Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Top 100 Quotes
Quotes by Poets
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The behavior of any bureaucratic organization can best be understood by assuming that it is controlled by a secret cabal of its enemies.
Robert Conquest
Thou art a very ragged Wart.
William Shakespeare
[Thine] face is not worth sunburning.
William Shakespeare
[Thou] mad mustachio purple-hued maltworms!
William Shakespeare
I am a Jew. Hath not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions; fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, heal'd by the same means, warm'd and cool'd by the same winter and summer, as a Christian is? If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, do we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that.
William Shakespeare
If you're too open-minded your brains will fall out.
Lawrence Ferlinghetti
I cannot go to school today"Said little Peggy Ann McKay."I have the measles and the mumps,A gash, a rash and purple bumps.My mouth is wet, my throat is dry.I'm going blind in my right eye.My tonsils are as big as rocks,I've counted sixteen chicken pox.And there's one more - that's seventeen,And don't you think my face looks green?My leg is cut, my eyes are blue,It might be the instamatic flu.I cough and sneeze and gasp and choke,I'm sure that my left leg is broke.My hip hurts when I move my chin,My belly button's caving in.My back is wrenched, my ankle's sprained,My 'pendix pains each time it rains.My toes are cold, my toes are numb,I have a sliver in my thumb.My neck is stiff, my voice is weak,I hardly whisper when I speak.My tongue is filling up my mouth,I think my hair is falling out.My elbow's bent, my spine ain't straight,My temperature is one-o-eight.My brain is shrunk, I cannot hear,There's a hole inside my ear.I have a hangnail, and my heart is ...What? What's that? What's that you say?You say today is .............. Saturday?G'bye, I'm going out to play!
Shel Silverstein
Time passes…..and a billion lives are affected in ways we’ll never know.
Richelle E. Goodrich
All time is mean young man. It takes and does not give, it rushes when you wish it would linger and drags when you wish is would fly. It flows sullenly, only in one direction, when it might take a thousand turns. You cannot get anything back once time has taken it. Time cheats and steals and lies and kills. If anyone could arrest it, they would have time behind bars faster than you can check your watch.
Catherynne M. Valente
Father always said that money doesn’t grow on trees. Well, time doesn’t grow on trees either.
Richelle E. Goodrich
When men shake hands with time, time crushesThem like tumblers; little pieces of glass.
Abu al-Ala al-Ma'arri
Time is a power of its own, and it may be the only power by which some miracles come to pass.
Richelle E. Goodrich
Time is often wasted by those who don't understand that time is worth more than money because when lost, money can be regained but time cannot.
Gift Gugu Mona
And a moment that ought to have lasted for everHas come and gone before I knew.
Li Shang-yin
You cannot face it steadily, but this thing is sure,That time is no healer: the patient is no longer here.
T.S Eliot
Is idleness indeed so black a crime?What are the Busy doing, half their time?
William Allingham
Time goes, you say? Ah no!Alas, Time stays, we go;Or else, were this not so, What need to chain the hours,For Youth were always ours?Time goes, you say?-ah no!Ours is the eyes' deceitOf men whose flying feetLead through some landscape low; We pass, and think we seeThe earth's fixed surface flee:-Alas, Time stays,-we go!Once in the days of old,Your locks were curling gold,And mine had shamed the crow. Now, in the self-same stage,We've reached the silver age;Time goes, you say?-ah no!Once, when my voice was strong,I filled the woods with songTo praise your 'rose' and 'snow'; My bird, that sang, is dead;Where are your roses fled?Alas, Time stays,-we go!See, in what traversed ways,What backward Fate delaysThe hopes we used to know; Where are our old desires?-Ah, where those vanished fires?Time goes, you say?-ah no!How far, how far, O Sweet,The past behind our feetLies in the even-glow! Now, on the forward way,Let us fold hands, and pray;Alas, Time stays,-we go!
Henry Austin Dobson
It was under English trees that I meditated on that lost labyrinth: I pictured it perfect and inviolate on the secret summit of a mountain; I pictured its outlines blurred by rice paddies, or underwater; I pictured it as infinite—a labyrinth not of octagonal pavillions and paths that turn back upon themselves, but of rivers and provinces and kingdoms....I imagined a labyrinth of labyrinths, a maze of mazes, a twisting, turning, ever-widening labyrinth that contained both past and future and somehow implied the stars. Absorbed in those illusory imaginings, I forgot that I was a pursued man; I felt myself, for an indefinite while, the abstract perceiver of the world. The vague, living countryside, the moon, the remains of the day did their work in me; so did the gently downward road, which forestalled all possibility of weariness. The evening was near, yet infinite.
Jorge Luis Borges
How perfect to be aboard a ship withmaybe a hundred years still in my pocket.But it's late, for all of us,and in truth the only ship there isis the ship we are all onburning the world as we go.
Mary Oliver
Nothing is more highly to be prized than the value of each day
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Souls of love breathlessly sailTowards our time when hours failTo cope with longing here we areChasing the speed of a falling starMiles and miles fleetly we goDown to the ocean, deeper the flowWaves now know their crushing tide Splashing between joy and pride
Munia Khan
despite knowingthey won’t be here for longthey still choose to livetheir brightest lives- sunflowers
Rupi Kaur
Confronted with the choice between having time and having things, we’ve chosen to have things. Today it is a luxury to read what Socrates said, not because the books are expensive, but because our time is scarce.
