of reason and the flow of soul.
Alexander Pope
Theirs not to make reply Theirs not to reason why Theirs but to do and die.
Lord Alfred Tennyson
Not once or twice in our rough island story The path of duty was the way to glory.
Lord Alfred Tennyson
Drink! for you know not whence you came nor why: Drink! for you know not why you go nor where.
Omar Khayyám
Christ the Lord is risen today Sons of men and angels say. Raise your joys and triumphs high Sing ye heavens and earth reply.
Charles Wesley