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Resistance causes pain and lethargy. It is when we practice acceptance that new possibilities appear.
Things turn out best for people who make the best of the way things turn out.
Everything in life that we really accept undergoes a change. So suffering must become love. That is the mystery.
Katherine Mansfield
Anything in life that we don't accept will simply make trouble for us until we make peace with it.
Shakti Gawain
Science says: "We must live " and seeks the means of prolonging increasing facilitating and amplifying life of making it tolerable and acceptable wisdom says: "We must die " and seeks how to make us die well.
Miguel de Unamuno
If you cast away one cross you will certainly find another and perhaps a heavier.
Thomas à Kempis
One completely overcomes only what one assimilates.
André Gide
Almost any event will put on a new face when received with cheerful acceptance.
Henry S. Haskins
We cannot change anything unless we accept it.
Carl Jung
If we can recognize that change and uncertainty are basic principles we can greet the future and the transformation we are undergoing with the understanding that we do not know enough to be pessimistic.
Hazel Henderson
The most beautiful thing is inevitability of events and the most ugly thing is trying to resist inevitability.
Katharine Butler Hathaway
I have accepted all and I am free. The inner chains are broken as well as those outside.
C. F. Ramuz
Greatness of soul consists not so much in soaring high and in pressing forward as in knowing how to adapt and limit oneself.
Michel de Montaigne
Every job has drudgery. ... The first secret of happiness is the recognition of this fundamental fact.
M. C. Mcintosh
Happiness is a function of accepting what is.
Werner Erhard
It is not necessarily those lands which are the most fertile or most favored in climate that seem to me the happiest but those in which a long struggle of adaptation between man and his environment has brought out the best qualities of both.
T.S Eliot
Happiness comes from within a man from some curious adjustment to life.
Hugh Walpole
The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it emotionally.
Flannery O'Connor
Everything has its wonders even darkness and silence and I learn whatever state I may be in therein to be content.
Helen Keller
When a dog runs at you whistle for him.
Henry David Thoreau
If one has to submit it is wasteful not to do so with the best grace possible.
Winston Churchill
Ride the horse in the direction that it's going.
Werner Erhard
What you can't get out of get into wholeheartedly.
Mignon McLaughlin
I like trees because they seem more resigned to the way they have to live than other things do.
Willa Cather
The idea came to me that I was am and will be but perhaps will not become. This did not scare me. There was for me in being an intensity I did not feel in becoming.
Nina Berberova
The English know how to make the best of things. Their so-called muddling through is simply skill at dealing with the inevitable.
Winston Churchill
Life's under no obligation to give us what we expect.
Margaret Mitchell
Anxiety is that range of distress which attends willing what cannot be willed.
Leslie H. Farber
Unhappiness is best defined as the difference between our talents and our expectations.
Dr. Edward De Bono
Nothing you write if you hope to be any good will ever come out as you first hoped.
Lillian Hellman
Is life so wretched? Isn't it rather your hands which are too small your vision which is muddled? You are the one who must grow up.
Dag Hammarskjöld
A body shouldn't heed what might be. He's got to do with what is.
Louis L'Amour
The greatest and most important problems in life are all in a certain sense insoluble. They can never be solved but only outgrown.
Carl Jung
Every creator painfully experiences the chasm between his inner vision and its ultimate expression. The chasm is never completely bridged. We all have the conviction perhaps illusory that we have much more to say than appears on the paper.
Isaac Bashevis Singer
Each of us does in effect strike a series of "deals" or compromises between the wants and longings of the inner self and an outer environment that offers certain possibilities and sets certain limitations.
Maggie Scarf
The resistance to the unpleasant situation is the root of suffering.
Ram Dass
To expect life to be tailored to our specifications is to invite frustration.
Results are what you expect consequences are what you get.
Genius does what it must talent does what it can.
Edward Bulwer-Lytton
Nobody has things just as he would like them. The thing to do is to make a success with what material I have. It is a sheer waste of time and soul-power to imagine what I would do if things were different. They are not different.
Dr. Frank Crane
People are lucky and unlucky ... according to the ratio between what they get and what they have been led to expect.
Samuel Butler
To exist is to adapt and if one could not adapt one died and made room for those who could.
Louis L'Amour
In the face of an obstacle which is impossible to overcome stubbornness is stupid.
Simone de Beauvoir
Being unready and ill-equipped is what you have to expect in life. It is the universal predicament. It is your lot as a human being to lack what it takes. Circumstances are seldom right. You never have the capacities the strength the wisdom the virtue you ought to have. You must always do with less than you need in a situation vastly different from what you would have chosen as appropriate for your special endowments.
Charlton Ogburn
There are no conditions to which a man cannot become accustomed.
Leo Tolstoy
For so must it be and help me do my part.
Cooperation is doing with a smile what you have to do anyhow.
Make a virtue of necessity.
Geoffrey Chaucer
Good is not good where better is expected.
Thomas Fuller
When we see ourselves in a situation which must be endured and gone through it is best to meet it with firmness and accommodate everything to it in the best way practicable. This lessens the evil while fretting and fuming only increase your own torments.
Thomas Jefferson
All I can do is play the game the way the cards fall.
James A. Michener
You can't fight the desert... you have to ride with it.
Louis L'Amour
Arrange whatever pieces come your way.
Virginia Woolf
She had believed the land was her enemy and she struggled against it but you could not make war against a land any more than you could against the sea. One had to learn to live with it to belong to it to fit into its seasons and its ways.
Louis L'Amour
One learns to adapt to the land in which one lives.
Louis L'Amour
If you can't fight and you can't flee flow.
Robert Eliot
A mountain man tries to live with the country instead of against it.
Louis L'Amour
The survival of the fittest is the ageless law of nature but the fittest are rarely the strong. The fittest are those endowed with the qualifications for adaptation the ability to accept the inevitable and conform to the unavoidable to harmonize with existing or changing conditions.
Dave E. Smalley
To act with common sense according to the moment is the best wisdom and the best philosophy is to do one's duties to take the world as it comes submit respectfully to one's lot and bless the goodness that has given us so much happiness with it whatever it is.
Horace Walpole
There are two ways of meeting difficulties: you alter the difficulties or you alter yourself to meet them.
Phyllis Bottome