Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Top 100 Quotes
Quotes by Meditation Teachers
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Love seems to open and expand us right down to the cellular level, while fear causes us to contract and withdraw into ourselves.
Sharon Salzberg
There is a sentiment common among most of us when it comes to love—letting go can feel scary.
Sharon Salzberg
Our thoughts are not roadblocks to our meditation, they are the divine expression of the universe and the building blocks of infinite possibilities available to us in every moment.
When you can quiet the fluctuations of your mind and drift into stillness & silence, you can finally hear the whispers of your heart… the whispers of god.
When we surrender, we allow the universe to work its magic; we say yes to infinite possibilities; we trust that things will work out as they are meant to; and we give ourselves permission to let go of the outcome. This can be liberating, intimidating, blissful, scary, and a swirl of so many other emotions. But in the end, if we are true to our heart, life unfolds with magnificence…and we get to celebrate
We have between 60,000- and 80,000 thoughts a day. That’s a thought every 1.2 seconds…but we are not our thoughts – we have thoughts. Just like a cell phone is not our texts…it receives texts but they are not the phone. You have thoughts but you are not your thoughts.
We spend so much of our life in activity…we almost feel uncomfortable just being – but that is huge restorative break in the wild swirl of activity around us – it’s like pulling back the bow in archery – like taking that big deep breath in before you dive into your day.
Thoughts, words, emotions & deeds not coming from love are likely coming from fear.
Allan Lokos
From the pool of awakenings which includes creativity, strength, generosity, loving-kindness and transformation, I selected seven awakenings to immerse myself in each day: consciousness, compassion, forgiveness, expansion, abundance, healing, and balance. I believe that if we can live a life toward mastery of any seven principles in the pool of awakenings, then our lives will flourish and those we hold dear in our lives will experience greater fulfillment. Which seven do you choose?
We are the Masters of each moment.
Fill what is empty empty what is full
Any methodology for developing patience requires a multi-tiered approach.
Allan Lokos
The Tantric sages tell us that our in-breath and out-breath actually mirror the divine creative gesture. With the inhalation, we draw into our own center, our own being. With the exhalation, we expand outward into the world.
Sally Kempton
The GURU is Inside.
At our core there is silence and stillness…that is truly who we are when you peel away the titles, the ego, the thoughts, the beliefs, the intellect….once you get REALLY naked –you will see that who you are has nothing to do with all that we have given meaning to.
Evolutionary biologists tell us we have a “negativity bias” that makes our brains remember negative events more strongly than positive ones. So when we’re feeling lost or discouraged, it can be very hard to conjure up memories and feelings of happiness and ease.
Sharon Salzberg
Science tells us that love not only diminishes the experience of physical pain but can make us—and our beloveds—healthier.
Sharon Salzberg
We long for permanence but everything in the known universe is transient. That’s a fact but one we fight.
Sharon Salzberg
Evolutionary biologists tell us we have a “negativity bias” that makes our brains remember negative events more strongly than positive ones. So when we’re feeling lost or discouraged, it can be very hard to conjure up memories and feelings of happiness and ease.
Sharon Salzberg
Science tells us that love not only diminishes the experience of physical pain but can make us—and our beloveds—healthier.
Sharon Salzberg
We long for permanence but everything in the known universe is transient. That’s a fact but one we fight.
Sharon Salzberg
Arriving someplace more desirable at some future time is an illusion. This is it.
Jon Kabat-Zinn
Though it may seem counter intuitive to our inner perfectionist, recognizing our mistakes as valuable lessons (not failures) helps us lay the groundwork for later success.
Sharon Salzberg
The doors that open and close in our lives are not nearly as important as the person we are when we open them.
John Bruna
Intellectually, we may appreciate that loving ourselves would give us a firm foundation but for most of us this is a leap of logic, not a leap of the heart.
Sharon Salzberg
When we constantly hear that we should be smarter, better connected, more productive, wealthier—it takes real courage to claim the time and space to follow the currents of our talents, our aspirations, and our hearts, which may lead in a very different direction.
Sharon Salzberg
Until we begin to question our basic assumptions about ourselves and view them as fluid, not fixed, it’s easy to repeat established patterns and, out of habit, reenact old stories that limit our ability to live and love ourselves with an open heart.
Sharon Salzberg
Living in a story of a limited self—to any degree—is not love.
