Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Top 100 Quotes
Quotes by Educators
- Page 9
If somebody asks me what enlightenment is, I say that it is simply recovering conscience.
Ilchi Lee
What is missing in our economic system is a central value that can encompass everything that can be transacted and used to assign the proper relative value to everything.
Ilchi Lee
Relatively speaking, science can provide reliable standards to verify truth in a physical, material sense, but values are not its strength. What one generation takes to be true is debunked and made obsolete by new discoveries.
Ilchi Lee
If we see our relationship to this planet in a wide perspective, one thing is clear: we belong to this planet, not the other way around.
Ilchi Lee
Rather than the kind of change that takes what we already have and augments it, like power to our cars and speed to our computers, I believe the kind of change we need now is a change of direction.
Ilchi Lee
Breathing well means breathing more slowly and deeply. Relax, feel your breathing, and breathe comfortably. Once aware, it naturally becomes deeper and slower.
Ilchi Lee
By becoming aware of how you eat your eating will become a rich experience blessed with tasteful flavor, joyful texture, a deep sense of gratitude, and pleasurable contentment.
Ilchi Lee
While sleeping, we’re free to be what we really are, nothing more, nothing less.
Ilchi Lee
Before you sleep, experience yourself as what you really are by recognizing the vast space inside you, and feeling the Energy-Consciousness, LifeParticles, overflowing through the space and through your body.
Ilchi Lee
There is much work to be done, and we are the ones privileged to do it.
Ilchi Lee
We did not - and could not - purchase Earth with money. We have just been granted temporary stewardship.
Ilchi Lee
We are currently too attached to our worldly toys, rather than to the lessons our playing could impart to further the maturity of our collective soul.
Ilchi Lee
Before we ask the cosmos for the power to have all our thoughts manifest, we need to train ourselves to become more aware, or mindful, of our thoughts, and think wisely enough to use this power for the benefit of all.
Ilchi Lee
Given that you desire to change things in your life much bigger than particles, how long do you maintain your observation and how much mental power do you invest in observing those things?
Ilchi Lee
Consciousness is part of our nature as sentient beings, but doesn’t mean we are aware at a particular moment. By perceiving our consciousness - becoming conscious of consciousness, we become aware.
Ilchi Lee
You know what awareness is only when you are aware. Awareness is the perception of your presence in the now.
Ilchi Lee
Awareness, when managed and directed, becomes attention. By turning into attention, awareness becomes localized, and attains a focal point. Because of this feature, attention has the power to direct energy.
Ilchi Lee
Attention has its most powerful expression in purposeful action.
Ilchi Lee
Thoughts become things? True, but that analysis is not complete - we need to add two more words: thoughts become things through energy.
Ilchi Lee
Thoughts become things through action. The most powerful tool for creating changes in your life is attention and action. No action means no creation.
Ilchi Lee
Meditation is a powerful way to enhance your attention, develop your ability to think mindfully, and to use the unlimited creative potential of your mind.
Ilchi Lee
Action is something you do purposefully with attention. If you really want something, you will use as much energy for it, and you will use it through action.
Ilchi Lee
The universe likes change. All that appears solid and substantial is built on the shifting sands of ceaseless transformation on the quantum level. Ironically, that’s the one steady factor about the universe - it is always changing, which means our efforts to change are supported by the very nature of Life.
Ilchi Lee
The only thing you need to be present here and now is your breathing. When you feel your breath, your mind is with your body.
Ilchi Lee
When your breath is slow and deep, your mind calm, raise your hands and focus on your palms. You will feel the subtle energy that connects body and mind: LifeParticles.
Ilchi Lee
Be aware of your breathing and breathe naturally. This will lead you into unity with the great flow of Life, your true nature.
Ilchi Lee
The deeper and slower your breathing becomes, the more space you will create inside you. Eventually, it will become so big that all your thoughts and emotions look trivial in the vastness of your inner space.
Ilchi Lee
By attuning your breathing, you can become one with the natural rhythm of life that flows through you all the time.
Ilchi Lee
You are infinite intelligence, creativity and Energy-Consciousness which gives you the power and wisdom to attain fulfillment and completion in life.
Ilchi Lee
The moment you choose your vision, great confliction comes along. You have confliction even if you don't choose the vision. Our soul grows not by living life within a small confliction, but rather living with big conflictions inside a big vision. A soul with a vision can succeed.
Ilchi Lee
Some changes we can control, but we find that many things are inseparably wired into the life we share in local, national, and global communities. For example, the healthy lifestyle you are determined to live and take to be a personal choice of which you have control, is heavily influenced and limited by the culture and industries of the communities you belong to.
