Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Top 100 Quotes
Quotes by Consultants
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How we treat one another matters, and not just in a "it's nice to be nice" kind of way: our behavior contributes to an environment that encourages some opportunities and hinders others.
Clay Shirky
Public and civic value require commitment and hard work among the core group of participants. It also requires that these groups be self-governing and submit to constraints that help them ignore distracting and entertaining material and stay focused instead of some sophisticated task.
Clay Shirky
This work is not easy, and it never goes smoothly. Because we are hopelessly committed to both individual and group effectiveness, groups committed to public or civic value are rarely permanent. Instead, groups need to acquire a culture that rewards their members for doing that hard work. It takes this kind of group effort to get what we need, not just what we want; understanding how to create and maintain is one of the great challenges of our era.
Clay Shirky
People want to do something to make the world a better place. They will help when they are invited to.
Clay Shirky
A highly developed values system is like a compass. It serves as a guide to point you in the right direction when you are lost.
Idowu Koyenikan
Unleash in the right time and place before you explode at the wrong time andplace.
Oli Anderson
Love is not an emotion. Love is the only constant in the universe, the substance and the truth of what we really are.
Dragos Bratasanu
When you decide where you turn next in life, look beyond your thoughts, do not trust your emotions, and listen to your heart.
Dragos Bratasanu
Remember: knowing originates on the inside, knowledge on the outside. Certain facts and concepts may change, come into being, disappear, or be replaced, but what it is to be a human being will never really be all that different. Every person to ever live, now and the whole of history, has had a rich and elaborate world of inner experience, but it has mainly been flesh upon the same skeleton. We are allborn, come to terms with the world, and then come to terms with coming to terms with the world, as we go through the stages of puberty, old age, death andmaking sense of it all in between. We all live the same process in different ways. Some live it longer than others and some cover more ground. But that's it.
Oli Anderson
Having problems doesn't make you noble or virtuous, it makes you human. Nobility and virtue comes from the way that you handle your problems and either learn to move past them or live with them if out of your control.
Oli Anderson
If a lion cub thinks it is a kitten, it will grow up catching mice.
Dr. Asoka Jinadasa
If mistakes determine our worth, then we're all worthless.Thank God that's not the case.
Andrena Sawyer
In the Bible, one often confronts real antinomies (equal but opposing truths). But in life one never does and always has options in difficult situations ...however uncomfortable may be their consequences. Satisfice in the circumstances and get on with your life! ~ © gfp '42™
Gary Patton
Jewish texts compare the knowable universe to the size of a mustard seed. Similar association between God and man made in Quran, Buddhism.
Sudhir Ahluwalia
Has anyone done research on herbs, trees and vegetation referred to in the Bible? Share your thoughts.
Sudhir Ahluwalia
Bible is a window into the life and practices of the people who lived in Israel and bordering nations of Egypt, Mesopotamia, Greece, Rome, and Judea.
Sudhir Ahluwalia
The original text of the Bible was perhaps written in Hebrew and Aramaic and later translated into Greek.
Sudhir Ahluwalia
During the course of my research on #herbs mentioned in the #Bible , I found that #pomegranate is regarded as a wonder #fruit in many other.
Sudhir Ahluwalia
Even if it's not appreciated, do your best. Integrity will take you further than acknowledgement.
Andrena Sawyer
The “Word of God” is not simply the Christian Bible but exists in a threefold form: “The Word” incarnate (Jesus Followers’ King), the word prophesied and proclaimed (Prophets), and the word in scripture (Bible). All three are the self-disclosure of God, The One & Only ...in three, distinct & unique Persons, Father, Son, & Holy Spirit.
Gary Patton
You need to train yourself to be comfortable with silence, particularly when dealing with cultures that respect silence more than we do in the West.
Tony Buon
At a stage in life, you learn to talk less. That is, let your works do the talking. Hence, work hard in silence. The evidence will be clear for all to see.
Oscar Bimpong
Instead of celebrating what makes each child unique, most parents push their children to "fit in" so that they don't "stick out." This unwittingly stomps out individuality and encourages conformity, despite these parents' good intentions
Tom Rath
Secrets, like tyrants, have influence that extends far beyond their own thrones. To silence their oppressive powers, they must be uncrowned.
Ina Catrinescu
Unless the distant goals of meaning, greatness, and destiny are addressed, we can’t make an intelligent decision about what to do tomorrow morning—much less set strategy for a company or for a human life. Nothing is more practical than for people to deepen themselves. The more you understand the human condition, the more effective you are as a businessperson. Human depth makes (even) business sense.
Peter Koestenbaum
Just as only one discordant note has the power to disturb an entire symphony, the accordance between a body and its soul can be a broken by only one discordant event. To ensure and maintain an optimal fit, one must deliberately and continuously choreograph the equilibrium of the body, mind, and soul.
Ina Catrinescu
A seed houses generation of seeds and can also feed generations of man.
Oscar Bimpong
These are tears and I am crying.It is not a painful sensation, as I always thought it must be. It feels like the purest expression of feeling that it is possible to have. And the feeling mixes everything up together. Happiness. Sadness. Relief. Sorrow. Love. A mixture if things no psychiatrist ever felt. It is the most wonderful mixture in the world.
Harry Bingham
Patience and empathy are anger's mortal enemies.
Gary Rudz
Corporate strategy is usually only useful if you get people engaged with helping you to make it work.
Max McKeown
Strategy and culture should have breakfast together.
Max McKeown
Our own attitude is that we are charged with discovering the best way of doing everything.
Mark Graban
You get what you expect and you deserve what you tolerate.
