Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Top 100 Quotes
Quotes by Romanian Authors
- Page 14
The most powerful affirmation doesn’t come from the conscious mind but from your Soul, an affirmation in which you are not trying to convince yourself of something you don’t believe, but rather you are becoming aware of the truth and the reality of what you truly are.
Dragos Bratasanu
The knowledge of the Universe is not secret, but is placed in the heart of every grandma and grandpa who have nothing and yet give everything to their grandchildren, in the eyes of every mother holding her baby close to her heart, in the spirit of every father holding the hand of his child walking for the first time.
Dragos Bratasanu
And then, there was no longer any reason for me to fast. I no longer accepted God's silence. As I swallowed my ration of soup, I turned that act into a symbol of rebellion, of protest against Him. And I nibbled on my crust of bread. Deep inside me, I felt a great void opening.
Ellie Wiesel
It is no sign of benediction to have been obsessed with the lives of saints, for it is an obsession intertwined with a taste for maladies and hunger for depravities. One only troubles oneself with saints because one has been disappointed by the paradoxes of earthly life; one therefore searches out other paradoxes, more outlandish in guise, redolent of unknown truths, unknown perfumes...
Emil M. Cioran
A disciple came to the celebrated Master of the Good Name with a question. “Rabbi, how are we to distinguish between a true master and a fake?” And the master of the good name said, “When you meet a person who poses as a master, ask him a question: whether he knows how to purify your thoughts. If he says that he knows, then he is a fake.
Elie Wiesel
A non-religious man today ignores what he considers sacred but, in the structure of his consciousness, could not be without the ideas of being and the meaningful. He may consider these purely human aspects of the structure of consciousness. What we see today is that man considers himself to have nothing sacred, no god; but still his life has a meaning, because without it he could not live; he would be in chaos. He looks for being and does not immediately call it being, but meaning or goals; he behaves in his existence as if he had a kind of center. He is going somewhere, he is doing something. We do not see anything religious here; we just see man behaving as a human being. But as a historian of religion, I am not certain that there is nothing religious here…I cannot consider exclusively what that man tells me when he consciously says, ‘I don’t believe in God; I believe in history,’ and so on. For example, I do not think that Jean-Paul Sartre gives all of himself in his philosophy, because I know that Sartre sleeps and dreams and likes music and goes to the theater. And in the theater he gets into a temporal dimension in which he no longer lives his ‘moment historique.’ There he lives in quite another dimension. We live in another dimension when we listen to Bach. Another experience of time is given in drama. We spend two hours at a play, and yet the time represented in the play occupies years and years. We also dream. This is the complete man. I cannot cut this complete man off and believe someone immediately when he consciously says that he is not a religious man. I think that unconsciously, this man still behaves as the ‘homo religiosus,’ has some source of value and meaning, some images, is nourished by his unconscious, by the imaginary universe of the poems he reads, of the plays he sees; he still lives in different universes. I cannot limit his universe to that purely self-conscious, rationalistic universe which he pretends to inhabit, since that universe is not human.
Mircea Eliade
The problem is, we always want to pay the prices we can afford.
Alin Sav
If you only show me a part of you, I'll only love that part.
Bogdan Vaida
Take a tram ride today. Recognise a dear friend in everyone around. Speak kindly to yourself. It is only your thoughts that bring you fear. You've been through a lot. There is perfect peace in this moment.
Dragos Bratasanu
Writing is not just a process of creation. It is also a process of self-discovery
Cristina Istrati
Oh words, what crimes are committed in your name?~Jack or The Submission
Eugène Ionesco
I write to understand as much as to be understood.
Elie Wiesel
Write only if you cannot live without writing. Write only what you alone can write.
Elie Wiesel
A book is a suicide postponed.
Emil M. Cioran
In a Church, user experience is the ultimate marketing and branding strategy. The experience is the product that leads to faith.
Alin Sav
Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, that turned my life into one long night seven times sealed.Never shall I forget that smoke.Never shall I forget the small faces of the children whose bodies I saw transformed into smoke under a silent sky.Never shall I forget those flames that consumed my faith forever.Never shall I forget the nocturnal silence that deprived me for all eternity of the desire to live.Never shall I forget those moments that murdered my God and my soul and turned my dreams to ashes.Never shall I forget those things, even were I condemned to live as long as God Himself.Never.
Elie Wiesel
There's a long road of suffering ahead of you. But don't lose courage. You've already escaped the gravest danger: selection. So now, muster your strength, and don't lose heart. We shall all see the day of liberation. Have faith in life. Above all else, have faith. Drive out despair, and you will keep death away from yourselves. Hell is not for eternity. And now, a prayer - or rather, a piece of advice: let there be comradeship among you. We are all brothers, and we are all suffering the same fate. The same smoke floats over all our heads. Help one another. It is the only way to survive.
Elie Wiesel
The poetry of love is the greatest gift God gave us.
Sorin Cerin
Tăcerea coboară-n spiraleRotunde şi-ovale,Ca nişte confeti de-aceeaşi culoare...
Ion Minulescu
Each arrow you shoot offcarries its own targetinto the decidedlysecrettangle
Paul Celan
rush of pine scent (once upon a time),the unlicensed convictionthere ought to be another wayof sayingthis.
Paul Celan
How you die out in me:down to the lastworn-out knot of breathyou're there, with a splinter of life.
Paul Celan
Don't sign your namebetween worlds,surmountthe manifold of meanings,trust the tearstain,learn to live.