Sharon Salzberg
Identifying the source of our personal narratives helps us to release its negative aspects and re-frame it in ways that promote wholeness.
Sharon Salzberg
Cultivating loving kindness for ourselves is the foundation of real love for our friends and family, for new people we encounter in our daily lives, for all beings and for life itself.
Sharon Salzberg
When we experience inner impoverishment, love for another too easily becomes hunger: for reassurance, for acclaim, for affirmation of our worth.
Sharon Salzberg
Love is a living capacity within us that is always present, even when we don’t sense it.
Sharon Salzberg
Sanskrit has different words to describe love for a brother or sister, love for a teacher, love for a partner, love for one’s friends, love of nature, and so on. English has only one word, which leads to never-ending confusion.
Sharon Salzberg
When our focus is on seeking, perfecting, or clinging to romance, the charge is often generated by instability, rather than by an authentic connection with another person.
Sharon Salzberg
Real Love may run on a lower voltage, but it’s also more grounded & sustainable.
Sharon Salzberg
From our first breath to our last, we’re presented again and again with the opportunity to experience deep, lasting, and trans-formative connection with other beings: to love them and be loved by them; to show them our true natures and to recognize theirs.
Sharon Salzberg
Buddhist teachings discourage us from clinging and grasping to those we hold dear, and from trying to control the people or the relationship. What’s more, we’re encouraged to accept the impermanence of all things: the flower that blooms today will be gone tomorrow, the objects we possess will break or fade or lose their utility, our relationships will change, life will end.
Sharon Salzberg
Whatever language we use use to describe healthy relationships, when we’re in them, we feel nourished by them, in body as well as mind.
Sharon Salzberg
With our close friends, family members, and lovers, we hope to create a special world, one in which we can expect to be treated fairly, with care, tenderness, and compassion.
Sharon Salzberg
Be open to the possibility that there are other paths available to you in relating to yourself and to another.
Sharon Salzberg
Without equanimity, we might give love to others only in an effort to bridge the inevitable and healthy space that always exists between two people.
Sharon Salzberg
Whether we fear the existence of boundaries with others or crave more of them, there’s no denying that individuation and separation are inevitable parts of loving relationships that become the site of tension.
Sharon Salzberg
We have to know ourselves to know where we end and another person begins, and we have to develop the skills to navigate the space between us. Or else we will seek wholeness through false means that honor neither us nor those we love.
Sharon Salzberg
How we traverse the space between us when conflict arises has a profound effect on the health and longevity of our relationships.
Sharon Salzberg
A particularly difficult line to navigate is the one between fear and love, especially for parents, who want more than anything to protect their children from suffering.
Sharon Salzberg
The paradigm for our relationships is formed from our earliest experiences and is actually hardwired into our neurological and emotional network.
Sharon Salzberg
Letting go of the belief that we’re powerless to help relieve our own suffering enhances our ability not only to heal but also to genuinely love and receive the love of others.
Sharon Salzberg
The key in letting go is practice. Each time we let go, we disentangle ourselves from our expectations and begin to experience things as they are.
Sharon Salzberg
Mindfulness won’t ensure you’ll win an argument with your sister. Mindfulness won’t enable you to bypass your feelings of anger or hurt either. But it may help you see the conflict in a new way, one that allows you to break through old patterns.
Sharon Salzberg
We learn from conflicts only when we are willing to do so.
Sharon Salzberg
To truly love ourselves, we must challenge our beliefs that we need to be different or better.
Sharon Salzberg
As soon as we ask whether or not a story is true in the present moment, we empower ourselves to re-frame it.
Sharon Salzberg
Maybe what we really need is to change our relationship to what is, to see who we are with the strength of a generous spirit & a wise heart.
Sharon Salzberg
A relationship is the union of two psychological systems.
Sharon Salzberg
When we set an intention to explore our emotional hot spots, we create a pathway to real love.
Sharon Salzberg
Often in close relationships, the subject being discussed is not the subject at all.
Sharon Salzberg
You don't have to love yourself unconditionally before you can give or receive real love.
Sharon Salzberg
When we develop our ability to love in one realm, we simultaneously nourish our ability in others, as long as we remain open to the flow of insight and compassion.
Sharon Salzberg
So often we operate from ideas of love that don’t fit our reality.
Sharon Salzberg
Feelings of apathy as they relate to our relationships often stem from insufficiently paying attention to those around us.
Sharon Salzberg