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Quote of the Day
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No mother is ever, completely, a child's idea of what a mother should be, and I suppose it works the other way around as well. But despite everything, we didn't do too badly by one another, we did as well as most.I wish she were here, so I could tell her I finally know this.
Margaret Atwood
Are we always to be wantingwhat isn't:the greenest grassaccord and principlemotherhood and career?Yet our age lies to uslike an asp,whispering. "Both.
Barbara Crooker
So I guess you were hopelessly romantic and easily distracted, a B-plus mother, certainly good enough to get into Matriarchal State University but not quite good enough for St. Mary's College of the Blessed Womb Warriors.
Sherman Alexie
The Mother of God is asked to 'pray zealously to her Son and her God,' and the words of the psalm are put into her mouth:'My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior. for He hath regarded the low estate of his handmaiden: for, behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed.' It is because of her child that she says this, He will magnify her ('For He that is mighty hath done to me great things'): He is her glory. Any woman could say it. For everyone of them, God is in her child. Mothers of great men must have been familiar with this feeling, but then, all women are mothers of great men-it isn't their fault if life disappoints them later.
Boris Pasternak
She has changed in this way that motherhood changes you, so that you forget you ever had time for small things like despising the color pink.
Barbara Kingsolver
That means you're my kid," I explained, "and I'm your mother, and nobody can say it isn't so.
Barbara Kingsolver
Life needs a room so hermetically sealed to breathe life
Munia Khan
The feeling of deep gratitude is the basis for a balanced life.
Kristian Goldmund Aumann
And you are certainly not the pine-scented air.There is just no way that you are the pine-scented air
Billy Collins
...in the worst of circumstances, the hypocrite who pretends to be good does less harm than the public sinner.
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
...if the verses are for a literary competition, your grace should try to win second place; first is always won through favor or because of the high estate of the person, second is won because of pure justice, and by this calculation third becomes second, and the first becomes third...
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
Everyday she loses a bit more of herself , every day another nail in her coffin house payments medical bills and middle aged isolation
Saira Viola
When a sex tape gets made a star is born with a publicity agent on speed dial a six figure payout and a line of tacky lingerie in the works
Saira Viola
Trying to be offensive for the sole purpose of being offensive should always deem one the least offensive of offenders.
Criss Jami
He was eager to tell me about his latest work, which consisted of him vomiting on a footpath, then cordoning it off. Each artwork lasted until the first ‘philistine’ thought to take the rope down.‘In that way, the philistine is drawn – whether he likes it or not – into my art. He becomes part of it…and the vomit part of him. Essentially, it is the cosmic vomit. We all spew it. It blurs the boundaries, subverts the liminal…
Paul Christensen
Thom pulled nervously at his ‘Kings’ t-shirt. The Kings are a brutal West African gang that he follows onscreen. Such ‘tourist shows’, as I understand they are called, have become wildly popular in recent years, as global unrest makes actual travel less popular. Armoured imaging teams, using tiny remote drone cameras known as ‘flies’, take the viewer inside the violent, gang-controlled regions of Nigeria and Cameroon. Using a touch screen, viewers (or ‘zoners’ as they are sometimes called) can follow the action from multiple angles while cheering on their favourite gang.
Paul Christensen
He hiccupped and continued: "I write therefore I come...But unfortunately, my orgies are never eternal!...
Fiston Mwanza Mujila
Let Sporus tremble — "What? that thing of silk, Sporus, that mere white curd of ass's milk?Satire or sense, alas! can Sporus feel?Who breaks a Butterfly upon a Wheel?"Yet let me flap this Bug with gilded wings,This painted Child of Dirt that stinks and stings; Whose Buzz the Witty and the Fair annoys,Yet Wit ne'er tastes, and Beauty ne'er enjoys,
Alexander Pope
Jason Mashak’s SALTY AS A LIP is grounded in a voice patiently bridging the “steeples and ‘scrapers” of an inquisitive mind. The poems are at once syllogistic, hard-edged, satirical, reflective, and finally as playful as love notes. The true joy of this book is that we are deliciously engaged in a "pantomime of pleasure" which the language and imagery generously evoke.
James Ragan
The Prayer of the Middle-Aged ManAmid the doctors in the Temple at twelve, between mother & host at Cana implored too soon, in the middle of disciples, the midst of the mob, between High-Priest and Procurator, among the occupiers,between the malefactors, and 'stetit in medio, et dixit, pax vobis' and 'ascensit ad mediam Personarum et caelorum,' dear my Lord,mercy a sinner nailed dead-centre too, pray not to late,-for also Ezra stood between the seven & the six, restoring the new Law.
John Berryman
Now we go in and take over," answered A. "It's our duty to help these people.
Katerina Stoykova-Klemer
We pay people and reward them for greed and sleaze . When a sex tape gets made a star is born with a publicity agent on speed dial a six figure pay cheque and a tacky lingerie line....selling filth so you can get your face on Time magazine... From Jukebox
Saira Viola
Kara knew je only recognised t and a on a string and he was nothing more than a sleazy pupeeter
Saira Viola
He was a boom boom shake the room " kind of guy
Saira Viola
A Harvey Nicks chick with throwaway morals and a trustfund appetite.
Saira Viola
Know, therefore, that from the greater silence I shall return..... Forget not that I shall come back to you....A little while, a moment of rest upon the wind, and anohter woman shall bear me.
Kahlil Gibran
Don’t stop searching for opportunities until opportunities find you.
