Quote of the Day
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Quote of the Day
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We die containing a richness of lovers and tribes, tastes we have swallowed, bodies we have plunged into and swum up as if rivers of wisdom, characters we have climbed into as if trees, fears we have hidden in as if caves. I wish for all this to be marked on by body when I am dead. I believe in such cartography - to be marked by nature, not just to label ourselves on a map like the names of rich men and women on buildings. We are communal histories, communal books. We are not owned or monogamous in our taste or experience.
Michael Ondaatje
For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun? And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance.
Kahlil Gibran
To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die.
Thomas Campbell
Dying is an art.Like everything else,I do it exceptionally well.I do it so it feels like hell.I do it so it feels real.I guess you could say I have a call.
Sylvia Plath
When he shall die,Take him and cut him out in little stars,And he will make the face of heaven so fineThat all the world will be in love with nightAnd pay no worship to the garish sun.
William Shakespeare
Sleep, those little slices of death — how I loathe them.
Edgar Allan Poe
You will always think that you cant do it, you may think that the idea you have is useless, but the idea you only have can change your life.
Neymat Khan
When I was young, I thought I was a bird at one time. Then they told me I can't fly, so I stopped flying.
Anthony Liccione
We live only for the hope of love.
Kamand Kojouri
If we throw blankets over our children's dreams, we darken their world and extinguish their desire to live.
Suzy Kassem
Anticipation lifts the heart. Desire is created to be fulfilled - perhaps not all at once, more likely in slow stages. Isaiah uttered his prophetic words about the renewal of the natural Creation into a wilderness of spiritual barrenness and thirst. For him, and for many other Old Testament seers, the vacuum of dry indifference into which he spoke was not yet a place of fulfillment. Yet the promise of God through this human mouthpiece (and the word "promise" always holds a kind of certainty) was verdant with hope, a kind of greenness and glory. A softening of hard-heartedness, a lively expectation, would herald the coming of Messiah. And once again, in this season of Advent, the same promise for the same Anointed One is coming closer.
Luci Shaw
A garden is made of hope.
W.S. Merwin
This I would wish, that there was no time or sleep. No more past, or future, and everything we did was good the first time, for the day. Without the need of looking back to learn from the past, and no future to hope for the better. No more tiredness, or having a need to dream, and no nightmares to fear. If there was a second time, this is how I would like to start over.
Anthony Liccione
Hope is the hardest love we carry.
Jane Hirshfield
Paul gives us an astonishing understanding of waiting in the New Testament book of Romans, as rendered by Eugene Peterson, 'Waiting does not diminish us, any more than waiting diminishes a pregnant mother. We are enlarged in the waiting. We, of course, don't see what is enlarging us. But the longer we wait, the larger we become, and the more joyful our expectancy.' With such motivation, we can wait as we sense God is indeed with us, and at work within us, as he was with Mary as the child within her grew.
Luci Shaw
The only path wide enough for us all is love.
Kamand Kojouri
There is a certain delightful sort of hope which the introvert can receive only by having company over...the hope that they will leave soon.
Criss Jami
Now is not the time for bigots and racists. No time for sexists and homophobes. Now, more than ever, is the time for ARTISTS. It’s time for us to rise above and to create. To show humanity. To spread hope. We must prevent society from destroying itself, from losing its way. Now is the time for love.
Kamand Kojouri
O, weary angels, don’t look at me with those eyes.If that is your state then what of our cries?What can I tell you of goodness that you don’t already know?What can I tell you of faith,of hope and lovethat you yourselves bestow?O, angels, don’t pluck another feather,this isn’t the sky, it’s just the weather.Please, angels, try.We are one all together.Look up and listen, I’ll say it once and then put down my pen:We are sorry for our ignoranceand even though we are worldly,it might happen again.We are sorry for your wearinessand even though you aren’t worldly,we are no more than human.
