Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Top 100 Quotes
Quotes by Artists
- Page 23
A realization that even if you had discovered the future, it really didn't change how you lived in the present. They were truth, but they weren't all the truth.
Maggie Stiefvater
Today, Blue thought, is the day I stop listening to the future and start living it instead.
Maggie Stiefvater
Imagination sees the complete reality, - it is where past, present and future meet... Imagination is limited neither to the reality which is apparent - nor to one place. It lives everywhere. It is at a centre and feels the vibrations of all the circles within which east and west are virtually included. Imagination is the life of mental freedom. It realizes what everything is in its many aspects ... Imagination does not uplift: we don't want to be uplifted, we want to be more completely aware.
Kahlil Gibran
Yesterday is but to-day’s memory and to-morrow is to-day’s dream.
Kahlil Gibran
Our anxiety does not come from thinking about the future, but from wanting to control it.
Kahlil Gibran
One is either an artist or one is not. It is not something one becomes. It is something that one is from birth. We do not study to be artists. We study to become more proficient. To understand more.
Edward Swift
Creativity occurs in the moment, and in the moment we are timeless.
Julia Cameron
Life is a cracked surface at best. Fiction is a nice edifice. / every word/sentence/paragraph gives a writer an opportunity to reinforce or deliberately crack the edifice by screwing with meaning, structure, grammar, the fourth wall, etc. / different types and degrees of cracking produce different arrangements of order and chaos.
K.J. Bishop
One reason that people have artist’s block is that they do not respect the law of dormancy in nature. Trees don’t produce fruit all year long, constantly. They have a point where they go dormant. And when you are in a dormant period creatively, if you can arrange your life to do the technical tasks that don’t take creativity, you are essentially preparing for the spring when it will all blossom again.
Marshall Vandruff
Writing for the sake of writing, writing that draws its credibility from its very existence, is a foreign idea to most Americans. As a culture, we want cash on the barrel head. We want writing to earn dollars and sense so that it makes sense to us. We have a conviction—which is naive and misplaced—that being published has to do with being “good” while not being published has to do with being “amateur.” ...“Did you write today?”“Yes.”“Then you’re a writer today.”It would be lovely if being a writer were a permanent state that we could attain to. It’s not, or if it is, the permanence comes posthumously.A page at a time, a day at a time, is the way we must live our writing lives. Credibility lies in the act of writing. That is where the dignity is. That is where the final “credit” must come from.
Julia Cameron
I am, as it were, the created creating—a paradox, for all its rhetorical trappings, at the beating heart of our shared human journey, and one I invite you to struggle with just as I have while, day in and day out, word by word and line by line, constructing a fictitious autobiography for myself in these pages.
Sol Luckman
The best way to get started on the path to sharing your work is to think about what you want to learn, and make a commitment to learning in front of others.
Austin Kleon
Strike all the adjectives from your bio. If you take photos, you're not an 'aspiring' photographer, you're not an 'amazing' photographer either. You're a photographer. Don't get cute. Don't brag. Just state the facts.
Austin Kleon
Don't think of your website as a self-promotion machine, think of it as a self-invention machine.
Austin Kleon
Forget about being an expert or a professional, and wear your amateurism (your heart, your love) on your sleeve. Share what you love, and the people who love the same things will find you.
Austin Kleon
Everybody says they want artists to make money and then when they do, everybody hates them for it. The word sellout is spit out by the bitterest, smallest parts of ourselves. Don't be one of those horrible fans who stops listening to your favorite band just because they have a hit single. Don't write off your friends because they've had a little bit of success. Don't be jealous when the people you like do well - celebrate their victory as if it's your own.
Austin Kleon
If you just mimic the surface of somebody’s work without understanding where they are coming from, your work will never be anything more than a knockoff.
Austin Kleon
The way to get over creative block is to simply place some constraints on yourself. It seems contradictory, but when it comes to creative work, limitations mean freedom.
Austin Kleon
Great people never sleep because their dreams keep them awake and striving.
Terrance Robinson- Artist Educator Scholar Entrepreneur
Find the most talented person in the room, and if it’s not you, go stand next to him. Hang out with him. Try to be helpful. If you ever find that you’re the most talented person in the room, you need to find another room.
Austin Kleon
My motto for creat
Austin Kleon
The mind loves the unknown. It loves images whose meaning is unknown, since the meaning of the mind itself is unknown.
Seeing God is all about getting in touch with reality. If you want to photograph God, focus your lens on Hamakom, The Place, anyplace where you see divine light illuminating reality. Let your camera collect the light reflecting from the reality shaping your everyday life and you will find yourself photographing God in action." (From the Introduction to the book Photograph God)
Mel Alexenberg
Nobody is born with a style or a voice. We don't out of the womb knowing who we are. In the beginning, we learn by pretending to be our heroes. We learn by copying.
Austin Kleon
Creativity isn't a switch that's flicked on or off; it's a way of seeing, engaging and responding to the world around you.
Rod Judkins
To flourish in any field of activity you need to gain a deep understanding of it.
Rod Judkins
Owning something also means owning up to something. It means accepting responsibility, which means, literally, responsibility. When we write about our lives we respond to them. As we respond to them, we are rendered more fluid, more centered, more agile on our own behalf. We are rendered conscious. Each day, each life, is a series of choices, and as we use the lens of writing to view our lives, we see our choices.
Julia Cameron
Creativity is encountering something unexpected
Simón Silva
Creativity is improvisation
Simón Silva
Creativity helps us fight off the monotony of everyday life!
