Quote of the Day
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If we could all hear one another's prayers God might be relieved of some of his burden.
Ashleigh Brilliant
Revival fires flame where hearts are praying.
Dick Eastman
Lord till I reach that blissful shore No privilege so dear shall be As thus my inmost soul to pour In prayer to thee.
Charlotte Elliott
Man is the only creature which rises by bowing for he finds elevation in his subjection to his Maker.
Some pray to marry the man they love my prayer will somewhat vary I humbly pray to Heaven above that I love the man I marry.
Rose Pastor Stokes
Prayer is a condition of mind an attitude of heart which God recognizes as prayer whether it manifests itself in quiet thinking in sighing or in audible words.
O. Hallesby
Prayer is God's answer to our poverty not a power we exercise to obtain an answer.
Oswald Chambers
Prayer is the evidence that I am spiritually concentrated on God.
Oswald Chambers
Prayer in its simplest definition is merely a wish turned God-ward.
Phillips Brooks
Prayer is a cry of distress a demand for help a hymn of love.
Dr. Alexis Carrel
Prayer is not logical it is a mysterious moral working of the Holy Spirit.
Oswald Chambers
Prayer is our most formidable weapon the thing which makes all else we do efficient.
Prayer is not an exercise it is the life.
Oswald Chambers
Prayer does not mean simply to pour out one's heart. It means rather to find the way to God and to speak with him whether the heart is full or empty.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Prayer means that we have come boldly into the throne room and we are standing in His presence.
E.W. Kenyon
Prayer is a rising up and a drawing near to God in mind and in heart and in spirit.
Alexander Whyte
Prayer is the ascending vapor which supplies The showers of blessing and the stream that flows Through earth's dry places till on every side "The wilderness shall blossom as the rose."
A.B. Simpson
Prayer is the acid test of devotion.
Samuel Chadwick
Prayer is a shield to the soul a sacrifice to God and a scourge for Satan.
John Bunyan
Essentially prayer is based on a relationship. We don't converse freely with someone we don't know. We bare our souls and disclose our hidden secrets only to someone we trust.
Dean Register
It is in recognizing the actual presence of God that we find prayer no longer a chore but a supreme delight.
Gordon Lindsay
When we pray we link ourselves with an inexhaustible motive power.
Dr. Alexis Carrel
Faith is the fountain of prayer and prayer should be nothing else but faith exercised.
Thomas Manton
Teach me O God not to torture myself not to make a martyr out of myself through stifling reflection but rather teach me to breathe deeply in faith.
Søren Kierkegaard
Prayers are heard in heaven very much in proportion to your faith. Little faith will get very great mercies but great faith still greater.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Prayer is the supreme activity of all that is noblest in our personality and the essential nature of prayer is faith.
Oswald Chambers
God alone fully understands what each one of us needs we make mistakes continually and pray for things which would be harmful to us if we received them. Afterwards we see our mistakes and realize that God is good and wise in not giving us these things even though we plead ever so earnestly for them.
O. Hallesby
When the gods wish to punish us they answer our prayers.
Oscar Wilde
God punishes us mildly by ignoring our prayers and severely by answering them.
Richard J. Needham
Be sure to remember that nothing in your daily life is so insignificant and so inconsequential that the Lord will not help you by answering your prayer.
O. Hallesby
If God does not give you something you ask for wait on Him. He will speak with you tenderly and sympathetically about the matter until you yourself understand that He cannot grant your prayer.
O. Hallesby
It is God's will not only to hear our prayer but to give us the best and the richest answer which He the almighty and omniscient God can devise. He will send us the answer when it will benefit us and His cause the most.
O. Hallesby
If we pray for anything according to the will of God we already have what we pray for the moment we ask it. We do not know exactly when it will arrive but we have learned to know God through the Spirit of God and have learned to leave this in His hands and to live just as happily whether the answer arrives immediately or later.
O. Hallesby
One great effect of prayer is that it enables the soul to command the body. By obedience I make my body submissive to my soul but prayer puts my soul in command of my body.
Oswald Chambers
If we will make use of prayer to call down upon ourselves and others those things which will glorify the name of God then we shall see the strongest and boldest promises of the Bible about prayer fulfilled. Then we shall see such answers to prayer as we had never thought were possible.
O. Hallesby
Prayer like faith obtains promises enlarges their operation and adds to the measure of their results.
Prayer is the easiest and hardest of all things the simplest and the sublim-est the weakest and the most powerful its results lie outside the range of human possibilities-they are limited only by the omnipotence of God.
The shower of answers to your prayers will continue to your dying hour. Nor will it cease then. When you pass out from beneath the shower your dear ones will step into it. Every prayer and every sigh which you have uttered for them and their future welfare will in God's time descend upon them as a gentle rain of answers to prayer.
O. Hallesby
God's "nothings" are His most positive answers. We have to stay on God and wait. Never try to help God to fulfill His word.
Oswald Chambers
The greatest answer to prayer is that I am brought into a perfect understanding with God and that alters my view of actual things.
Oswald Chambers
God's willingness to answer our prayers exceeds our willingness to give good and necessary things to our children just as far as God's ability goodness and perfection exceed our infirmities and evil.
Prayer brings a good spirit in our homes. For God hears prayer. Heaven itself would come down to our homes. And even though we who constitute the home all have our imperfections and our failings our home would through God's answer to prayer become a little paradise.
O. Hallesby
As white snow flakes fall quietly and thickly on a winter day answers to prayer will settle down upon you at every step you take even to your dying day. The story of your life will be the story of prayer and answers to prayer.
O. Hallesby
Our Lord never referred to unanswered prayer he taught that prayers are always answered. He ever implied that prayers were answered rightly because of the Heavenly Father's wisdom.
Oswald Chambers
We impoverish God in our minds when we say there must be answers to our prayers on the material plane the biggest answers to our prayers are in the realm of the unseen.
Oswald Chambers
Perhaps one of the greatest rewards of meditation and prayer is the sense of belonging that comes to us.
Bill W.
Pray because you have a Father not because it quietens you and give Him time to answer.
Oswald Chambers
It is hard to wait and press and pray and hear no voice but stay till God answers.
It is impossible to lose your footing while on your knees.
Prayer opens our eyes that we may see ourselves and others as God sees us.
Clara Palmer
The man who prays grows and the muscles of the soul swell from this whipcord to iron bands.
F.B. Meyer
Amazing things start happening when we start praying!
Prayer has marked the trees across the wilderness of a skeptical world to direct the traveler in distress and all paths lead to a single light.
Douglas Meador
When you go to your knees God will help you stand up to anything.
Prayer puts God's work in His hands-and keeps it there.
The influence of prayer on the human mind and body ... can be measured in terms of increased physical buoyancy greater intellectual vigor moral stamina and a deeper understanding of the realities underlying human relationships.
Dr. Alexis Carrel
Asking for anything is allowed with the understanding that God's answers come from God's perspective. They are not always in harmony with our expectations for only He knows the whole story.
Answered prayers cover the field of providential history as flowers cover western prairies.
T. L. Cuyler
Sometimes ... God answers our prayers in the way our parents do who reply to the pleas of their children with "Not just now" or "I'll have to think about that for a little while."
Roy M. Pearson
In Gethsemane the holiest of all petitioners prayed three times that a certain cup might pass from Him. It did not. After that the idea that prayer is recommended to us as a sort of infallible gimmick may be dismissed.
C.S. Lewis