Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
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This level reach of blue is not my sea; Here are sweet waters, pretty in the sun,Whose quiet ripples meet obediently A marked and measured line, one after one. This is no sea of mine. that humbly laves Untroubled sands, spread glittering and warm. I have a need of wilder, crueler waves; They sicken of the calm, who knew the storm. So let a love beat over me again, Loosing its million desperate breakers wide; Sudden and terrible to rise and wane; Roaring the heavens apart; a reckless tide That casts upon the heart, as it recedes, Splinters and spars and dripping, salty weeds.
Dorothy Parker
you rupturedthe love lakes of my longingand scattered the continents of my heart.
K.Y. Robinson
I don't know whyI've got so much hopepinned to someone who will never call me home.
Clementine von Radics
Maybe the entire world is in love with you and I'm the only one brave enough to admit it.
Sean Glatch
This is the dysfunction talking. This is the disease talking. This is how much I miss you talking. This is the deepest blue, talking, talking, always talking to you.
Maggie Nelson
There is nothing I can do that won’t bring me back to you.
Kamand Kojouri
No, Ashok. Love is not a tap. It flows and flows like blood from a wound, and you can die of it.
Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni
(...) like he left a piece of himself with youand you are terrifiedhe is coming back for it.Or he left a piece of himself with you and you are terrified he is not coming back for it.
Brenna Twohy
listen girl,’ Medea says, ‘you arenot the first person in the world tosuffer from a broken heart.but i will treat you like you are.listen girl. he is not calling out your name.your name to him is nothing.it might have been before.once, your name might have beenthe only word he knew when hewas blind sad or bursting with sun.those days are over.your name can only exist in your own mouth now.say it over and over. say it until it doesn’t soundlike a name, but just a sound. the promises he made you are just sounds now too. remember that.your hands are what will hold you together now.and you want to be mad? be mad.here is a plate. throw it through his window,listen to the crack. the shatter. laugh into the night.call yourself the sun. see, you will rise.and are you less of a woman for this? nowhat is woman?woman is this–enduring.listen girl, you will get over this– you will.but what fool said you had to do it silently?here is a tip – scream
Salma Deera
I broke your heart.Now barefoot I treadon shards.
Vera Pavlova
I learned that if you love a boy you are o longer free. The boy may become more important than your own self and if it is so, you will find trouble there. The first time you are hurt in your heart, you do not forget the lesson. It stays forever.
Susan Minot
Do not write. I am sad, and want my light put out.Summers in your absence are as dark as a room.I have closed my arms again. They must do without.To knock at my heart is like knocking at a tomb. Do not write!Do not write. Let us learn to die, as best we may.Did I love you? Ask God. Ask yourself. Do you know?To hear that you love me, when you are far away,Is like hearing from heaven and never to go. Do not write!Do not write. I fear you. I fear to remember,For memory holds the voice I have often heard.To the one who cannot drink, do not show water,The beloved one's picture in the handwritten word. Do not write!Do not write those gentle words that I dare not see,It seems that your voice is spreading them on my heart,Across your smile, on fire, they appear to me,It seems that a kiss is printing them on my heart. Do not write!
Louis Simpson
There were times when I would forget her, though they were rare, and it would be for a time as though she had never existed; and then some passing girl's inadvertent gesture, or an accidental profile, or a hat like hers, would restore her, and restore the suffering too, and I would long again, somehow, to encounter or to see her.
Alfred Hayes
She inhabited a world from which I was excluded, and she had left me in an immense empty space.
Alfred Hayes
Don’t you ever let another put their hands on something that’s already yours, because you might end up breaking your own heart.
Jonathan Anthony Burkett
If we must part forever,Give me but one kind word to think uponand please myself with, while my heart's breaking.
Thomas Otway
My love is of a birth as rareAs 'tis, for object, strange and high;It was begotten by DespairUpon Impossibility.
Andrew Marvell
Kara do you love Brad?'All my heart.'Then how can you let him leave next year?'I guess love isn’t enough sometimes.
Patrick Jones
My heart is sair-I dare na tell,My heart is sair for Somebody.
Robert Burns
Heartbreak could be lived with if it weren't accompanied by regret.
Laura Kasischke
You broke me bodily.The heart ain't the half of it,And I'll never learn to laugh at itIn my good natured way.In fact, I'm laughing less in general,But I learned a lot at my own funeral.And I knew you'd be the death of me,So I guess that's the price I pay.
Ani DiFranco
Don't cry my sonDon't cry, because life is a redeemed fightLife is a fight that will demean the weak personAnd will always exalt the strong ones
Gonçalves Dias
We can cry for years but sometimes gotta smile too.
