Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Top 100 Quotes
Quotes by Consultants
- Page 13
Far too much horrific wast of human capacity is disguised as order, predictability, and minimizing uncertainty.
Bill Jensen
The future is personal.
Bill Jensen
The future of work revolution begins one person at a time.
Bill Jensen
Embracing personal vulnerability is required if you wish to work, play and succeed in the future.
Bill Jensen
Me comes before we. You need to become future strong before you can help others do the same.
Bill Jensen
Your career will include thousands of opportunities to transform yourself. Many will disrupt all that you have built. Each is an opportunity to choose to be vulnerable, to let go, to be reborn.
Bill Jensen
All the statistics about how many jobs you’ll have over your lifetime… (15-20) and how many companies you’ll work for… while true, completely miss the point! From now on, treat those numbers as red herrings — crucial only to HR directors, leaders and companies who are stuck in the past. The Rule of Disruptive Personal Transformation: Every year, you will experience about 100 significant transformative moments. Most will be thrust upon you by the disruptive churn of our times.Driven, focused people know which 3—5 to seize each yeartas crucial to their future.
Bill Jensen
Future strong individuals will not take on personal sacrifices, hardships and corporate crap that sidetrack them from their dreams and goals.
Bill Jensen
To be future strong, you will face difficult hardships. Usually, there is no absolutely right or absolutely wrong choice. The key is to be intentional: Choosing the best hardships for your best future.
Bill Jensen
People should not have to sacrifice so much of their personal lives, hopes, dreams and goals just to keep up with corporate pressured morebetterfaster. And tomorrow’s workforce won’t.
Bill Jensen
Future strong cultures and relationships are built upon intense 'I have your back' bonds.
Bill Jensen
Future Strong leaders are driven by a core question: What do I want my legacy to be? That requires a lot of searching one’s inner truths, and being brutally honest about how that compares to one’s daily actions.
Bill Jensen
Working for a company must help individuals achieve their dreams and goals more efficiently and effectively than they could achieve them elsewhere.
Bill Jensen
Calling upon our crucible moments allows us to transcend our own limitations. Those moments create completely new possibilities within each of us.
Bill Jensen
Tomorrow’s workforce is flopping the relationship lens: They see companies as vehicles to achieve their goals and dreams — vehicles that can amplify their passions, achievements and community relationships beyond what they could have done on their own or elsewhere. Companies that they will join are seen as communities that explore and resource and fund making a difference in the world in ways that align with their personal approach and values.
Bill Jensen
Future strong is adventurous self-mastery. Unlocking your future by running toward the unknown, with the wondrous soul of a child and the drive of a force that will not be stopped.
Bill Jensen
Reliance in its most basic, daily, form is being part of a group that lives by a pact: To always have each other’s backs — no matter what — so that everyone comes out future strong.
Bill Jensen
Reliance in its purest, highest, form is a code to live by: That every life matters. Every future matters. Taking care of each other matters. And our shared purpose is to create amazing futures for our children’s children.
Bill Jensen
Reliance is the ultimate measure of a team’s or organization’s culture. It’s not 'Would I recommend a friend to work here?' It’s 'Would this group of people put their ass on the line for me?' And 'Would I do the same for them?
Bill Jensen
If you want a strong future: Becoming secure with insecurity is the best security you can have.
Bill Jensen
If you want to lead others into a strong future: You need to be keenly aware of how your own inner truths — biases, fears, courage, values and dreams — do or do not impact the daily work of others.
Bill Jensen
If you want a strong future: You need to get past the stories that you have told yourself and others. You need to hear the heartbeatthat’s the real you.
Bill Jensen
You won't benefit from diverse perspectives if you aren't open to utilizing differences.
Eunice Parisi-Carew
People need to feel safe to be who they are—to speak up when they have an idea, or to speak out when they feel something isn't right.
Eunice Parisi-Carew
When people feel trusted, they'll begin to understand they are contributors--and you'll get great ideas and happy people.
Eunice Parisi-Carew
The key to handling conflict is to make sure people understand it's okay to have an opposing view.
Eunice Parisi-Carew
The natural result of utilizing different perspectives is that people are more engaged because they feel their opinions are important.
Eunice Parisi-Carew
Perceive conflict as positive, creative, and issue driven. Don't allow personal attacks.
Eunice Parisi-Carew
In the world of business, being slow is a losing move.
Shawn Casemore
A business that is not growing after all, is dying.
Shawn Casemore
Leadership is all about energy
Dr. Wanda Bonet-Gascot
Entrepreneurship is all about energy
Dr. Wanda Bonet-Gascot
Don't sabotage your energy, focus on expanding your energy bubble.
