Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Top 100 Quotes
Quotes by South African Authors
- Page 18
It is easy for those who conflate religion with government to interpret any criticism of government or policy as an 'attack' on their 'faith'.
Christina Engela
To test a man, determine how much it takes to make him lie.
C.J. Langenhoven
Judge character by behavior.
Lizelle DuPlessis
A leader is not authenticated by title or position, but by character and influence, most important by leading among the pack and not in front.
Unarine Ramaru
Graphic designers judge a cover by its book.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Wisdom along with maturity is self understanding and defining one's character through reasoning in a circumstance.
Unarine Ramaru
The sad reality of Mankind: Faith is the currency people trade in, through their ego and selfish ways.
Unarine Ramaru
When i was younger, one piece of advice from a mentor stuck with me for years...."When shaking someones hand make sure its strong and confident. For 1st impressions last and your character is automatically assumed in that one second of greeting...
Daleen Van Tonder
Call me a Freak all u want really...I honestly take it as a compliment everytime. No matter how it was intended.
Daleen Van Tonder
Some men, under the pressure of incarceration, showed true mettle, while others revealed themselves as less than what they had appeared to be.
Nelson Mandela
Maybe when we stop looking at blessings as abundance we'll start appreciating the little we have.
Unarine Ramaru
Although it's good to have talent, character is so much important because bad character is an enemy for great talent.
Gugu Mona
What I took out of them was that character was measured by facing up to difficult situations and that a hero was a man who would not break even under the most trying circumstances.
Nelson Mandela
For Love surely lies heartbroken at all the tears cried in its name, the curses flung at its efforts...there is nothing wrong with love; there is just something wrong with us.
Sinovuyo Nkonki
Her next words took me by surprise. I lay as still as I could, barely breathing, afraid that if I moved she would stop speaking her heart.“My mom wanted six children. She only got me, and that sucks for her because I was a total weirdo.”“You were not,” I said.She twisted her head up to look at me.“I used to line my lips in black eyeliner and sit cross-legged on the kitchen table … meditating.”“Not that bad,” I said. “Crying out for attention.”“Okay, when I was twelve I started writing letters to my birth mother because I wanted to be adopted.”I shook my head. “Your childhood sucked, you wanted a new reality.”She snorted air through her nose. “I thought a mermaid lived in my shower drain, and I used to call her Sarah and talk to her.”“Active imagination,” I countered. She was becoming more insistent, her little body wriggling in my grip.“I used to make paper out of dryer lint.”“Nerdy.”“I wanted to be one with nature, so I started boiling grass and drinking it with a little bit of dirt for sugar.”I paused. “Okay, that’s weird.”“Thank you!” she said. Then, she got serious again. “My mom just loved me through all of it.
Tarryn Fisher
The heart breaks, but carries on. It can shoulder the most impossible burdens.
Marc Secchia
The dogs left with us and we walked. I sobbed the whole way home, still heartbroken. My mom had no time for my whining.“Why are you crying?!”“Because Fufi loves another boy.”“So? Why would that hurt you? It didn’t cost you anything. Fufi’s here. She still loves you. She’s still your dog. So get over it.”Fufi was my first heartbreak. No one has ever betrayed me more than Fufi. It was a valuable lesson to me. The hard thing was understanding that Fufi wasn’t cheating on me with another boy. She was merely living her life to the fullest. Until I knew that she was going out on her own during the day, her other relationship hadn’t affected me at all. Fufi had no malicious intent.I believed that Fufi was my dog, but of course that wasn’t true. Fufi was a dog. I was a boy. We got along well. She happened to live in my house. That experience shaped what I’ve felt about relationships for the rest of my life: You do not own the thing that you love. I was lucky to learn that lesson at such a young age. I have so many friends who still, as adults, wrestle with feelings of betrayal. They’ll come to me angry and crying and talking about how they’ve been cheated on and lied to, and I feel for them. I understand what they’re going through. I sit with them and buy them a drink and I say, “Friend, let me tell you the story of Fufi.
Trevor Noah
I have learned silence from the talkative, tolerance from the intolerant and kindness from the unkind.I should not be ungrateful to those teachers. ~Kahlil Gibran~
Lynelle Clark Engelbrecht
If she stays she stays if she goes jst let her go,making her pregnant won't stop her from leaving
Cornelius Mashilane
You couldn't lose, you was playing Mozart
Bryce Courtenay
It is a simple tale, but its message is an enduring one: virtue and generosity will be rewarded in ways that one cannot know.
