Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Top 100 Quotes
Quotes by Life Coaches
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There is nothing wrong withdeciding that you don’t wantsomething, but if you do want it,go out and get it!
Domonique Bertolucci
Just because there is an obstaclein your path, that doesn’t meanyou have to get off the road.
Domonique Bertolucci
Worrying about money isone of the biggest causes ofunhappiness, but no amountof money can make you happyunless you change theway you feel about it.
Domonique Bertolucci
Just because there are thingsyou still want, that doesn’t meanyou can’t feel gratitude for all thewealth and abundancealready in your life.
Domonique Bertolucci
Having a poverty mentalityleaves you focusing on all thethings you don’t have, when inreality you probably already haveeverything you need.
Domonique Bertolucci
You have to give yourselfpermission to be happy.Nobody else can give it to you.
Domonique Bertolucci
Being happyis not a privilege—it is somethingeveryone deserves.
Domonique Bertolucci
Most of the things youfind yourself wantingwill have little or no bearingon the happiness in your life.
Domonique Bertolucci
Find a way to express yourgratitude for the wealthand abundance in your life.
Domonique Bertolucci
Focusing on scarcitywill only create moreof the same.
Domonique Bertolucci
One of the most powerfulquestions you can ask yourself is,‘How do I hold myself back?’Once you know the answeryou can get out of your way.
Domonique Bertolucci
The only way to get anunderstanding of the true wealthin your life is to acknowledge all thethings you have to be grateful for.
Domonique Bertolucci
Being generous is not just aboutthe decisions you make withyour wallet. Being generouswith your time and energyis just as important.
Domonique Bertolucci
If you are generous in yourrelationships you will receiveas much as you give.
Domonique Bertolucci
Everyone has a differentjourney in life. Don’t judgesomeone else for theirs.
Domonique Bertolucci
Before passing judgementon someone’s choices,stop and look at the questionsthey were trying to answer.
Domonique Bertolucci
Most people are doing their best,most of the time.
Domonique Bertolucci
If you want to bethe best you can be,don’t judge anyone.Not even yourself.
Domonique Bertolucci
Remember to afford yourselfthe same generosityyou give to others.
Domonique Bertolucci
Be generous with yourtime and energy. The harderit is to give, the morethe other person deserves it.
Domonique Bertolucci
Don’t rely on the opinions of others.Only you will know what isright for you.
Domonique Bertolucci
Be courageous in yourdecision-making.Stand by your choicesand never look back.
Domonique Bertolucci
Very few changes in life areachieved without effort and acommitment to making that effort.
Domonique Bertolucci
The only person who cantake responsibility for yourhappiness is you.
Domonique Bertolucci
When you decide to be the bestyou can be, don’t be surprisedif the circle of people youwant to spend your time withbecomes smaller.
Domonique Bertolucci
Most people are fine with fineand okay with okay.If you want to be the best youcan be, make sure you’re not.
Domonique Bertolucci
Don’t take your happiness forgranted. Be proactive aboutmaintaining and sustaining itin your life.
Domonique Bertolucci
Commit to being happy andmake the choices that willsupport your commitment.
Domonique Bertolucci
Although happiness is a stateof being, it usually still requiressome doing if it is to belasting in your life.
Domonique Bertolucci
Recognise how muchyou have to give.
Domonique Bertolucci
Give the people you love thebest of yourself, not the worst.
Domonique Bertolucci
Sometimes you have to risk orgive up some of your financialwealth to have a richer life.
Domonique Bertolucci
Every time you say ‘but’, you aregiving yourself a get-out clause.
Domonique Bertolucci
When you understandthe difference betweenwant and need, you willfinally realise howrich your life really is.
Domonique Bertolucci
There is nothing wrongwith enjoying life’s luxuriesas long as your happinessisn’t contingent on them.
Domonique Bertolucci
Challenge your assumptionsand identify your limiting beliefs.Every time you find yourself thinkingthat you can’t do something,ask yourself, ‘Why not?
Domonique Bertolucci
So many people sabotagetheir own chances for happiness—don’t be one of them.
Domonique Bertolucci
It is only when your actionsand words are aligned that youcan achieve your true potential.
Domonique Bertolucci
There is nothing wrong withwanting more. There is no reasonwhy you shouldn’t get everythingyou want from life.
Domonique Bertolucci
Sometimes being happy willrequire some difficult conversations.Some of those conversationswill be with yourself.
Domonique Bertolucci
If someone tries to undermineyour commitment, re-evaluateyour commitment to them.
Domonique Bertolucci
Identify your driving motivationand you will have all theencouragement you need.
Domonique Bertolucci
To be happy, you need to dothe right thing for you,even when it feels like thehardest thing in the world.
Domonique Bertolucci
Live your life with courageousintegrity. Do the right thing,not the easy thing.
Domonique Bertolucci
There is a big difference betweenbeing self-ist and being selfish—putting yourself first doesn’t meanyou have to put everyone else last.
Domonique Bertolucci
The most importantcommitment you will ever makeis to being the best you can be.
Domonique Bertolucci
Being the best you can betakes courage. You need to ownyour decisions and have thecourage to see them through.
Domonique Bertolucci
It’s easy to be brave wheneverything is going your way.When the going gets tough,it takes courage to followthe path you believe in.
Domonique Bertolucci
Be honest with yourself.You can’t be the bestyou can be unless you knowwho you really are.
Domonique Bertolucci
Unless you have thecourage to say ‘no’ tothe things you don’t want,it’s hard to say ‘yes’ tothe things that you do want.
Domonique Bertolucci
they don't serve champagne at pity parties
Cara Alwill Leyba
Life is about showing up, so is writing. That’s why I sit at my desk every day and dance my fingers across the keyboard
Laurie Buchanan
Writers are the wind that sail words across the page.
Laurie Buchanan
The Universe mirrors you. It mirrors your thoughts, both conscious and subconscious. It mirrors your actions and reactions.
Joe Vulgamore
Your imagination is a very powerful tool given to you by the Universe
Joe Vulgamore
The difference between a fear and a circumstance is acceptance
Joe Vulgamore
All things are possible for me because I believe all things are possible.
Joe Vulgamore
To vibrate that positive feeling to manifest the thing or the situation we desire, we have to feel it in the present, as if we are already in it. When we are feeling it, we are ‘being’ who we need to be to ‘do’ the action s it would require so we can ‘have’ what we desire.
Malti Bhojwani
You've got to have faith to make the journey. For some, it might take 40 days; for others, 40 years. And, unfortunately, there will be many that will never see their promise become a reality at all - not because God can't do it - because they don't have the faith to believe that he really can
Hannah Keeley
When we give over our (false sense of) control, and just allow, each change and each new experience becomes less of a worry and more of an exciting new adventure. It can be likened to awaiting Christmas (or birthday) morning as a child: Anticipation of unwrapping a beautiful new gift.
Camille Lucy