Dr. Wanda Bonet-Gascot
It's all about energy
Dr. Wanda Bonet-Gascot
To use an analogy, the "leadership is the answer to everything" perspective is the modern equivalent of the, 'God is the answer to everything' perspective that held back our scientific understanding of the physical world in the Dark Ages. In the 1500's, people ascribed all events they didn't understand to God. Why did the crops fail? God did it. Why did we have an earthquake? God did it. What holds the planets in place? God. But with the Enlightenment, we began the search for a more scientific understanding - physics, chemistry, biology and so forth. Not that we become atheists, but we gained deeper understanding about how the universe ticks.Similarly, every time we attribute everything to 'Leadership," we're no different from the people in the 1500's. We're simply admitting our ignorance. Not that we should become leadership atheists (leadership does matter), but every time we throw our hands up in frustration - reverting back to "well, the answer must be Leadership!" - we prevent ourselves from gaining deeper, more scientific understanding about what makes great companies tick.
James C. Collins
People follow leaders by choice. Without trust, at best you get compliance.
Jesse Lyn Stoner
Alignment, to us, means bringing pieces into the same line - the same direction. The metaphor is that a magnet will make pieces of iron point toward it. Agreement is shared intellectual understanding. Tribes are clusters of people, and people are complex and nonrational at times. If a tribe is united only by agreement, as soon as times change, agreement has to be reestablished. If people learn new ideas or see a problem from a new perspective, they no longer agree, so tribes based on agreement often discourage learning, questioning, and independent thought. Tribes based on alignment want to maximize each person's contribution, provided that they stay pointed in the same direction like magnetized iron filings.
Dave Logan
Lately, however, I have changed my thinking on this. I have a new Greek mythological figure in mind for the CIO; Cassandra. Cassandra made the critical relationship-building error of spitting on Apollo. As retaliation, Apollo gave Cassandra the power of prophecy, but also the curse of never being believed. (Cassandra eventually goes insane, by the way, so you all have that to look forward to.)
Martha Heller
Women feel a need for a certain level of prior training and experience that men do not necessarily demand in order to jump into a new role. There's a need for women to trust themselves more...
Selena Rezvani
If you spend your life trying to be good at everything, you will never be great at anything.
Tom Rath
Although individuals need not be well-rounded, teams should be.
Tom Rath
Remember teamwork begins by building trust. And the only way to do that is to overcome our need for invulnerability.
Patrick Lencioni
Great teams do not hold back with one another. They are unafraid to air their dirty laundry. They admit their mistakes, their weaknesses, and their concerns without fear of reprisal.
Patrick Lencioni
If you're not confused, you're not paying attention.
Tom Peters
Stop to appreciate the moments. Summed up, they are the bricks of our soul.
Gary Rudz
God often uses failure to make us useful. When Jesus called the disciples, He did not go out and find the most qualified and successful people. He found the most willing, and He found them in the workplace. He found a fisherman, a tax collector, and a farmer. The Hebrews knew that failure was a part of maturing in God. The Greeks used failure as a reason for disqualification. Sadly, in the Church, we often treat one another in this way. This is not God's way. We need to understand that failing does not make us failures. It makes us experienced. It makes us more prepared to be useful in God's Kingdom -- if we have learned from it. And that is the most important ingredient for what God wants in His children.
Os Hillman
Confidence is always the best accessory. Own the moment. Own your space.
Andrena Sawyer
Life is a dance more than it is an assertion and there is more health in dynamism or fluidity than there is rigidity and stasis.
Oli Anderson
If you want to do something that really changes someone’s life, the best thing you can do is make the person you’re trying to help a participant in the process.
John Stahl-Wert
Comfort is not the objective in a visionary company. Indeed, visionary companies install powerful mechanisms to create /dis/comfort--to obliterate complacency--and thereby stimulate change and improvement /before/ the external world demands it.
James C. Collins
...it is far more important to know who you are than where you are going, for where you are going will certainly change as the world about you changes.
James C. Collins
Whenever we find ourselves stuck, whenever we find ourselves lost or confused by the chaos of the world, we can be sure that the only way to free ourselves is to take action of some kind. Action is the only thing that ever changes anything and in a world that ever changes, it is the best way to keep ourselves in the flow of the world unfolding.
Oli Anderson
But moving from enabling the business to being the business is challenging work. It means changing governance models, organizational structures, delivery methodologies and hiring practices. It means transforming IT people from technologists to strategists, from constructing hard lines around IT to creating an environment devoid of organizational boundaries, and from clamping down on employees attempts to develop their own technology to embracing end-user innovation. It also means driving change in the most difficult of all arenas: the mindset, the psyche, the most deeply held ways that we understand our jobs, our success, and our professional identity.
Martha Heller
Women have always been spies.
Harriet Rubin
The Corrupt Officer has a Price and the Honest Officer has Integrity
Gary York
With enough support you can be as ignorant as you want
Gary Heymann
Politics is when people choose their words and actions based on how they want others to react rather than based on what they really think.
Patrick Lencioni
The human condition is essentially the conflict between the human need for control and a universe that provides little if any of it. Once we accept this and get into the flow of life, we are free and, paradoxically, able to get better results.
Oli Anderson
To work best democracy needs a diversity of thoughts, ideas and expression. This is only possible with freedom and civility.
Kevin Stirtz
One of the most human things that you can do is reach out for the stars knowing that you might not ever touch them; we are all perfectly imperfect, but to live knowing so is to be a fulfilled human being.
Oli Anderson