Ilchi Lee
Although we have refined our behavior over many centuries, the basic perception that we are individual beings, separate from the rest of the world, remains unchanged, and so how we relate to the world remains unchanged. Because separation is an illusion, control is also an illusion.
Ilchi Lee
How do we meditate? It is not thinking about the past or future. It starts with being present.
Ilchi Lee
The life I am experiencing, good or bad, is the collective result of the choices I have made, knowingly or unknowingly. When I accept this, I acknowledge that I have the power to create my destiny.
Ilchi Lee
Make your mind quiet of disturbing thoughts by focusing on subtle energy on your palms, inside your body and all around.
Ilchi Lee
When you experience being present, there is no separation between you and other things. If you feel separate, you are already out of the present and returned to your familiar land of names and concepts.
Ilchi Lee
The common factor in all our experiences is wakeful consciousness which turns what happens into an experience or a meaningful reality.
Ilchi Lee
Consciousness is not confined within an individual brain. Otherwise, how can it cause changes in the physical state of things outside the brain?
Ilchi Lee
Consciousness can travel through space or can be present at multiple locations simultaneously. A conscious mind here can create a material change there, and is not limited by time and space or any physical forces.
Ilchi Lee
Consciousness has power to create physical changes and requires no other medium than itself. It can reach the entire universe, inferring that consciousness energy is the very nature of the universe.
Ilchi Lee
Because consciousness has no mass and extension, no parts or physical properties, it is Nothing, which on the other hand, can generate the matter and energy of the entire universe.
Ilchi Lee
LifeParticles are the particles of Nothingness that have attributes of being and nonbeing, and the particles of energy and consciousness, which are the essence of Life.
Ilchi Lee
Perhaps we have been dependent too long on language and thought, and need to reawaken our inherent sense of the subtle vibration of Energy-Consciousness. All you have to do is unblock the blocked parts and awaken the sleeping parts of your being to access it.
Ilchi Lee
The language of Energy-Consciousness, LifeParticles, can be universal for all life-forms. To enliven it ask yourself, “How would I feel if …” and just feel - how other people feel, how the oceans, forests, animals and the Earth feel. Through this language, you can deliver your feeling and intent to others and consciously experience your connection to all beings.
Ilchi Lee
Many of the most profound discoveries were reported to have come through intuition rather than sequential analysis processed by linguistic understanding.
Ilchi Lee
All beings are made up of LifeParticles, and ceaselessly interact and communicate on this deeper level of reality. Through this connection, all beings affect and reflect each other. Whatever we do, we do to ourselves. Whatever comes out of us comes back.
Ilchi Lee
As a phenomenon, life has a beginning and ending, but life itself doesn’t. So, which one is truly me - a phenomenon that lasts only between birth and death, or life itself that underlies all phenomena?
Ilchi Lee
Our true reality is not a limited phenomenon, existing only between birth and death. It is eternal life that exists alone, self-existent and self-sufficient, the essence of all that is, was, and ever will be throughout the universe. That is what you really are.
Ilchi Lee
If people begin to use the full power of conscience in all the choices they make in their everyday life, from presidential elections to purchasing things in the grocery store, the world will change.
Ilchi Lee
Absolute values are the things that are important whether you like them or not. Relative values depend on social contexts and personal preferences and conditions of life. Our current market system pursues relative transient values at the cost of absolute lasting values.
Ilchi Lee
A more truthful perception may be seen from the perspective of the whole - what we really are, beyond names, roles, education, religion and other information added to our true nature.
Ilchi Lee
We need to look carefully at what we value, what we have, and what we desire to make sure these are really important to us and represent what we truly want.
Ilchi Lee
To recover the purest Zero mind, and cosmic consciousness, we first have to attain an earth consciousness.
Ilchi Lee
We use our minds in a way similar to how we use a scale - it tells us its worth, its value. But what if the scale has not been accurately recalibrated to zero? What if you had forgotten to remove mental and emotional baggage?
Ilchi Lee
Recalibration of the mind means clearing our perceptions and recovering our capacity for pure observation.
Ilchi Lee
When we look at something, we are often not aware of who is perceiving, and unaware of the mental-emotional filter created by past experiences, hopes and expectations.
Ilchi Lee
Conscience is the absolute truthfulness perceived, which comes from Nothing, our true nature, and as such reflects things exactly the way they are.
Ilchi Lee
Recalibration comes from experiencing Nothingness, being open to emptiness as the ultimate reality and our nature. It is the purest mind, the Energy-Consciousness itself.
Ilchi Lee
Religion is not God himself or herself. It is a system of teaching about God, an explanation of God’s way to human minds. But God doesn’t need explanations to exist.
Ilchi Lee
. . . when you are stressed, if you take three deep breaths before you say or do anything, this will help prevent you from making choices you might regret later.
Ilchi Lee