Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Top 100 Quotes
Quotes by Poets
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Give me a kisse and to that kisse a score Then to that twenty adde a hundred more A thousand to that hundred so kisse on To make that thousand up a million Treble that million and when that is done Let's kisse afresh as when we first begun.
Robert Herrick
Delay of justice is injustice.
Walter Savage Landor
Let justice be done though the heavens fall.
William Watson
This bond is forfeit And lawfully by this the Jew may claim A pound of flesh.
William Shakespeare
Thrice is he arm'd that hath his quarrel just And he but naked though lock'd up in steel Whose conscience with injustice is corrupted.
William Shakespeare
At little more than kin and less than kind.
William Shakespeare
Yet do I fear thy nature It is too full o' the milk of human kindness.
William Shakespeare
There is no virtue so truly great and godlike as justice.
Joseph Addison
Kindness gives birth to kindness.
This is a court of law young man not a court of justice.
Oliver Wendell Holmes
We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing while others judge us by what we have already done.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Thieves for their robbery have authority When judges steal themselves.
William Shakespeare
Forbear to judge for we are sinners all.
William Shakespeare
Give every man thine ear but few thy voice Take each man's censure but reserve thy judgment.
William Shakespeare
O judgment! thou are fled to brutish beasts And men have lost their reason!
William Shakespeare
Are you good men and true?
William Shakespeare
The jury passing on the prisoner's life May in the sworn twelve have a thief or two Guiltier than him they try.
William Shakespeare
A thing of beauty is a joy forever.
John Keats
All human joys are swift of wing For heaven doth so allot it That when you get an easy thing You find you haven't got it.
Eugene Field
Every newspaper editor owes tribute to the devil.
Jean de La Fontaine
I have drunken deep of joy And I will taste no other wine tonight.
Percy Bysshe Shelley
I am a Jew: Hath not a Jew eyes? hath not a Jew hands organs dimensions senses affections passions? fed with die same food hurt with the same weapons subject to the same diseases healed by the same means warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer as a Christian is?
William Shakespeare
I wish you all the joy that you can wish.
William Shakespeare
Sweets with sweets war not joy delights in joy.
William Shakespeare
A Daniel come to judgment! yea a Daniel! O wise young judge how I do honor thee!
William Shakespeare
It is better that a judge should lean on the side of compassion than severity.
Miguel de Cervantes
Open my heart and you will see Graved inside of it "Italy."
Elizabeth Barrett-Browning
O jealousy! thou magnifier of trifles.
Friedrich von Schiller
Jealousy's eyes are green.
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Whether on the scaffold high. Or on the battle-field we die Oh what matter when for Erin dear we fall.
T. D. Sullivan
My soul today Is far away Sailing the Vesuvian Bay.
Thomas B. Read
Alas poor Yorick! I knew him Horatio: a fellow of infinite jest of most excellent fancy.
William Shakespeare
Jesters do often prove prophets.
William Shakespeare
On desperate seas long wont to roam Thy hyacinth hair they classic face Thy naiad airs have brought me home To the glory that was Greece And the grandeur that was Rome.
Edgar Allan Poe
To undo a Jew is charity and not sin.
Christopher Marlowe
You may have the universe if I may have Italy.
Temistocle Solera
When Erin first rose from the dark-swelling flood God blessed the green island he saw it was good. The Emerald of Europe it sparkled and shone In the ring of this world the most precious stone.
William Drennan
A man who could make so vile a pun would not scruple to pick a pocket.
John Dennis
Whate'er th' Almighty's subsequent command His first command is this - "Man love thyself."
Edward Young
Who so loves believes the impossible.
Elizabeth Barrett-Browning
Self-love my liege is not so vile a sin as self-neglecting.
William Shakespeare
The devil loves nothing better than the intolerance of reformers.
James Russell Lowell
The intellect of man is forced to choose Perfection of the life or of the work.
William Butler Yeats
Time has a way of demonstrating . . . the most stubborn are the most intelligent.
Yevgeny Yevtushenko
O God that men should put an enemy in their mouths to steal away their brains! that we should with joy pleas-ance revel and applause transform ourselves into beasts!
William Shakespeare
Here's a good rule of thumb Too clever is dumb.
Ogden Nash
Some people can carry a tune but they seem to stagger under the load.
Richard Armour
The highest intellects like the tops of mountains are the first to catch and to reflect the dawn.
Thomas Babington Macaulay
Alive ridiculous and dead forgot?
Alexander Pope
As long as there are readers to be delighted with calumny there will be found reviewers to calumniate.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Young men soon give and soon forget affronts Old age is slow in both.
Joseph Addison
I move on feeling and have learned to distrust those who don't.
Nikki Giovanni
Be thou as chaste as ice as pure as snow thou shalt not escape calumny.
William Shakespeare
Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't.
Erica Jong
. . . 'twill turn your eyeballs black and blue.
Brendan Behan
Thou hast added insult to injury.
What you intuitively desire that is possible to you.
D.H. Lawrence
Man is a passion which brings a will into play which works an intelligence.
Henri-Frédéric Amiel
When love is not madness it is not love.
Pedro Calderón de la Barca
People who lean on logic and philosophy and rational exposition end by starving the best part of the mind.
William Butler Yeats