Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Top 100 Quotes
Quotes by Educators
- Page 11
Daffodils are yellow trumpets of spring
Richard L. Ratliff
Veins raised themselves along the backs of my hands that summer. My handwriting changed several times. I began reading Time magazine. Soon after that it was time to go.
Lorene Cary
To live in this world, I realized, is to leave pieces of your heart in various places; and to move toward any place is to move away from another.
Frederic S. Durbin
She looked up, over the bandage that was nestled under her chin, and saw that the big-belly man with the red beard was starting at her, shaking his head. He looked like he was crying. "I got ya this time," he whispered, as if to himself. "This time, I got ya.
Adam Gidwitz
It isn't stress that makes us fall - it's how we respond to stressful events.
Wayde Goodall
You may say you're "anti-status," but if you filled a room with people who said that, they would soon form a status hierarchy based on how anti-status each person claims to be.
Loretta Graziano Breuning
The activity of interpreting might be understood as listening for the 'song beneath the words.
Ronald A. Heifetz
Your greatest area of leadership often comes out of your greatest area of pain and weakness.
Wayde Goodall
We are exploring together. We are cultivating a garden together, backs to the sun. The question is a hoe in our hands and we are digging beneath the hard and crusty surface to the rich humus of our lives.
Parker J. Palmer
I don't like that guy. He calls the cops for everything.
Jōji Tsubota
It's nice to be pushed, when you're being pushed in the right direction.
Kent Allen
All sports for all people.
Pierre de Coubertin
I walked across a bridge that doesn't exist. And after that, being scared just didn't seem so important anymore.
Erica Bauermeister
That absolute, ultimate reality is always there within us (as it is everywhere else, as well). whether we are aware of it or not, it is there, like the sun shining behind the clouds, invisible because of the clouds, but undeniably there. The sun of our inner nature, the LifeParticle Sun, is always shining, whether we see it or not. And because it is already there, we don't need to create or achieve it. We just have to acknowledge it.
Ilchi Lee
Be confident. Be successful. Bebeautiful. Be intelligent. Be hard working. Be carefree. Be modest.Be driven. Be forgiving. Be creative. Be relaxed. Be motivated. Beeducated. Be thoughtful. Be kind. Be determined. Be good. Just beyou!
Russell Strand
Socialism is socialism. Government run enterprises are just as inept under democratic governments as they are under autocratic governments.
Thomas J. DiLorenzo
He showed videotape of himself committing acts of self-violence and informing news crews that he had been assaulted by a marauding mob of irate art historians.
Johnny Rich
To be sure, the fundamental task of management remains the same: to make people capable of joint performance through common goals, common values, the right structure, and the training and development they need to perform and to respond to change.
Peter F Drucker
An effective leader is also an effective listener.
Artika Tyner
The leader is always learning new things and gaining new insights.
Artika Tyner
What's measured improves
Peter F Drucker
There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all.
Peter F Drucker
For while it is of no particular importance how many things you start in life, it is of great importance how many you finish!
Josephine Daskam Bacon
Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans.
Peter F Drucker
To lose one parent might be considered a misfortune, or a reason to deny God’s existence at the least. To lose two looks like He may be up to something.
Johnny Rich
A library's function is to give the public in the quickest and cheapest way: information, inspiration, and recreation. If a better way than the book can be found, we should use it.
Melvil Dewey
The student has his Rome, his whole glowing Italy, within the four walls of his library. He has in his books the ruins of an antique world and the glories of a modern one.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The time was when a library was very like a museum and the librarian a mouser in musty books. The time is when the library is a school and the librarian in the highest sense a teacher.
Melvil Dewey
Every day, librarians enforce copyright policies that we may disagree with and that, in some ways, run contrary to the values of our profession. Every day, librarians must decide between a desire to preserve the privacy of our community members and offering services our communities demand. Every day, librarians must make a choice between doing what’s easy, doing what’s right, and determining what’s right in the first place. No textbook or mission statement or policy document can relieve us of the necessity to make those decisions, nor remove the complexity of those decisions. That’s why we are librarians and why librarians are professionals, not clerks. That’s why we are stewards within the communities we serve, not servants to them. That’s why we must shape the missions and the work of our organizations and communities, and not simply accept them.
R. David Lankes
until we are willing and able to make the connections between what we are eating and what was required to get it on our plate, and how it affects us to buy, serve, and eat it, we will be unable to make the connections that will allow us to live wisely and harmoniously on this earth.When we cannot make connections, we cannot understand, and we are less free, less intelligent, less loving, and less happy.
Will Tuttle
Jay replied to the bird, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, my little bird. I'm sorry for leaving you alone. I'm sorry for hiding you away. Only now do I realize how much I've missed you.
Ilchi Lee
You can encounter the great life within you when you recover the zero point. What you encounter that great life, all limits created by the thoughts and emotions vanish and infinite creativity springs forth.
Ilchi Lee
It is important to realize that you are fundamentally made up of Life Particles, as is everyone else. Please realize that you, like everyone you meet, possess a MindScreen. Making use of this powerful asset will help you cultivate a healthier, happier and more peaceful life, and it will help you do the same for others.
Ilchi Lee
A second chance is a direct pathway to a grateful heart and an astonished mind.
Holly Elissa Bruno
Just because something is legal doesn't always make it right.
Raymond C. Nolan
With food still scarce,there was no longer a right to exist. You needed to earn your spot.
