Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Top 100 Quotes
Quotes by Pastors
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Not to be the salt and light on earth is to lack understanding
Sunday Adelaja
Gloom and anguish is the description of the lives of those who live in darkness
Sunday Adelaja
Promotion comes to any nation only the light of the Gospel
Sunday Adelaja
Try taking five minutes for meditation. Close your eyes and in your mind picture Jesus. Watch Him turn, look at you and hear Him...
Kyle Idleman
If you have been expending lots of energy mingling, counseling, or socializing, you need some down time to recover. Put it on your calendar so you can be intentional about it. And for an hour or so, go to a place by yourself. Read, relax, or do nothing. No one is there to talk to you for those minutes. Enjoy your blessed aloneness for a brief season.
Thom S. Rainer
Seek knowledge, getting as much of it as you can and meditate on it, then you will become ahappy possessor of wisdom.
Sunday Adelaja
Only meditation on God's word is capable of changing our way of thinking.
Sunday Adelaja
You have to work on it. You have to meditate on God’s Word, which itself will change you and transform you into the image and character of God.
Sunday Adelaja
Nothing you hear or read will be of any benefit to you unless you meditate and digest itdeeply.
Sunday Adelaja
We are part of a holy community that for three thousand years and more has been formed inside and out by these words of God, words that have been heard, tasted, chewed, seen, walked. Reading Holy Scripture is totally physical. Our bodies are the means of providing our souls access to God in his revelation: eat this book. A friend reports to me that one of the early rabbis selected a different part of our bodies to make the same point; he insisted that the primary body part for taking in the Word of God is not the ears but the feet. You learn God, he said, not through your ears but through your feet: follow the Rabbi.
Eugene H. Peterson
Language is not primarily informational but revelatory. The Holy Scriptures give witness to a living voice sounding variously as Father, Son and Spirit, addressing us personally and involving us personally as participants. This text is not words to be studies in the quiet preserves of a library, but a voice to be believed and loved and adored in workplace and playground, on the streets and in the kitchen. Receptivity is required.
Eugene H. Peterson
But sooner or later we find that not everything is to our liking in this book. It starts out sweet to our taste; and then we find it doesn't sit well with us at all, it becomes bitter in our stomachs. Finding ourselves in this book is most pleasant, flattering even, and then we find that the book is not written to flatter us, but to involve us in a reality, God's reality, that doesn't cater to our fantasies of ourselves.
Eugene H. Peterson
To turn the tide of materialism in the Christian community, we desperately need bold models of kingdom-centered living. Despite our need to do it in a way that doesn't glorify people, we must hear each other's stories about giving or else our people will not learn to give.
Randy Alcorn
If we can keep ourselves from interfering with the natural laws of life, mistakes can be our child's finest teachers.
Randy Alcorn
Half of learning is learning. The other half of learning is unlearning.
Mark Batterson
What is clear is that Scripture requires both head and heart, and you need to see it not just as a text but as the very words of God. This will encourage you to pay close attention to the very words he uses, but it will also compel you to feast on those words as light-shedding, wisdom-dispensing, and life-giving counsel from on high.For all your longing for God to speak, to make his will plain and his plan clear, you should be daily immersed in God's Word. This is his voice, his will, and his plan made known to you. Consider these words, "Make your face shine upon your servant, and teach me your statutes." God's face shines on you when you are learning - experientially - his Word.
Joe Thorn
Leaders are passionate learners. Leaders are always seeking ways to improve themselves by sharpening their skills. They fully embrace the fact that growing leaders lead growing organizations.
Gary Rohrmayer
Learning is the heart of discipleship. You can't just take up your cross daily. You need to take up the Bible every day.
Mark Batterson
When we learn of Him, we see the things that we do wrong, we see what things need to be corrected in our way of thinking and our way of living.
Sunday Adelaja
Success is a process of learning, growth, progression and faithfulness.