Kamand Kojouri
I don’t know why everyoneis still trying to find out whether heaven and hell exist.Why do we need more evidence?They exist here on this very Earth.Heaven is standing atop Mount Qasiounoverlooking the Damascene sightswith the wind carrying Qabbani’sdulcet words all around you.And hell is only four hours away in Aleppo where children’s cries drown out the explosions of mortar bombsuntil they lose their voice,their families, and their limbs.Yes, hell certainly does existright now, at this moment,as I pen this poem. And all we’re doingto extinguish this hellfireis sighing, shrugging, liking, and sharing.Tell me: what exactly does that makeus? Are we any better than the gatekeepers of hell?
Kamand Kojouri
I have hope in children. In children and warriors. In children who fuck like children and warriors who fight like brave men.
Roberto Bolaño
It’s so easy to lose faith and become lost in all of the politics of the world. That’s why we need the arts. To sublimate our frustration and anger into something beautiful. Freud called sublimation a virtuous defence mechanism because it is in the arts that we can find our humanity.
Kamand Kojouri
Kiss your scars. Fall in love with them. They ought to serve as life-affirming reminders—a lingering trace of hope. The only reason we have these scars is because we survived and are still here.
Kamand Kojouri
Making the choice to exercise compassion is an expression of Love for Humanity and Life itself.
You want help? Ask for help. You want love? Ask for love. If you want anything from the universe, anything from yourself, you must first ask.
Kamand Kojouri
You must have hope in a better future and have faith in this hope. But then you must forget your hope and focus on this moment now.
Kamand Kojouri
Why do you feel so powerless? Go spend an hour with ants. Each of those black specks you see is a life. One whole life that you can save, take, or affect in some way. You have the power to make so many lives better. It is within you. Don’t lose sight of that.
Kamand Kojouri
Everything has its opposite within it.Love can be very destructive if you mishandle it.Pain can help you find ways to grow and change.Fear can eventually lead you to a path of hope.
Jay Woodman
No change, no pause, no hope! Yet I endure.
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Somewhere, excitement waited for me like an uncut cake.
Lauren Wolk
STARS AND DANDELIONSDeep in the blue sky,like pebbles at the bottom of the sea,lie the stars unseen in daylightuntil night comes. You can't see them, but they are there. Unseen things are still there.The withered, seedless dandelionshidden in the cracks of the roof tilewait silently for spring,their strong roots unseen. You can't see them, but they are there. Unseen things are still there.
Misuzu Kaneko
Bless the poets, the workers for justice, the dancers of ceremony, the singers of heartache, the visionaries, all makers and carriers of fresh meaning—We will all make it through, despite politics and wars, despite failures and misunderstandings. There is only love.
Joy Harjo
One thing you cannot know: The sudden extinction of every alternative, The unexpected crash of the iron cataract. You do not know what hope is, until you have lost it. You only know what it is not to hope: You do not know what it is to have hope taken from you Or to fling it away, to join the legion of the hopeless Unrecognized by other men, though sometimes by each other.
T.S Eliot
Nothing can squelch your fire except turning your back on the thing that fuels it.
Richelle E. Goodrich
Weakness drives us to set goals, to try harder, to put forth more effort, to dream and wish and hope, to reach out further and down deeper, to pray earnestly, to cry mightily, to understand and empathize with valid sincerity. In truth, weakness is a catalyst for greater strength.
Richelle E. Goodrich
God begets love.
Kamand Kojouri
There is no water, so things are bad. If there were water, it would be better. But there is no water.
T.S Eliot
In the beginning was love, and love was with God, and love was God.
Kamand Kojouri
Right now I may not have it all, but I know my future is bright because as long as I live there is hope for my situation.
Gift Gugu Mona
I see your painas clearly as I feel my own.I will share your burden so you feel it less.Do not hate this world.Do not hate these people.I will share my hopeso you feel it more.I want you to see our loveas clearly as I feel yours.