I didn't say yes. I can say no to anything I say vile, and I don't have to count the cost. But because you said yes, all that you can do, for all your crown and your trappings, and your guards—all that your can do is to have me killed.
The worst thing for a writer is to know another writer, and worse than that, to know a number of other writers. Like flies on the same turd.
Charles Bukowski
Sometimes, the most profound of awakenings come wrapped in the quietest of moments.
Stephen Crane
To make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from.
T.S Eliot
We can only learn and advance with contradictions. The faithful inside should meet the doubtful. The doubtful should meet the faithful. Human slowly advances and becomes mature when he accepts his contradictions.
Shams-i Tabrizi
I want to question my belief, so that what is left after I have questioned it, will be even stronger.
Thomas Hardy
dumb cunts vote for whoever throws the biggest promotional budget at them
Sophie Cooke
A fig for those by law protected!Liberty's a glorious feast!Courts for cowards were erected,Churches built to please the priest!
Robert Burns
You can seize away my opportunities but never the passion that I possess.
Harshada Pathare
Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart
William Wordsworth
To take the world into one's arms and act towards it in a soul-filled and soul-strengthening manner is a powerful act of wildish spirit.
Clarissa Pinkola Estés
No," said Jacob, "I don't mean to say that this life is just a party, any kind of party. It is a wedding, the most important kind of party, full of joy, fear, hope, and ignorance. And at this party there are enough places and parts for everyone, and if no one can play every part, yet everyone can come to the party, everyone can come to the wedding feast, and anyone who does not know that he is at a wedding feast just does not see what is in front of him. He might as well be dead if he does not know that the world is a wedding.
Delmore Schwartz
The act of making a decision can propel you along for a while, even if you never do anything.
Pia Juul
Don’t be afraid of making mistakes or failing. You never really fail anyway unless you actually give up and quit!
John Newman
Your children are not your children. They are sons and daughters of the Life's longing for itself. They come through you but not from you. You may give them your love but not your thoughts. For they have their own thoughts.
Kahlil Gibran
I declareThat later on,Even in an age unlike our own,Someone will remember who we are.
Sappho van Lesbos
Blessed are those who can give without remembering and take without forgetting
Elizabeth Bibesco
Had I not gone through my past struggles, I wouldn't be as strong as I am at present.
Gift Gugu Mona
Somebody said it couldn't be done.But he with a chuckle replied,That maybe it couldn't, but he would be oneWho wouldn't say so 'till he'd tried.So he buckled right in with a trace of a grinOn his face. If he worried, he hid it.He started to sing as he tackled the thingThat couldn't be done. And he did.Somebody scoffed, "Oh, you'll never do thatAt least no one ever has done it."But he took off his coat, and he took off his hat,And the first thing we know, he'd begun it.With a lift of his chin and a bit of a grin,Without any doubting or "quit-it".He started to sing as he tackled the thingThat couldn't done. And he did it.There are thousands to tell you it cannot be done.There are thousands to prophesy failure.There are thousands to point out to you, one by one,The dangers that wait to assail youBut just buckle in, with a bit of a grin;Just take off your coat and go to it.Just start in to sing as yout tackle the thingThat cannot be done--and you'll do it!
Edgar A. Guest
He who wants to do good, knocks at the gate; he who loves finds the gates open.
Rabindranath Tagore
If you'd told me even a year before...that I'd wind up whispering my sins in the confessional or on my knees saying the rosary, I would've laughed myself cockeyed. More likely pastime?Pole dancer. International spy. Drug mule. Assassin.I drive under a sky black as graphite to meet my new spiritual director...a bulky Franciscan nun named Sister Margaret, patiently going blind behind fish-tank glasses that magnify her eyes like goggles.
Mary Karr
My will is not a place, but a condition. Do not ask Me where and when, but ask Me how.
Frances J. Roberts
The only thing better than a happy Heart is a clear mind to keep it pumping. Cleanse yourself from within and you’re bound to win.
Stabley Victor Paskavich
Parting is such sweet sorrow
William Shakespeare
Alas, is even Love too weak to unlock the heart and let it speak? Are even lovers powerless to reveal To one another what indeed they feel?
Matthew Arnold
I left the bed as she had left it, unmade and rumpled, coverlets awry, so that her body's print might rest still warm beside my own.Until the next day I did not go to bathe, I wore no clothes and did not dress my hair, for fear I might erase some sweet caress.That morning I did not eat, nor yet at dusk, and put no rouge nor powder on my lips, so that her kiss might cling a little longer.I left the shutters closed, and did not open the door, for fear the memory of the night before might vanish with the wind.