Nelson Mandela
Had I not gone through my past struggles, I wouldn't be as strong as I am at present.
Gift Gugu Mona
Ignorance is the source of all problems you encounting on your life time.
Dr. Michael Mnyameni
A misleading perception or false belief is increasingly being perpetuated that the unconscious or the intuitive is all that really matters in any spiritual endeavor, and that the conscious, rational, logical, analytical mind is the mortal enemy of spiritual awareness and soul growth.
Anthon St. Maarten
If I breathe you in and you breathe me out, I swear we can breathe forever. I swear I’ll find summer in your winter and spring in your autumn and always, hands at the ends of your fingers, arms at the ends of your shoulders and I swear, when we run out of forever, when we run out of air, your name will be the last word that my lungs make air for.
Iain Thomas
We are designed to dance. To use our bodies as weapons of grace, beauty and intrigue. We are designed to stretch until we master growth. To replace old dead cells and be physically renewed each moment. So challenges don’t destroy us, they just should make us dance more swiftly and passionately. For when we dance we please God. Especially when we dance in brokenness.
Phindiwe Nkosi
Every Time your lips touch mine the spark ignites anew, my want for more of you...
Daleen Van Tonder
These days when you kiss a prince you often run the risk of turning him into a frog. But don't let the ogres in shining armor get you down. There is no need for distress - you don't want to be anyone's damsel anyway. Simply remind yourself that you are busy racking up those 'frequent failure points' that will eventually pay for an all expenses paid trip to Mr Right.
Anthon St. Maarten
He who says that someone isn’t himself is a victim of statistics.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
An ID number is only there to 'identify' human beings. Use it to assume people’s intellect or wisdom at your own risk.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
And I will close my eyes and prepare myself so that they can unscrew my head and allow the map to slip into my lacunae. So that I can be filled and braced from the inside and fortified for the voyage. Because without my world inside me I will contract and congeal, more even than I am now, without speech and without actions and without any purchase upon time.
Marlene Van Niekerk
We are identified and known by the sort of fruit, the quantity of fruit, and the quality of fruit borne out in our daily conversation, conduct, and character. There is no greater criterion for Christians. It is the paramount gauge of God's people.
W. Phillip Keller
Storytellers are the keepers - we are the time keepers, the continuity keepers. We are the people who tell us who we are, where we've come from, and maybe even where we're going.
Bryce Courtenay
The recognition and the acceptance of the Other's humanity (or humanness) is a maiming of self. You have to wound the self, cut it in strips, in order to -know- that you are as similar and of the same substance of shadows.
Breyten Breytenbach
I do believe that people can only be in love with one landscape in their lifetime. One can appreciate and enjoy many geographies, but there is only one that one feels in one’s bones.
J.M. Coetzee
Try being a white person who adopts the trappings of black culture while still living in the white community. You will face more hate and ridicule and ostracism than you can even begin to fathom. People are willing to accept you if they see you as an outsider trying to assimilate into their world. But when they see you as a fellow tribe member attempting to disavow the tribe, that is something they will never forgive. That is what happened to me in Eden Park.
Trevor Noah
We are not supposed to all be the same, feel the same, think the same, and believe the same. The key to continued expansion of our Universe lies in diversity, not in conformity and coercion. Conventionality is the death of creation.
Anthon St. Maarten
Anybody who thinks there's nothing wrong with this world needs to have his head examined. Just when things are going all right, without fail someone or something will come along and spoil everything. Somebody should write that down as a fundamental law of the Universe. The principle of perpetual disappointment. If there is a God who created this world, he should scrap it and try again.
Athol Fugard
Many nights I watch the sun set. Many nights I watch the moon. They fascinate me. They’re the only things I get to share with everyone: the stars, the moon, the universe.
Danielle Esplin
Be assured, a God who spoke the universe into existence would not need grains of dust to fight holy wars for him.
Christina Engela
Never underestimate the power within you, because you may be the only person in the entire universe to solve a specific problem.