Kamand Kojouri
My favorite words in the world are these: in conjunction.They question curiosities in simple form and function. is a query of broadest scope. is wonder that fuels all hope.Together they lasso the mind like rope, and spur the wildest deductions!
Richelle E. Goodrich
Life can seem like a gloomy wait in the thick of black shadows.And still there are those who smile at the darkness, anticipating the beauty of an eventual sunrise.
Richelle E. Goodrich
Who’s gonna bring the wild animals some hope? If we don’t love them the way they are..
Munia Khan
For my part I have no joy in tears after dinnertime. There will always be a new dawn tomorrow. Yet I can have no objection to tears for any mortal who dies and goes to his destiny. And this is the only consolation we wretched mortals can give, to cut our hair and let the tears roll down our faces.
Every corner and room of a house will carry memories, make these the most pleasurable times you shared with your family.
Anthony Liccione
If this turns to friendship, it only meansThat one of us will suffer.That when we meet after the worst of endings,There will only be this skein of words between us—Most of them for boredom, fewer for loneliness—Rising out of our mutual space of breath, leavingBehind a bluer sky each moment of departure.And one of us will cling on to its blue,Hung on partings like a muted cloud, whileThe other rides on a wing of word away from here.
Cyril Wong
The compassion of the oppressed for the oppressed is indispensable. It is the world's one hope.
Bertolt Brecht
In spite of the horror, in spite of the tragedy, in spite of the weeks of sleepless nights, I'm finally alive. I'm not pretending. I feel real. I'm not playing charades anymore. I wouldn't go back to the way I was for anything. I'm really like a different person. I'm where I am, and I'm making the most of it. I know I'm courageous now. I found out I had it in me to face this. — Barbara
Ellen Bass
Requiring neither wood nor urns,Inside me is a fire that burns;Advising me to never accept defeat,The blessed fruit of hope it churns!
Neelam Saxena Chandra
Impossibility, like wineExhilarates the manWho tastes it; PossibilityIs flavoreless.
Emily Dickinson
She had this way of always finding the good and believing in everything despite all she had seen.
Becca Lee
The bird of hope singsPerched on the branches of twilight;Never grieve for anythingFor, the day always follows the night!
Neelam Saxena Chandra
When we admit and deal with difference; when we deal with the deep bitterness; when we deal with the horror of even our different nightmares; when we turn them and look at them, it’s like looking at death: hard but possible. If you look at it directly without embracing it, then there is much less that you can ever be made to fear.
Audre Lorde
I would rather lie facedown on the ground and use my body as a bridge, than stand proud and tall and use my body as a wall.
Kamand Kojouri
We cannot hunt for love. We can only surrender and become love’s prey.
Kamand Kojouri
You might just find God in a mirror one day.
Kamand Kojouri
Hope” is the thing with feathers -That perches in the soul -And sings the tune without the words -And never stops - at all -And sweetest - in the Gale - is heard -And sore must be the storm -That could abash the little BirdThat kept so many warm -I’ve heard it in the chillest land -And on the strangest Sea -Yet - never - in Extremity,It asked a crumb - of me.
Emily Dickinson
When you are 70% sure, act /because the other 30% is reserved for hope /which is doubt turned upside-down.
Dean Young
I lie in the dark wondering if this quiet in me nowis a beginning or an end.
Jack Gilbert
Remember how we forgot?Once upon a time, we were youngOur dreams hung like applesWaiting to be picked and peeledAnd hope was something needing to be reeled-inSo we can fill the always empty big fish bin with the one that got awayAnd proudly say that "this time, impossible is not an option"Because success is so akin to effort and opportunity they could be relatedSo we took chancesWe figure skated on thin iceBelieved that each slice of life was served with something sweet on the sideAnd failure was never nearly as important as the fact that we triedThat in the war against frailty and limitationWe supplied the determination it takes to make ideas and goals the parents of PossibilityAnd we believe ourselves to be members of this familyNot just one branch on one treeBut a forest whose roots make up a dynasty
Shane L. Koyczan