Eric Liu
Organised religion generally gets in the way of spiritual experience.
Alan McCluskey
Maybe I'm not so different from everyone else after all. It's like somebody gave me a puzzle, but I don't have the box with the picture on it. So I don't know what the final thing is supposed to look like. I'm not even sure if I have all the pieces.
Sharon M. Draper
The fact is, nothing great or enduring, especially in music, has ever sprung full-fledged and unprecedented from the brain of any master; the best that he gives to the world he gathers from the hearts of the people, and runs it through the alembic of his genius.
James Weldon Johnson
There's still a question I must put to you," said the cunger woman. "Can you give up Joshua to keep him?
William H. Hooks
I don't understand," Belle cried. "I gave you gold. You only gave me grief.
William H. Hooks
In order to get over the ethical difficulties presented by the naive naturalism of many parts of those Scriptures, in the divine authority of which he firmly believed, Philo borrowed from the Stoics (who had been in like straits in respect of Greek mythology), that great Excalibur which they had forged with infinite pains and skill—the method of allegorical interpretation. This mighty 'two-handed engine at the door' of the theologian is warranted to make a speedy end of any and every moral or intellectual difficulty, by showing that, taken allegorically or, as it is otherwise said, 'poetically' or, 'in a spiritual sense,' the plainest words mean whatever a pious interpreter desires they should mean.
Thomas Henry Huxley
Beneath the instinct to fight there lurks a diviner instinct to love.
Inazo Nitobe
Our susceptibility to myth is a world danger. Because the application of science to human behaviour has come so late the myth is regarded as less dangerous than the bacillus. It is doubtful whether such a belief is justified.
Goeffrey Pyke
They yoked themselves to a car and drew her all the long way through dust and heat. Everyone admired their filial piety when they arrived and the proud and happy mother standing before the statue prayed that Hera would reward them by giving them the best gift in her power. As she finished her prayer the two lads sank to the ground. They were smiling and they looked as if they were peacefully asleep but they were dead. (Biton and Cleobis)
Edith Hamilton
She looked at the produce stalls, a row of jewels in a case, the colors more subtle in the winter, a Pantone display consisting only of greens, without the raspberries and plums of summer, the pumpkins of autumn. But if anything, the lack of variation allowed her mind to slow and settle, to see the small differences between the almost-greens and creamy whites of a cabbage and a cauliflower, to wake up the senses that had grown lazy and satisfied with the abundance of the previous eight months. Winter was a chromatic palate-cleanser, and she had always greeted it with the pleasure of a tart lemon sorbet, served in a chilled silver bowl between courses.
Erica Bauermeister
Snow harder! Snow more!Snow blizzards galore!I can’t get enoughOf the fluffy white stuff!Snow! Snow! Snow!Snow a ton! Snow a heap!Snow ten feet deep!I wouldn’t cryIf it snowed til July.Snow! Snow! Snow!
Paul F. Kortepeter
Thus unto winter’s chill embrace I turnWho once the summer’s sun did blithely bide ‘Neath solemn visage cold and fair and sternIn her cool breast my hot heart to confide.Denied the warmth and wit of summer’s sun Or springtime’s strength, and bright, melodious song I dreamed not to complete what I’d begun Nor dared to haste the laggard hours along.But now with spring and summer sun at rest Laid bare before bright winter’s pale charms I would for love of her lay down my quest And take my ease in Winter-Lady’s arms.Before her beauty fair ‘neath snow-swept sky All other seasons blanch and fade, and die.- The Lost Knight's Lament, "Winter's Lady" (Forthcoming)
D. Alexander Neill
It's as if I died too,' she whispered to herself, 'as if I was born dead.'Ironically, it was true. Emotionally she knew what her mind did not, beyond logic, beyond reason, as if somehow deep inside she felt what Sarah knew.
Denny Taylor
The green sea swept into the shallows and seethed there like slaking quicklime. It surged over the rocks, tossing up spangles of water like a juggler and catching them deftly again behind. It raced knee-deep through the clefts and crevices, twisted and tortured in a thousand ways, till it swept nuzzling and sucking into the holes at the base of the cliff. The whole reef was a shambles of foam, but it was bright in the sun, bright as a shattered mirror, exuberant and leaping with light.
Colin Thiele
My soul is full of longingfor the secret of the sea,and the heart of the great oceansends a thrilling pulse through me.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
A single wire hanger on a nail by itselfIsn't bad though a stack of them on a floorIs too gloomy for words.
Dara Weir
… Without a sense of identity, there can be no real struggle…
Paulo Freire
That continuous, unnamed ache I had been living with was precise and definable now. Call it the foretaste of being hated. I knew ahead of time that if someone looked at me with hate, I would have to allow it, to swallow it, because something in me, something about me deserved it.
Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston
You cannot deport 110,000 people unless you have stopped seeing individuals. Of course, for such a thing to happen, there has to be a kind of acquiescence on the part of the victims, some submerged belief that this treatment is deserved, or at least allowable.
Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston
Shouldn't you be asking for my name first?
Kip Fulbeck
They'll never know we were here.
Danny M. Cohen
You have to join every other movement for the freedom of people.
Bayard Rustin
Everything begins by making your audience pay attention.
Darin Bradley
A good book is a man's best friend. It never leaves you even in your darkest hour.
Sophany Thay