Gift Gugu Mona
It did occur to him that perhaps he’d gone to the wrong Academy – the guys in the Space Fleet always had more interesting stories to tell at the spaceport bars. You know, tales about the dude who got vaporized in a plasma accident in the engineering section, or the fella who got turned into a blob of weird space jelly by some alien virus – or the time someone flew a starship into an astor-field at warp four by mistake (they were still trying to find the black box on that one). The Imperial Space Fleet’s recruiting office sure didn’t go around advertising ‘Join up, see the universe, meet interesting aliens and die screaming’, but it was known there were risks involved. It was part of the job after all, and yet somehow, they still got recruits signing up in droves. Yes, indeedy – the stories were far more interesting than his – took a load of ore to Gorda, took a load of mining equipment back to Tordrazil. Took a load of Florpavian Flame-birds to a zoo on Deanna, took a load of machinery to Salus. Picked up and dropped off a few passengers on the way. Still, Florpavian Flame-birds were a risky cargo… and damned tricky to transport – which is probably the only reason he’d had any entertainment at all on the last trip.
Christina Engela
The weapon he held in his sweaty grip was one of a small consignment of prototypes received at the last port of call. The experts said it was the most powerful hand weapon in the known universe. He choked. That would soon be put to the test!
Christina Engela
Don't be afraid," Elisha answered, "We have more on our side than they have on theirs." (2 Kings 6:15 GNT)
Shirley Corder
So many commands in the Bible require obedience without us experiencing any conviction to obey them. That is when our faith is truly tested.
Alan de Jager
People think the Bible is too complicated for the average person to understand. People tend to be wrong. It's too complicated for the unsaved person, yes, it's foolishness to him. But for those who are in Christ, it's a magnificent journey of simplicity. Depth, richness, but simplicity. It's the fact that the natural man can't believe that life with Christ is so simple that cause the great "complexity" argument. Stop, take a breath, and believe that it's as simple as it appears.
Alan de Jager
Good listeners, I don’t need to tell you that now more than ever, we’re living in Godless times. We’re living in a time when the Bible is shunned in our schools in favour of scientific evolutionary lies, where many are expelling God from their hearts, where sodomites and baby murderers and heathens and Islamofascists have more rights in our country than good Christian men and women. Where Sodom and Gomorrah cast a pall over every aspect of our daily lives, and our world leaders are trying with all their might to construct the culture of globalisation favoured by the Antichrist.
Sarah Lotz
...Cast yourself upon, abandon yourself to this Christ who lived that life of utter surrender to God that He might prepare a new nature which He could impart to you and in which He might make you like Himself.
Andrew Murray
The business of reading and interpreting the Bible in South Afria is a tricky one! The Bible is everywhere and in the hands of many, including the pain inflictors. ~ Mogomme Alpheus Masoga
Gerald O. West
In itself this Christian education is partly the product of the retreat of biblical scholarship from the faith community to the academy. In removing themselves to the academy biblical scholars have ceased to engage with the people of the issues of the contemporary faith context. ~ Janet Lees (p. 84). In Reading Other-Wise
Gerald O. West
If my journey was so easy, I would have missed out on life's invaluable lessons. From misery I learnt to comfort those in tears, from lack I learnt to give to the needy; from uncertainty I learnt to understand others and from my silence I learnt to speak for the voiceless.
Gugu Mona
In every story there is a silence, some sight concealed, some word unspoken, I believe. Till we have spoken the unspoken we have not come to the heart of the story.
J.M. Coetzee
If my journey was so easy, I would have missed out on life's invaluable lessons. From misery I learnt to comfort those in tears, from lack I learnt to give to the needy; from uncertainty I learnt to understand others and from my silence I learnt to listen to the voiceless.
Gift Gugu Mona
In the meantime the strike is over, with a remarkably low loss of life. All is quiet, they report, all is quiet.In the deserted harbour there is yet water that laps against the quays. In the dark and silent forest there is a leaf that falls. Behind the polished panelling the white ant eats away the wood. Nothing is ever quiet, except for fools.
Alan Paton
In a state of pseudo-death you restore your substance.
Marlene Van Niekerk
Some kid asked what a dilemma is. And I replied: When a starving man has to choose between a plate of food, and, a roll of toilet paper.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Civilization transformed man from a food gatherer to a gatherer of pieces of paper: diplomas, employment contracts, money, etc.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
12% of employees eat because they are hungry. 88% of employees eat because it is 1 o’clock.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
A healthy man watched what he ate. An intelligent man watched what he watched.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Eating a salad (in public) is an overweight person’s attempt to appear in control.
Mokokoma Mokhonoana