Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Top 100 Quotes
Quotes by Educators
- Page 23
The silence was pregnant with noise, with muted fury, with questions the father found too disgusting to frame and with answers to which the son was incapable of giving voice.
Johnny Rich
Silent is an anagram of listen.
Johnny Rich
The child's reluctance to speak for the first few months of his residence in a new country is not pathological, but normal.
Stephen D. Krashen
People should think of their words like seeds. They should plant them, then let them grow in silence. Our old people taught us that the earth is always speaking to us, but that we have to be silent to hear her.
Kent Nerburn
Your silence creates a vacuum for others to fill The key is to stay present and keep listening. The silence of holding steady is different from the silence of holding back.
Ronald A. Heifetz
There was a brief silence. I think I heard snow falling.
Erich Segal
We pass Tinsley's Fried Chicken with the big sign that reads, TRY OUR BIG, JUICY BREASTS.
Donna Cooner
What smells good may not always taste good, I leaned this the day I tried to eat a scented candle.
Kenny D. Eichenberg
Maybe your mind won't remember what I cooked last week, but your body will.
Erica Bauermeister
The global industrial food system holds an inherent contradiction. It is a major source of global warming pollution, and at the same time it is threatened by increasing climate chaos. This same food system currently leaves close to a billion people hungry, not for a lack of food production or "overpopulation"-as many textbooks tell students- but because the global market privileges the profits of multinational corporations over the human rights to food.
Bill Bigelow
It may sound crazy, but people like to eat what they are. If they have voracious habits they can't change, they like sweet foods. If they are tight with their money, they prefer to eat bread and mashed potatoes. If they are flamboyant they like to eat elaborately thin vegetables, fried and piled up high like a fancy hat. We are all cannibals, eating the secrets we have within.
Josh Barkan
When a couple came to class together, it meant something else entirely - food as a solution, a diversion, or, occasionally, a playground.
Erica Bauermeister
We’re all just ingredients. What matters is the grace with which you cook the meal.
Erica Bauermeister
She felt about her zester the way some women do about a pair of spiky red shoes--a frivolous splurge, good only for parties, but oh so lovely.
Erica Bauermeister
The truth hurts but a lie will eventually as well
Richard L Torres
Is cruelty still cruel if it is necessary? Is cruelty still cruel if it is part of a lie?
Johnny Rich
These are the things you don’t say, even to someone you love.
Johnny Rich
everyone is lied to for his or her own good. A mother telling a child it will be okay. A lover telling a lover I will always love you. Politicians promising a better and brighter future. Generals and admirals insisting war begets peace.
Julia Fierro
Surely, our greatest parental hope is that our children attain a state of righteousness. It is the only sure road to happiness. But to attain such a state requires that they be decent as well as compliant. I know many, many young people who are not "righteous" in the usual sense. But they are wonderfully decent people with many praiseworthy qualities. They are not "devout" in the sense that they attend church faithfully, dress or groom themselves traditionally, or publicly declare their devotions, but they are kind, honest, hard working, concerned for others, and unselfish.
Glenn I. Latham
She became a frame for the picture that was her son and daughter.
Erica Bauermeister
If one were to list all the cruelties and maltreatments, both physical and emotional, that parents and adults inflict on children under the guise of love, the list would be a long one. But, going beyond such sinister examples, even kissing and hugging may or may not convey to a child that he is loved.Love is a feeling, an emotional state. Artists, writers, philosophers, poets have tried to define it. Marcel Proust says, "Love is space and time measured by the heart." What is space and time? It is the here and now. It is you.As unfortunately I am no poet, I will try to recall from my own experience how it feels to be truly loved by someone. It makes me feel good, it opens me up, it gives me strength, I feel less vulnerable, less lonely, less helpless, less confused, more honest, more rich; it fills me with hope, trust, creative energy and it refuels me.How do I perceive the other person who gives me these feelings? As honest, as one who sees and accepts me for what I really am, who objectively responds without being critical, whose authenticity and values I respect and who respects mine, who is available when needed, who listens and hears, who looks and sees me, who shares herself - who cares. Cares. To care is to put love in action. The way we care for our babies is then how they experience our love.
Magda Gerber
Embrace your beautiful mess of a life with your child. No matter how hard it gets, do not disengage... Do something—anything—to connect with and guide your child today. Parenting is an adventure of the greatest significance. It is your legacy." - Andy Kerckhoff, from Critical Connection
Andy Kerckhoff
This communal parenting brought me out of the privacy of our foreign enclave and into the public life of the community. Here, parenting was everyone’s responsibility; all adults were "aunties" and "uncles".
Aminta Arrington
Simplification establishes an unspoken emphasis on relationship.
Kim John Payne
What better reminder do we have than our kids of our own best selves, our less stressed and more carefree selves? In their silliness we see the echo of the way we used to be: when we were kids, yes, but also before we had kids, or even two weeks ago, before all of the stress of these year-end corporate meetings. Their joy, their infectious enthusiasm, their sense of "mission" as the poor dog is dressed in boxer shorts, cannot help but cajole you, and beckon you, to lighten up.
Kim John Payne
Consistency also teaches us that some things do not change, though we may wish they would. Not everything bends to our personal preferences.
Kim John Payne
One of the benefits the authors point out of discussing logical consequences with children rather than handing out arbitrary punishments is that the practice gives THEM the language to discuss One of the benefits the authors point out of discussing logical consequences with children rather than handing out arbitrary punishments is that the practice gives THEM the language to discuss seting boundaries and making decisions, even in conflicts with their friends.