Pierre Louÿs
When he came back, I hid my face within my hands. He said: "Fear nothing. Who has seen our kiss? --Who saw us? The night and the moon.""And the stars and the first flush of dawn. The moon has seen its visage in the lake, and told it to the water 'neath the willows. The water told it to the rower's oar."And the oar has told it to the boat, and the boat has passed the secret to the fisher. Alas! alas! if that were only all! But the fisher told the secret to a woman."The fisher told the secret to a woman: my father and my mother and my sisters, and all of Hellas now shall know the tale.
Pierre Louÿs
Some of the dairy people, who were also out of doors on the first Sunday evening after their engagement, heard her impulsive speeches, ecstasized to fragments, though they were too far off to hear the words discoursed; noted the spasmodic catch in her remarks, broken into syllables by the leapings of her heart, as she walked leaning on his arm; her contented pauses, the occassional laugh upon which her soul seemed to ride - the laugh of a woman in company with the man she loves and has won from all other women - unlike anything else in nature. They marked the buoyancy of her tread, like the skim of a bird which has not yet alighted.
Thomas Hardy
Love is a renewable resource
Susan Blanshard
There is some kiss we want with our whole lives, the touch of spirit on the body. Seawaterbegs the pearl to break its shell.and the lily, how passionatelyit needs some wild darling! Atnight, I open the window and askthe moon to come and press itsface against mine. Breathe intome. Close the language door andopen the lovers window. The moonwon’t use the door, only the window.
Jalaluddin Rumi
My Love wakes in a puddle of sunlight.Her hands asleep beside her.Her hair draped on the lawnlike a mantle of cloth.I give her my troth, for our love is wholeI sing her beauty in my soul
Roman Payne
When you try to cast doubt on the relationship of two true lovers.You'll find a bond that you'll never discover
Stanley Victor Paskavich
When she says margarita she means daiquiri.When she says quixotic she means mercurial.And when she says, "I'll never speak to you again,"she means, "Put your arms around me from behindas I stand disconsolate at the window."He's supposed to know that.When a man loves a woman he is in New York and she is in Virginiaor he is in Boston, writing, and she is in New York, reading,or she is wearing a sweater and sunglasses in Balboa Park and he is raking leaves in Ithacaor he is driving to East Hampton and she is standing disconsolateat the window overlooking the baywhere a regatta of many-colored sails is going onwhile he is stuck in traffic on the Long Island Expressway.When a woman loves a man it is one ten in the morningshe is asleep he is watching the ball scores and eating pretzelsdrinking lemonadeand two hours later he wakes up and staggers into bedwhere she remains asleep and very warm.When she says tomorrow she means in three or four weeks.When she says, "We're talking about me now,"he stops talking. Her best friend comes over and says,"Did somebody die?"When a woman loves a man, they have goneto swim naked in the streamon a glorious July daywith the sound of the waterfall like a chuckleof water rushing over smooth rocks,and there is nothing alien in the universe.Ripe apples fall about them.What else can they do but eat?When he says, "Ours is a transitional era,""that's very original of you," she replies,dry as the martini he is sipping.They fight all the timeIt's funWhat do I owe you?Let's start with an apologyOk, I'm sorry, you dickhead.A sign is held up saying "Laughter."It's a silent picture."I've been fucked without a kiss," she says,"and you can quote me on that,"which sounds great in an English accent.One year they broke up seven times and threatened to do it another nine times.When a woman loves a man, she wants him to meet her at the airport in a foreign country with a jeep.When a man loves a woman he's there. He doesn't complain that she's two hours lateand there's nothing in the refrigerator.When a woman loves a man, she wants to stay awake.She's like a child cryingat nightfall because she didn't want the day to end.When a man loves a woman, he watches her sleep, thinking:as midnight to the moon is sleep to the beloved.A thousand fireflies wink at him.The frogs sound like the string sectionof the orchestra warming up.The stars dangle down like earrings the shape of grapes.
David Lehman
Now come the whispersbearing bouquets of moonbeamsand sunlight tremblings.
To love her was to taste sweet surrender. For had she not entered his life, he would have sought the wonders of both Heaven and Earth. But she surpassed them all and, by her pleasing nature, stayed him.
Richelle E. Goodrich
Prove that you love me through a lingering gaze and never losing that twinkle of adoration in your eyes.
Richelle E. Goodrich
When I reach out, you take my hand. When I smile, you mirror the expression.When I triumph, you glory as if it were your own.When I fail, you point to the light at the end.When I need, you tenderly provide.When I cry, you kiss away my tears.When I suffer, you bleed.And you wonder why I love you?
Richelle E. Goodrich