Mark Graban
When you can truly understand how others experience your behavior, without defending or judging, you then have the ability to produce a breakthrough in your leadership and team. Everything starts with your self-awareness. You cannot take charge without taking accountability, and you cannot take accountability without understanding how you avoid it.
Loretta Malandro
If any of us ever re-worried abot a request, Mom would say, "If you think you can handle it better than God, it´s coming out."Just the suggestion that we thought we were more powerful than God put us in out places and made us stop fretting and start believing.
Mary Lou Quinlan
Your idea, talent, experience and certificates are not enough. What is needed is a strong passion for driving your idea, talent, experience and your certificates to success.
Oscar Bimpong
The barrier standing between you and the life you are capable of living is a lack of consistent execution. Effective execution will set you free. It is the path to accomplish the things you desire.
Brian P. Moran
Idealism + Inaction = Depression
Oli Anderson
Measurement is the first step that leads to control and eventually to improvement. If you can’t measure something, you can’t understand it. If you can’t understand it, you can’t control it. If you can’t control it, you can’t improve it.
H. James Harrington
If you don’t understand something clearly that you are being taught…speak up.If you feel something is confusing or you are unsure of exactly what to do…ask about it.If you need clarification or something repeated to make sure you got it…request it.If you feel lost, forgot something, or feel like you are falling behind…bring it up.Nodding your head, saying “yeah, yeah” and pretending to know things you don’t is right up there with one of the worst things you can do when you hire some one to help you and your career.
Loren Weisman
So revenge is obviously a deeply messed-up expression of vindictiveness. It is hard to even call it "evil." It is just plain insanity. A result of deeply messed-up thinking.
Venkatesh G. Rao
Our ultimate devotion is to be a reflection of a divine work that is continuously unfolding in our hearts.
Andrena Sawyer
If you are constrained to playing by the rules while your opponent is not, then you are certain to lose.
Gary T. Smith
It takes nothing to stay in poverty, but everything to break free from it.
Idowu Koyenikan
Poverty is a mindset: It creates that sense of scarcity. You then become accustomed to it such that your life is hinged on protecting the scarce resources that you have. However, you can only create a mindset of abundance by investing what you have and not savings. Savings only becomes significant if it's done with a motive to invest.
Oscar Bimpong
When pursued it becomes clear that this separation between one's self and the Church usually stems from deep unresolved pain or dissatisfaction rooted in early religious upbringing. Sometimes it arises from a contemporary image of the Church as authoritarian, chauvinistic, hypocritical, or unforgiving in nature. Though thirsting spiritually for a relationship, some find it too threatening or the prospects too unsatisfying to have to return to a painful image or experience associated with God and the religious realm. This group ay actually scorn the Church because it is not intellectually acceptable to live with a reality that can only be accepted on faith. "To believe in something non-verifiable,' they say, 'is to be weak in one's thin
Janet O. Hagberg
A crisis can knock us off balance, making us afraid, vulnerable, and ripe for change. This also happens in our spiritual journey. We have a crisis in our faith that causes us to reconsider. It might frighten us, at least make us vulnerable. If we become bitter or too resistant, we can get very stuck. But if we let the change or crisis touch us, if we live with it and embrace it as difficult as that is, we are more likely to grow and to move eventually to another stage or spiral in our journey [of faith]. When we are most vulnerable, we have the best chance to learn and move along the way. In the midst of pain there is promise.
Janet O. Hagberg
The Cream Does NOT Always Rise To The Top! There is a serious misconception, misconnection and mistake in this idea of thinking.
Loren Weisman
The moment we begin to define others and ourselves by how we are different, the seeds of separation are planted.
Kim H. Krisco
Expect little, and we live up to the expectation. Expect a lot, and we stretch and grow to meet the expectation.
John Stahl-Wert
The more you teach your people to not need you, the greater your value.
John Stahl-Wert
When one dream dies we replace it with another.
Oli Anderson
Our modern day, hyper-rat-race culture often leads us to mistakenly confuse'busy' for 'success'. The truth of the matter is that if you're constantly having to tell people how busy you are and how overwhelmed with work or stressed you are, what you're really telling them is that you can't cope with what's on your plate. You're ‘failing’.
Oli Anderson
Failure is an opportunity to rise higher than before.
Edwin Dearborn
What God has for you, is for you. We can move forward with peace and confidence in that.
Andrena Sawyer
Whenever we suffer — no matter what the severity of our suffering is — we have the ability to find meaning in the situation.
Alex Pattakos
It is essential to our health and happiness that we dedicate ourselves to some kind of mission or purpose that transcends the mundane hustle and bustle of daily living.
Oli Anderson
The problem with social media is that it's great for your ego, but terrible for your sanity.
Andrena Sawyer
When we work creatively and productively with others, our experience of meaning can be profound. When we work directly for the good of others, meaning deepens in ways that reward us beyond measure. Whenever we go beyond satisfying our own personal needs, we enter the realm of what Frankl called "ultimate meaning." some call it connection to a higher self, to God, to our own spirit, to universal consciousness, to love, to the collective good. No matter what it's called, it is deep meaning and it transforms our lives.
Alex Pattakos
The search for meaning in our lives takes us on paths large and small. When we go beyond ourselves-whether in forgiveness, unselfishness, thoughtfulness, generosity and understanding toward others-we enter into the spiritual realm of meaning. By giving beyond ourselves, we make our own lives richer. This is a truth long understood at the heart of all meaningful spiritual traditions. It's a mystery that can only be experienced. And when we do experience it, we are in the heart of meaning. We are no longer a prisoner of our thoughts.
Alex Pattakos