Simón Silva
I know something is super creative, when I feel disappointed that I didn't come up with the idea!
Simón Silva
According to Christ, the pathway to revelation, the heart of revival, and the fullness of the Kingdom of God is becoming child- like. Becoming dependent as children in our relationship with our heavenly Father forces us to lose our religious mindsets and protocol. Staying in a place of wonder and trust will keep us from becoming easily offended by the ways God chooses to manifest Himself in our lives.
Theresa Dedmon
Life is a lonely bussiness
Austin Kleon
Life is a lonely business
Austin Kleon
Working with the morning pages, we begin to sort through the differences between our real feelings, which are often secret, and our official feelings, those on the record for public display.
Julia Cameron
The creative journey is not a trek through the wilderness, but actually a clearly defined path, which though not visible to our outside eyes, can be felt with our inner senses.
Lucy H. Pearce
Creativity is a clashing of opposites.
Graham Fink
There is a juiciness to creativity, a succulence that comes up from within, a sensuality which both produces and is soothed by the act and product of creativity. Creativity is pleasing to us on a deep level. Be it the feel of clay in our hands, the colors that make us feel alive as we knit or sew, the meaning that we find in the words that we write, the energizing feel of movement as we dance and the music moves through our bodies. Taking part in creativity helps us to be more fully alive on every level, it asks that we engage with life in a visceral, and interactive way.
Lucy H. Pearce
This is the crux of being a Creative Mother. It is more than how many jumpers you have knitted, or having an exhibition in a fancy gallery, or a bookshelf of your own books. It is about the act of living authentically whilst honoring your mother self and creative self. About saying yes to life, every part of your life, and finding how to weave them all together.
Lucy H. Pearce
Catching creativity is like catching butterflies – fast-flying, bright-colored sparks darting here and there, it requires quick wits, good eyes and desire to net them. And once you have them, you need to act fast. An idea, like a butterfly doesn’t last long: it is ephemeral. It is here, and now it is gone – so quick, grab your laptop, your pen and paper, your Dictaphone, your sketch pad, whatever your mode of expression or recording, swoop and catch.
Lucy H. Pearce
Together we are learning to move from raw emotion and frozen muscles into a flow which emerges deep from within. We are learning to dance our prayers, bleed our words onto the page, laugh our images onto canvas, build our dreams in the world – to transmute and transmit the energy of the Feminine through our bodies and out into the world.
Lucy H. Pearce
You can understand conflict, but you don'thave to live in it.
David Lynch
Intuition is seeing the solution.....its emotion and intellect going together.
David Lynch
This is not a how-to book.It is a how-to-think-about-how-to book.In it I bombard you with images and metaphors with never a photograph or diagram in sight. Your mind's eye will create all the images in this text, and each mind is unique. Getting these, and other images, down on paper will provide you with fun, frustration, joy and despair. Like life,
Judith Mason
Creativity is a talent we inherit from God.
Kim Chestney
Creativity - like human life itself - begins in darkness.
Julia Cameron
If you ever find that you're the most talented person in the room, you need to find another room.
Austin Kleon
You have to do stuff that average people don't understand because those are the only good things.
Andy Warhol
At this point I think we need to embrace the weird. High-five it. Give it our phone number.
Jim Zub
Her short path through life had been written and it was not her right to know the meaning, only the outcome.
Stuart Land
That deepest thing, that recognition, that knowledge, that sense of kinship began the first time I saw you,and it is the same now - only a thousand times deeper and tenderer. I shall love you to eternity. I loved you long before we met in this flesh. I knew that when I first saw you. It was destiny. We are together like this and nothing can shake us apart.
Kahlil Gibran
There is nothing better for us to do than to take ourselves as we find ourselves and make the best of ourselves. If I find myself, as I did, the daughter of an artist who has left me with broadmindedness and a conveniently strong character to resist temptation, I take myself from there and accomplish what I can… I do not even deserve praise for doing my best, for that is my duty and I deserve to be blamed for not doing my best.
Wanda Gág
You are good in countless ways, and you are not evil when you are not good, you are only loitering and sluggard.
Kahlil Gibran
I just want to live my own life instead of everyone else’s version of it.
Sol Luckman
Life is but a sleep disturbed By dreaming
Kahlil Gibran
I learn so much that I previously did not know about the world of the immobile that it is hard to believe it all takes place over a few hours. At random: I learn about the casual indifference of the London cabbie to the wheelchair user and that the clearance on accessible entrances is measured in millimetres less than a knuckle. I learn how intractable it is to push a grown man around for hours and how spontaneity is the privilege of the able-bodied. In solid counterpart to all this grief, I learn about the lengths nurses are prepared to go to assist a purely recreational and ambitious project by one of their patients.
Marion Coutts
You can’t be beaten by something you laugh at.
Jonathan Harnisch
One example of an uniquely Sethian approach towards initiation is for the initiate to regard his or her own life with the same urgency and need experienced as in a war zone in which every move and action must be weighed yet determined swiftly, as necessity dictates. During battle, situations such as missed opportunity, lingering sentimentality, second or third chances, or excessive contemplation would be fatal; and so it is on the sinister path.
Zeena Schreck
i want to be stronger, so i can protect what i love more.
Hiroko Sakai
The mercy of forgiveness is brought from the strength to accept any situation given and faced. Spiritual independence and humbleness toward life makes life like a flowing river of release. What happens will happen anyways, and everybody can make mistakes. The important thing is to learn how to make a better future from the mistake.
Hiroko Sakai