Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
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It is very important how efficiently and wisely we manage and plan to use the blessings that God has already given to us
Sunday Adelaja
God is most important in everything
Sunday Adelaja
Many things can be released into our lives in the spirit realm through a ministry
Sunday Adelaja
God determines the goals of the prosperity before giving prosperity before giving prosperity to His children
Sunday Adelaja
Christians should use their prosperity for the glory of the kingdom of God
Sunday Adelaja
The level of our responsibility in things of God determines our level of prosperity
Sunday Adelaja
Holiness always exalts a person and brings him closer to God
Sunday Adelaja
In order to have bread (a symbol of prosperity ) you have to first learn how to plough the land
Sunday Adelaja
If you have never planted, then you cannot expect a great harvest
Sunday Adelaja
If you are established in the church and focused on Jesus, then you are still among the living
Sunday Adelaja
If the devil succeeds in separating you and isolating you from other Christians, then he can destroy you
Sunday Adelaja
A data bank holding all the information that is in this universe can be found in God
Sunday Adelaja
The holiness of God makes Him the possessor of all earthly wealth, which belongs to Him forever
Sunday Adelaja
We have to dedicate ourselves to a holy way of life, to justice, honesty and loyalty
Sunday Adelaja
The path leading to stability is always opened to the sons of God
Sunday Adelaja
Dedication requires a specific sacrifice and for many Christians this becomes a stumbling block
Sunday Adelaja
We should be able to refuse enchanting proposals and opportunities, if they contradict God’s principles
Sunday Adelaja
Constant dedication brings constant prosperity
Sunday Adelaja
Often we agree to shady but attractive propositions and as a result we have sorrow
Sunday Adelaja
God always knows the most excellent path
Sunday Adelaja
The wealth we receive from God will never cause us to weep
Sunday Adelaja
God wants to show the advantage of His kingdom to the world, but He will not do this without us
Sunday Adelaja
Every Christian has the chance to become successful, if he will make the decision to fulfill God’s will in his life
Sunday Adelaja
A successful person will never use the word ‘no’, ‘I cannot’ or ‘it is impossible
Sunday Adelaja
If you are in Christ, then you have the heavenly position of His authority and operate on this earth in His name as someone who is from above
Sunday Adelaja
God has received us into His family, He is the possessor of everything
Sunday Adelaja
God wants to take care of us, raise us up and direct us in life
Sunday Adelaja
God wants to advise us and stretch out His Almighty hand of help towards us
Sunday Adelaja
Many Christians have no understanding of God’s fatherhood
Sunday Adelaja
We should not only attend church but must have a ministry in the church as well
Sunday Adelaja
God should always be in the first place in our lives
Sunday Adelaja
Learn to love God with all your heart
Sunday Adelaja
The fact that you have a large sum of money in your wallet does not remove your responsibility from you before God to be involved in a ministry in the body of Christ
Sunday Adelaja
If you are not willing to serve God in the abundance that He has given you, then you will have to serve your enemy in hunger
Sunday Adelaja
It is easy to love God when you do not even have a cent in your pocket and you are totally dependent on Him
Sunday Adelaja
Money makes a person significant and important , it has the ability to make us proud
Sunday Adelaja
It causes us to focus our attention on ourselves and draws us away from God
Sunday Adelaja
Always be in control, do not allow money to possess your heart which should belong to God
Sunday Adelaja
If we are established in a ministry it will be very difficult for the devil to uproot us
Sunday Adelaja
Love God so much that, when you are entrusted with much, nothing else will be able to control your heart
Sunday Adelaja
The test of glory and wealth is the hardest to pass
Sunday Adelaja
To be a believer in Christ Jesus is more powerful than any nuclear weapon
Sunday Adelaja
If we continually walk with God, if He lives in us and we in Him, then every mountain according to the Word of God will melt before us
Sunday Adelaja
The first duty of any Christian is to know God and the wisdom of His Word to the utmost
Sunday Adelaja
There is only one limitation that exists in our minds, which can indeed reduce the speed of our progress; that is the limitation of our understanding
Sunday Adelaja
Your old traditional way of thinking is your problem
Sunday Adelaja
God put a certain potential into us that is totally sufficient to carry out the assigned task
Sunday Adelaja
Sticking to old and narrow views of life makes us look foolish in God
Sunday Adelaja
Always using the same methods is not God’s way
Sunday Adelaja
It is important to remember that good overcomes evil
Sunday Adelaja
We stand and fight for God’s truth and with the truth we will win
Sunday Adelaja
We must stand so firmly for the truth so that we do not back down because every movement away from righteousness and God’s truth is similar to death
Sunday Adelaja
We should be unshakable and uncompromising while we stand for God’s truth
Sunday Adelaja
As soon as a person gives place to the devil in his life, the devil has this person hooked
Sunday Adelaja
Those who become successful are those who have decided to ‘take the bull by the horns
Sunday Adelaja
It is only necessary to believe and begin to move forward toward the set goals
Sunday Adelaja
If Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior, if the Holy Spirit lives in you, then God guarantees your success
Sunday Adelaja
The thoughts that you will never make it comes to every person who ever did something great in their lives
Sunday Adelaja
A person can be successful in any sphere that God has called him to
Sunday Adelaja
We, as children of God, have an advantage over the world
Sunday Adelaja