Sunday Adelaja
The purpose of learning is not to give exams in class and forget about it, but to increase the knowledge until they possess an area of the earth for God almighty
Sunday Adelaja
Bruner discusses the need for teachers to understand that children should want to study for study's own sake, for learnings's sake, not for the sake of good grades or examination success. The curriculum should, in other words, be interesting. (Yes, it sounds too obvious even to say, but sometimes the emphasis on content has trumped all other considerations, including that of making learning interesting.)
Gary Thomas
God designed the church to be a community of lifelong learners under the earthly guidance of leaders who are teachers at heart. The Christian faith is not a finite course of study for the front-end of adulthood. Our mind-set shouldn’t be to first do our learning and then spend the rest of our lives drawing from that original deposit of knowledge. Rather, ongoing health in the Christian life is inextricably linked to ongoing learning.
David Mathis
What you keep before your eyes will affect you.
Joel Osteen
You're only as sick as your secrets.
Rick Warren
Your personal problem will bring national answer!
Paul Gitwaza
Error is human,perfection is divine!You are not God! Your mistake is normal.So forgive yourself.
Paul Gitwaza
God's silence is an answer itself.
Paul Gitwaza
Pray when you feel like praying," somebody has said. "Pray when you don't feel like praying. Pray until you do feel like praying.
Chip Ingram
Contemporaries relate that hearing Martin Luther pray was "an experience in theology". They said the reformer began praying with such humility that he could be pitied, only to proceed with such boldness before God that the human hearer would fear for him.
A.W. Tozer
...goals not bathed in prayer or brought in humility before the Lord turn out to be downright useless. They don't go anywhere. They don't accomplish anything.
Charles R. Swindoll
Sixteen of the thirty-eight parables of Jesus deal with money. One out of ten verses in the New Testament deals with that subject. Scripture offers about five hundred verses on prayer, fewer than five hundred on faith, and over two thousand on money. The believer's attitude toward money and possessions is determinative.
John F. MacArthur Jr.
Jesus doesn’t lead you out of your day, He leads you into it.
Todd Stocker
Prayer lets God do what he does best. Take a pebble & kill a Goliath. Take the common, make it spectacular! Pray & see what He can do.
Max Lucado
Prayer is our Christian duty. It is an expression of submission to God and dependence upon Him. For that matter, prayer is arguably the most objective measurement of our dependence upon God. The things you pray about are the things you trust God to handle. The things you neglect to pray about are the things you trust you can handle on your own.
H.B. Charles Jr.
What would your prayers look like if you believed that the cross really was the measure of God's compassion for someone?
J.D. Greear
It takes a habit to break a habit. You can pray every day for a generous heart, but until you start acting in that direction, nothing's going to change.
Andy Stanley
Our prayers may be awkward. Our attempts may be feeble. But since the power of prayer is in the One who hears it and not in the one who says it, our prayers do make a difference.
Max Lucado
Prayer adds an element of surprise to your life that is more fun than a surprise party or surprise gift or surprise romance. In fact, prayer turns life into a party, into a gift, into a romance.
Mark Batterson
So what do you do when you are stuck?The first thing I do when I am stuck is pray. But I’m not talking about a quick, Help me Lord, Sunday’s a comin’ prayer. When I get stuck I get up from my desk to head for my closet. Literally. If I‘m at the office I go over to a corner that I have deemed my closet away from home. I get on my knees and remind God that this was not my idea, it was His…None of this is new information to God…Then I ask God to show me if there is something He wants to say to prepare me for what He wants me to communicate to our congregation. I surrender my ideas, my outline and my topic. Then I just stay in that quiet place until God quiets my heart…Many times I will have a breakthrough thought or idea that brings clarity to my message. . .Like you, I am simply a mouthpiece. Getting stuck is one way God keeps me ever conscious of that fact.
Andy Stanley
Prayer is the difference between seeing with our physical eyes and seeing with our spiritual eyes.
Mark Batterson
Close your eyes, and with Jesus, journey back through your day. As you do, confess sin as you see it...