Adele Faber
Children need time to become themselves--through play and social interaction. If you overwhelm a child with stuff--with choices and pseudochoices--before they are ready, they will only know one emotional gesture: More!
Kim John Payne
History was ignorant and had a mean streak, so it tended to repeat.
Raymond L. Atkins
We all should rise, above the clouds of ignorance, narrowness, and selfishness.
Booker T. Washington
She said that in writing anything, you must be perfectly honest.
Lesley Choyce
...Helen sipped peppermint schnapps and considered the world made of her design. My religion is keeping peace, she thought. It hadn't begun that way, was nothing she'd planned, but now she saw that's how it was. I just ran a grocery, she thought. I don't want this. I ain't the one to make the world right.
Alan Heathcock
Hollow Horn Bear knew that to be leader and adviser of his people he must be honest and reliable, and that his word once given in promise must never be taken back. He knew that he must be a man of will-power, standing for the right no matter what happened to him personally; that he must have strength of purpose, allowing no influence to turn him from doing what was best for the tribe. He must be willing to serve his people without thought of pay. He must be utterly unselfish and kind-hearted to the old and poor and stand ready to give to those in need. Above all, he must be unafraid to deal equal justice to all.
Luther Standing Bear
I have learned to accept the fact that I will make mistakes at nearly every turn, but that those mistakes can be softened if I am honest about who I am to my girls.
Liane Holliday Willey
Honesty and integrity are the yardsticks by which we measure our intrinsic value.
Orly Wahba
And everyone lived happily, thought maybe not completely honestly, ever after. The End.
Jon Scieszka
Only adversity provides the opportunity for greatness.
Wayde Goodall
Describing Robert Bunsen:As an investigator he was great, as a teacher he was greater, as a man and friend he was greatest.
Henry Enfield Roscoe
Seek not greatness, but seek truth and you will find both.
Horace Mann
The beautiful is powerless but always exceeds what frames it, and what always frames it is discourse.
Jeremy Gilbert-Rolfe
I shuddered at the thought of what I would do for her if she asked—kill, steal, desecrate the holy god Ambi, destroy cities and masses of people just at her command.
Kenya Wright
Ever since I drank your blood, my head has been crazy... I won’t lie. The connection gives me a lot of power over you. I could read your thoughts and speak to you wherever I am, even several miles away.
Kenya Wright
And you’re absolutely breathtaking.
Kenya Wright
I call you domina because that’s what you are,” Samuel insisted.“It’s what I was. Now I’m just Brie. What if I only called you pathfinder?
Kenya Wright
Your arousal is like the sweetest perfume I’ve ever smelled... I can sense it all around me — tingling against my skin, thickening your blood and shoving me off the edge of insanity.
Kenya Wright
...my desire for him exploded into a great hunger. I was dizzy with it.
Kenya Wright
I could fall in love with you and have no regrets... I want you so bad. You’ll never understand how much.
Kenya Wright
I’m impressed you left to keep everyone safe.” He tenderly massaged the area above my hipbone with his right thumb.“I’ve seen vampire men cry and piss their pants after one hour in the sewers by themselves. You’ve been walking most of the day and all alone.
Kenya Wright
His gaze drank me in and he made no attempt to conceal that fact.
Kenya Wright
Would she flee if she knew the thoughts I kept in my mind? My hands went to her flat stomach. My fingers sank in the soft tan flesh around her waist. One day her belly would be full of my children and her mind would only be focused on me.
Kenya Wright
The very thought of him coming so close to tasting you makes me want to split his head in two.
Kenya Wright
She wants her freedom.
Kenya Wright
Do you know how hard it’s been to not fuck you this whole journey?" he asked inside my head.“Why can’t I make love to you? Your husband sent you off to breed with a vampire.” Samuel’s fangs retracted. “Last time I checked, I was a vampire.
Kenya Wright
I shoved his arm with all my strength, but it wouldn’t budge. His waist rippled with sculpted muscles. His chest and shoulders bulged and spoke of great strength. It was one thing to assume he had a big frame, another to have it confirmed with the moon's light.
Kenya Wright
His power sings to your blood. I witnessed your reaction to him just now. He’ll be a king in a few years... And you’ll be his queen.
Kenya Wright
…he grabbed my hand again. That same warmth hit me, seeping into my skin. I bit my lip and forced myself not to relish in the tingling heat. Samuel’s eyes widened. Fangs erupted from his gums. His nostrils flared as he inhaled me.
Kenya Wright
He growled. The noise echoed through the area. Birds flew from the trees. They appeared like dark dots in the starry sky.
Kenya Wright
Lay down, please.” Samuel’s voice stroked my ears like a man seducing his lover after they’d suffered a long absence.
Kenya Wright
A long time ago in a kingdom by the sea there lived a princess as tall and bright as a sunflower.
Jeanne Desy
Isabelle had always thought of her mind as a garden, a magical place to play as a child, when the grown-ups were having conversations and she was expected to listen politely-- and even, although she hated to admit this, later with Edward, her husband, when listening to the particularities of his carpet salesmanship wore her thin. Every year the garden grew larger, the paths longer and more complicated. Meadows of memories.Of course, her mental garden hadn't always been well tended. There were the years when the children were young, fast-moving periods when life flew by without time for the roots of deep reflection, and yet she knew memories were created whether one pondered them or not. She had always considered that one of the luxuries of growing older would be the chance to wander through the garden that had grown while she wasn't looking. She would sit on a bench and let her mind take every path, tend every moment she hadn't paid attention to, appreciate the juxtaposition of the one memory against another.
Erica Bauermeister