Gabriel Zaid
What a greater crime. Than loss of time.
Thomas Tusser
sometimes a man must fight so hard for life that he doesn't have time to live it.
Charles Bukowski
So long as we think of it objectively, time is Fate or Chance, the factor in our lives for which we are not responsible, and about which we can do nothing; but when we begin to think of it subjectively, we feel responsible for our time, and the notion of punctuality arises.
W.H. Auden
You have carried a branch of tomorrow into the room-its frangrance awakened me.
Robert Duncan
We pass through Time from birth in order to have from where to come, together with death.
Sorin Cerin
I know none of Time’s cardinal pillar on which it says forever just because eternity is not Time anymore.
Sorin Cerin
Our mind has its own ideal time, which is no other but the consciousness of the progressive development of our beings.
August Wilhelm Schlegel
And the time sundials tellMay be minutes and hours. But it may just as wellBe seconds and sparkles, or seasons and flowers.No, I don't think of time as just minutes and hours.Time can be heartbeats, or bird songs, or miles,Or waves on a beach, or ants in their files(They do move like seconds—just watch their feet go:Tick-tick-tick, like a clock). You'll learn as you growThat whatever there is in a garden, the sunCounts up on its dial. By the time it is doneOur sundial—or someone's— will certainly addAll the good things there are. Yes, and all of the bad.And if anyone's here for the finish, the sunWill have told him—by sundial—how well we have done.How well we have done, or how badly. Alas,That is a long thought. Let me hope we all pass.
John Ciardi
The clock sweats out each minuteof what meat is left to us.
Joseph Bathanti
Dry snow coming down in the hills. Magpies hair-triggered and thuggish in worn trees. A wall has started to fall in you, it will take years to land.
Tim Lilburn
What is timea November leaf a child's vacillating mouth a rose a left-over, half-drunk glass of water.
İlhan Berk
Brass shines with constant usage, a beautiful dress needs wearing,Leave a house empty, it rots.
Ends Meet1Could betime is practice,balance,the actionexecuted in the mindbefore and after.Where does mind end?2We mark a breakwith what has come before,come through the door,down the
Rae Armantrout
Time is the most valuable coin in your life. You and you alone will determine how that coin will be spent. Be careful that you do not let other people spend it for you.
Carl Sandburg
No time to see, in broad daylight,Streams full of stars, like skies at night.No time to turn at Beauty's glance,And watch her feet, how they can dance.No time to wait till her mouth canEnrich that smile her eyes began.
W.H. Davies
There is only as much space, only as much time, Only as much desire, only as many words, Only as many pages, only as much ink To accept all of us at light-speed Hurrying into the Promised Land Of oblivion that is waiting for us sooner or later.
Dejan Stojanovic
It is vain futility to analyze the algebra of time.
Dejan Stojanovic
It is futile to spend time telling stories about the fleetness of each day.
Dejan Stojanovic
SimpleComplex systems can arisefrom simple rules.It
Rae Armantrout
A territory is only possessed for a moment in time.
Barbara Kingsolver
Time...a maniac scattering dust.
Alfred Tennyson
Time is the mercy of Eternity without Time's swiftness/ Which is the swiftest of all things: all were eternal torment.
William Blake
And there is neither beginning nor end, nor past nor future; there is only a present, at the same time static and ephemeral, multiple and absolute. It is the vital ocean in which we all share, according to our strength, our needs or our desires.
Rémy de Gourmont
He did not waste time in a vain search for a place in history.
Dejan Stojanovic
Was then not all sorrow in time, all self-torment and fear in time? Were not all difficulties and evil in the world conquered as soon as one conquered time, as soon as one dispelled time?
Hermann Hesse
Then you must reconcile yourself to the fact that something is always hurt by any change. If you do this, you will not be hurt yourself.
Roger Zelazny
His body and his soul appeared to have the strange ability to repel the hours, just as, inversely, a magnet attracts metal. Everything spun about him and fled; he was always the sole centre of an enormous circumference. He kept moving forwards, body and soul, in the hope of coming close to what fled at his approach. The same thing happened with time – his position remained constant in relation to the thing which, however hard he tried to clasp it to him, stole away from him and bounded into the distance. He was the one who had no incriminating papers in his drawers, who could show his diary to anyone. He was a creator. Perhaps that was why his life did not exist
Mário de Sá-Carneiro
The pathway traced with blood and tears,and dust of all our father's dead,Whose backward footsteps, wandering, red,Fade to the mist of nameless years.(“The Testimony of the Suns”)
George Sterling
A little while, their hunger unfulfilled,The mothlike worlds flit 'round the guttering sun.("Ephemera")
George Sterling
Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow,Creeps in this petty face from day to day.
William Shakespeare
Who knows the life which does not burn its own time moments?
Sorin Cerin
Eternity is the stopped heart of Time.
Sorin Cerin
you live through . . . that little piece of time that is yours, but that piece of time is not only your own life, it is the summing-up of all the other lives that are simultaneous with yours. It is, in other words, History, and what you are is an expression of History.
Robert Penn Warren
All you have to do is choose the right day, the right weather, and you come upon a hidden place in the morning light where time stopped long before you were born
John Burnside
Time: old cold time, old sorrow, settling down in layers like silt in a pond.
Margaret Atwood
Hide nothing, for time, which sees all and hears all, exposes all.
Without space, there is no time.
Dejan Stojanovic