Kyle Idleman
Each prayer is like a seed that gets planted in the ground. It disappears for a season, but it eventually bears fruit that blesses future generations. In fact, our prayers bear fruit forever.
Mark Batterson
I have a handful of prayers that I pray all the time... One is that God will put my books into the right hands at the right times. I've prayed this prayer thousands of times, and God has answered it in dramatic fashion countless times. The right book in the right hands at the right time can save a marriage, avert a mistake, demand a decision, plant a seed, conceive a dream, solve a problem, and prompt a prayer. That is why I write. And that's why, for me, a book sold is not a book sold; a book sold is a prayer answered. I don't know the name and situation of every reader, but God does, and that's all that matters.
Mark Batterson
Whether we write lyrics or craft legislation, sell homes or teach classes, design spaces or open franchises, prayer is a critical part of the creative process. Don’t just brainstorm; praystorm.
Mark Batterson
Our prayer life and rule of prayer will be shaped by the different stages of our spiritual journey as well. Many people who have just come to know Christ find that their words flow easily. Prayer is a joy for them. But, as with romantic relationships, there is a natural movement beyond this honeymoon phase. When feelings of intense connection with God ebb, we have a new opportunity to engage God - not based on cool spiritual vibes but as an expression of our genuine love for God. Times of spiritual dryness are normal for almost everyone, even if we haven't sinned and to the best of our knowledge haven't done anything to wall off our relationship with God. God may allow this dryness so that we can mature in our relationship with him and learn to seek him not for an ecstatic spiritual experience but out of a deeper love and commitment.
Ken Shigematsu
There can be no prevailing in prayer without travailing in prayer.
Oswald J. Smith
Audacious faith is not passive. Neither is audacious prayer. Every aspiration you have in prayer needs an accompanying action. Otherwise you're not really praying. You're just pontificating.You do the natural. Trust God for the super.
Steven Furtick
To the infinite, all finites are equal.
Mark Batterson
God is great not just because nothing is too big for Him. God is great because nothing is too small for Him, either.
Mark Batterson
Give us an intense distaste for things that displease You and a renewed pleasure in things that bring You honor and magnify Your truth.
Charles R. Swindoll
Imagination is the road less taken, but it is the pathway of prayer.
Mark Batterson
There will be times in your life when you want to pray but feel so far from God that prayer seems impossible. The flesh will tell you that God is against you, that you have gone too far and that He is no longer interested in you. But faith defies the flesh. It contradicts Satan’s lies. It rises up against defeat, gloom, and despair and finds hope in God.
Colin S. Smith
Lord, make me less like Jonah and more like Jesus. Save me from being the kind of person who cares more about my comfort, my reputation, and my success than I do about the people You are calling me to serve. Help me to keep all of my dreams on Your altar and be ready at all times to respond with faith and obedience to Your call.
Colin S. Smith
God doesn't want people to do what they think is best: he wants them to do what he knows is best, and no amount of reasoning and intellectualizing will discover that.
Henry T. Blackaby
I do not want God to give me what I want; I trust Him to give me what I need. The truth is, He is infinitely wiser than I am. If we always get what we ask for, I for one will cease to pray.
Gary Inrig
It’s fairly simple. When can we pray? All the time. When should we praise God? Whenever we pray.
David Jeremiah
Centering our thoughts on God begins with what I like to call discovery. That is, when we discover a great truth about God, we begin to meditate on that truth until it captivates our whole thinking process. That in turn will lead to worship.If worship is based on meditation, and meditation is based on discovery, what is discovery based on? On time spent with God in prayer and the Word. It is sad that many view prayer primarily as a way to get things. We have lost sight of the companion aspect of prayer - of being still and aware of God's wonderful presence and just communing with Him there.
John F. MacArthur Jr.
In prayer, God doesn't guarantee the answer you want, but He does guarantee the answer you need.
Todd Stocker
in prayer, God does want your words, he wants your heart. He doesn’t track your eloquence, he treasures your soul.
Todd Stocker