Gift Gugu Mona
I’ve given up already in life but something or someone keep pushing me to keep going.
Jonathan Anthony Burkett
I look at myself but I'm missing. I know myself: it’s not me.
Fernando Pessoa
It's in the anomalies that nature reveals its secrets.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Knowing this secret, being the only one chosen to know, makes me feel important in a way. But it’s a negative importance, it’s the importance of a blank sheet of paper. I can know because I don’t count. I feel singled out, but also bereft.
Margaret Atwood
We are our secrets, and, if all goes well, we will take them with us to where no-one can touch them.
Cees Nooteboom
A secret's safest hiding place is in the open.
Jill Alexander Essbaum
I live in a house of secrets, but I’ve unlocked a few rooms for you
John J. Geddes
I wanted to buy a T-shirt that read: I AM UNKNOWABLE.
Benjamin Alire Sáenz
And that's when I felt the first wave of sorrow that came from keeping a new secret.
Lauren Wolk
Lately I have come to believe that an as yet undiscovered human need and even a property of matter is the desire for revelation. The truth within us has a way of coming out despite all conscious efforts to conceal it. I have heard stories from those in the generation after the war, all speaking of the same struggle to ferret truth from the silence of their parents so that they themselves could begin to live.
Susan Griffin
The streetlight outside my house shines on tonight and I'm watching it like it could give me a vision. James ain't talked ever and he looks at that streetlight like it was a word and maybe like it was a verb. James wanted to streetlight me and make me bright and beautiful so all the moths and bats would circle me like I was the center of the world an held secrets.
Sherman Alexie
Our secrets, odd or not, are the pins that keep our inner life in place: the inform our psyche with meaning.
Andrei Codrescu
The fact is we all know that there exists in the world an order different from that in which we pass our days. If we reveal its existence people think that we are crazy.
Andrei Codrescu
It was at thirteen years old that Marya Morevna learned how to keep a secret, and that secrets are jealous things, permitting no fraternization.
Catherynne M. Valente
You have two kinds of secrets. The ones only you know. The ones only you don't.
James Richardson
Nothing weighs on us so heavily as a secret.
Jean de La Fontaine
The best way of keeping a secret is to pretend there isn't one.
Margaret Atwood
And when at last you find someone to whom you feel you can pour out your soul, you stop in shock at the words you utter— they are so rusty, so ugly, so meaningless and feeble from being kept in the small cramped dark inside you so long.
Sylvia Plath
The problem with parents is that they're adults.
Benjamin Alire Sáenz
I want my father to be just my father, the way he has always been, not a separate person with an earlier, mythological life of his own. Knowing too much about other people puts you in their power, they have a claim on you, you are forced to understand their reasons for doing things and then you are weakened.
Margaret Atwood
My father had a lifelong terror, phobia whatever, about hospitals. Makes a lot of sense in hindsight. He was so scared of doctors, he passed that on to me. That's what parents exist for: to pass their phobias on generation to generation.
Jackie Kay
You can't blame her,' said Amit. 'After a life so full of tragedy anyone would become hard.''What tragedy?' asked Mrs. Chatterji.'Well, when she was four,' said Amit, 'her mother slapped her--it was quite traumatic--and then things went on in that vein. When she was twelve she came in second in an exam...It hardens you.
Vikram Seth
He had been searching for it his entire life. He had devoted himself to poetry to find it. Now, in the middle of his life, he found it. It was in the face of the love of his life, his daughter. She who had never blushed before, now blushed. And in that blushing, he knew, was the existence of God. That was the day her father learned what God was. God was pure beauty, God was his daughter’s face when she blushed.
Roman Payne
1. Santa Claus is real. However, your parents are folkloric constructs meant to protect and foritfy children against the darknesses of the real world. They are symbols representing the return of the sun and the end of winter, the sacrifice of the king and the eternal fecundity of the queen. They wear traditional vestments and are associated with certain seasonal plants, animals, and foods. After a certain age, no intelligent child continues believing in their parents, and it is embarrassing when one professes such faith after puberty. Santa Claus, however, will never fail us.
Catherynne M. Valente
Of all the lessons my parents taught me,GIVING was the best
Charmaine J.Forde
His father was self-made, but his mother was constructed by others, and such edifices are notoriously fragile.
Margaret Atwood
To enter the Buddha Way is to stop discriminating between good and evil and to cast aside the mind that says this is good and that is bad.
Every man possesses the Buddha-nature. Do not demean yourselves.
For us life is a fact, no less, and, above all, no more.
Julien Torma
The present is always the best, even when its rough.
Julien Torma
If the feet of enlightenment moved, the great ocean would overflow; If that head bowed, it would look down upon the heavens.Such a body has no place to rest. . . .Let another continue this poem.
Paul Reps
Don’t read books!Don’t chant poems!When you read books your eyeballs wither awayleaving the bare sockets.When you chant poems your heart leaks out slowlywith each word.People say reading books is enjoyable.People say chanting poems is fun.But if your lips constantly make a soundlike an insect chirping in autumn,you will only turn into a haggard old man.And even if you don’t turn into a haggard old man,it’s annoying for others to have to hear you.It’s so much betterto close your eyes, sit in your study,lower the curtains, sweep the floor,burn incense.It’s beautiful to listen to the wind,listen to the rain,take a walk when you feel energetic,and when you’re tired go to sleep.
Yang Wanli
clouds very high looknot one word helped them get up there