Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
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No wind serves him who addresses his voyage to no certain port.
Michel de Montaigne
The great and glorious masterpiece of man is how to live with a purpose.
Michel de Montaigne
He might never really do what he said but at least he had it in mind. He had somewhere to go.
Louis L'Amour
The soul that has no established aim loses itself.
Michel de Montaigne
An aspiration is a joy forever a possession as solid as a landed estate a fortune which we can never exhaust and which gives us year by year a revenue of pleasurable activity.
Robert Louis Stevenson
To have a reason to get up in the morning it is necessary to possess a guiding principle. A belief of some kind. A bumper sticker if you will.
Judith Guest
It is when things go hardest when life becomes most trying that there is greatest need for having a fixed goal. When few comforts come from without it is all the more necessary to have a fount to draw on from within.
B.C. Forbes
Not only must we be good but we must also be good for something.
Henry David Thoreau
Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off the goal.
Hannah More
There is one thing which gives radiance to everything. It is the idea of something around the corner.
G.K. Chesterton
No pleasure philosophy no sensuality no place nor power no material success can for a moment give such inner satisfaction as the sense of living for good purpose.
Minot Simons
A straight path never leads anywhere except to the objective.
André Gide
If we could only give just once the same amount of reflection to what we want to get out of life that we give to the question of what to do with a two weeks' vacation we would be startled at our false standards and the aimless procession of our busy days.
Dorothy Canfield Fisher
The great and glorious masterpiece of man is to know how to live to purpose.
Michel de Montaigne
The poor man is not he who is without a cent but he who is without a dream.
Harry Kemp
Nothing contributes so much to tranquilize the mind as a steady purpose-a point on which the soul may fix its intellectual eye.
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
Great minds have purposes others have wishes.
Washington Irving
If I had one wish for my children it would be that each of them would reach for goals that have meaning for them as individuals.
Lillian Carter
What an immense power over the life is the power of possessing distinct aims. The voice the dress the look the very motions of a person define and alter when he or she begins to live for a reason.
Elizabeth Stuart Phelps
It is no longer clear which way is up even if one wants to rise.
David Riesman
It is a mistake to look too far ahead. Only one link in the chain of destiny can be handled at a time.
Winston Churchill
Ours is a world where people don't know what they want and are willing to go through hell to get it.
Don Marquis
I have learned to have very modest goals for society and myself things like clean air green grass children with bright eyes not being pushed around useful work that suits one's abilities plain tasty food and occasional satisfying nookie.
Paul Goodman
Once you say you're going to settle for second that's what happens to you in life I find.
John F Kennedy
Give way to the Better if way to the Better there be It exacts a full look at the Worst.
Thomas Hardy
God the Great Giver can open the whole universe to our gaze in the narrow space of a single lane.
Rabindranath Tagore
God is incorporeal divine supreme infinite Mind Spirit Soul Principle life Truth Love.
Mary Baker Eddy
God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things that are mighty.
God helps those who help themselves.
O how quickly passes away the glory of the earth.
Thomas à Kempis
Mine eyes have seen the coming of the glory of the Lord.
Julia Ward Howe
There is one glory of the sun and another glory of the moon and another glory of the stars: for one star differeth from another star in glory.
Give an inch he'll take an ell.
Thomas Hobbes
Commitment leads to action. Action brings your dream closer.
Marcia Wieder
It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Performance releases pressure.
Action is the only reality not only reality but morality as well.
Abbie Hoffman
When I am idle and shiftless my affairs become confused when I work I get results ... not great results but enough to encourage me.
Edgar Watson Howe
Silences have a climax when you have got to speak.
Elizabeth Bowen
Our deeds determine us as much as we determine our deeds.
George Eliot
The ordinary man is involved in action the hero acts. An immense difference.
Henry Miller
You can't build a reputation on what you intend to do.
Liz Smith
What we make is more important than what we are particularly if making is our profession.
Dorothy L. Sayers
A human being has no discernible character until he acts.
Constantine Nash
It's where we go and what we do when we get there that tells us who we are.
Joyce Carol Oates
Every action we take everything we do is either a victory or defeat in the struggle to become what we want to be.
Anne Brontë
The things people discard tell more about them than the things they keep.
Hilda Lawrence
Begin somewhere you cannot build a reputation on what you intend to do.
Liz Smith
Who waits until the wind shall silent keep Will never find the ready hour to sow.
Helen Hunt Jackson
One of these days is none of these days.
H. G. Bohn
We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing. Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration seldom generates action.
Frank Tibolt
How many opportunities come along? If you wait for the right one that's wrong because it may never be right and what have you got to lose? Even if it's a disaster you've tried you've learned something you've had an adventure. And that doesn't mean you can't do it again.
Edward McCabe
No age or time of life no position or circumstance has a monopoly on success. Any age is the right age to start doing!
So what do we do? Anything. Something. So long as we just don't sit there. If we screw it up start over. Try something else. If we wait until we've satisfied all the uncertainties it may be too late.
Lee Iacocca
I realize that if I wait until I am no longer afraid to act write speak be I'll be sending messages on a ouija board cryptic complaints from the other side.
Audre Lorde
I don't wait for moods. You accomplish nothing if you do that. Your mind must know it has got to get down to earth.
Pearl S. Buck
Now is the operative word. Everything you put in your way is just a method of putting off the hour when you could actually be doing your dream.
Barbara Sher
Anything worth doing is worth doing too soon.
Barbara Sher
Do what you can with what you have where you are.
Theodore Roosevelt
Action will remove the doubt that theory cannot solve.
Tehyi Hsieh