Paul Celan
Only one thing remained reachable, close and secure amid all losses: language. Yes, language. In spite of everything, it remained secure against loss.
Paul Celan
The Death's Field is the mirror which allows us the knowledge of the world we living in.
Sorin Cerin
The belief in death leads meditating about life; meanwhile, the belief in life leads you thinking about death.
Sorin Cerin
Search for the stranger inside you, forgotten even by your death.
Sorin Cerin
Loneliness is the standard that separates life from death.
Sorin Cerin
Cine n-ar dori să moară visând că moare?
Saşa Pană
We are born and then we die. And in between lies only this strange darkness that we can’t break.
Cristian Mihai
What branch does not have its leaves and which twig will not have its flowers?
Sorin Cerin
The only advantage of knowledge is that it can justify suffering.
Sorin Cerin
Who can be worried without the light of a memory?
Sorin Cerin
My faceless neighbor spoke up:“Don’t be deluded. Hitler has made it clear that he will annihilate all Jews before the clock strikes twelve.”I exploded:“What do you care what he said? Would you want us to consider him a prophet?His cold eyes stared at me. At last he said, wearily:“I have more faith in Hitler than in anyone else. He alone has kept his promises, all his promises, to the Jewish people.
Elie Wiesel
...Opal is dead, and I don't see how a healer can change that! It's not something to joke about."Joke?" Then Owen hit his forehead and cried, "That's right, you haven't heard!"Heard what?" asked Adrien, who felt an insane glimmer of hope return to his heart.Death is on strike! She hasn't done that for two centuries, and it's very annoying. Your friend is alive."Very annoying?" repeated Amber. "I don't see what's so annoying about a miracle! What is Death on strike for?"Everyone knows that Death lives in Fairytale-in an inaccessible area, obviously. And just a few hours ago, she decided to stop working. So, for now, no one can die.
Flavia Bujor
Pentru mine, moartea este doar hotarul unde încetează să mai existe "mâine". Numai până acolo poți să iubești, să visezi, să regreți. Brusc, tot ce n-ai făcut va rămâne pentru totdeauna nefăcut.
Octavian Paler
Speranța e doar în infinitul posibilităților.
Alexandru Lamba
If I have more than one life, I would definitelydedicate this one entirely to you." - MAGNETIC REVERIE
Nico J. Genes
Cine a ucis stelele? Cine a surpat drumul spre viitor al celor din morminte?
Ionel Teodoreanu
Believe in the hope of your Life Illusion because this is the only real thing that you posses!
Sorin Cerin
We hope that we will live only because we must be with God, as alive as He is.
Sorin Cerin
Don’t hope you will receive help from the words of life because they all bring you to death.
Sorin Cerin
When you enter a relationship, ask yourself: Will I be prisoner to an idol by seeing the body, or free in relationship by seeing the soul?
Dragos Bratasanu
Love is what remains after the falling in love is gone.
Dragos Bratasanu
You know what my father told me when I was little, one day, when he found me crying? He told me that God gave people a fixed number of tears and are of two kinds: tears of sadness and tears of happiness. And that I should not waste my tears elsewhere, but keep them for the moments of happiness. Would be a shame to not have tears to cry then ...
Irina Binder
- Te iubesc atat de mult, mi-a zis incet. Daca as putea , ti-as lua toate tristetile si toate durerile.- Cu anumite dureri traiesti toata viata. Nici macar Dumnezeu nu te scapa de ele. Le porti in suflet toata viata, de parca soarta ar vrea sa nu te lase niciodata sa uiti ca ai fost ranit.
Irina Binder
Above all, don’t lie to yourself." – Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Brothers Karamazov"I don’t want to die without any scars." – Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club"Not all those who wander are lost." – J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring"It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities." – J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets"It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not." – André Gide, Autumn Leaves"If you’re making mistakes it means you’re out there doing something." – Neil Gaiman, Make Good Art"Even a stopped clock is right twice a day." – Paulo Coelho, Brida"If we wait until we’re ready, we’ll be waiting for the rest of our lives."– Lemony Snicket, The Ersatz Elevator"The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt." – Sylvia Plath, The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath"I dream. Sometimes I think that’s the only right thing to do." – Haruki Murakami, Sputnik Sweetheart"If you don’t imagine, nothing ever happens at all." – John Green, Paper Towns"Everything is possible. The impossible just takes longer." – Dan Brown, Digital Fortress"Fear is an illusion..." - Dark Templar, Starcraft 2
Emanuel Andrei Cosutchi
Think big, dream big, stay humble and act now.
Alin Sav
A good question is always a question that helps you and me grow, no matter what the answer might be.
Alin Sav
Leaders walk by faith, managers walk alone.
Alin Sav
If you need only 10 minutes to speak about a topic that requires 60 minutes, then you are a good speaker. If you need 60 minutes to speak about a topic which requires only 10 minutes, then you are a Romanian preacher.
Alin Sav
Invest in studies which encourages you to invest in people.
Alin Sav
If you are 100% sure that you live, why don´t you live 100%?
Alin Sav
I always keep my dreams so high, that you can keep laughing about it and I can keep growing for it.
Alin Sav
Speaking doesn´t make you a Leader, but if you have Leadership skills, people want to hear you speak.
Alin Sav
An idea that does not take some risks, is probably an idea not worth taking.
Alin Sav
If you want to change your nation, you have to start a conversation.
Alin Sav
The growthzone is the zone where teacher and student are both students.
Alin Sav
I am a little bit of everything that I´ve ever read or said.
Alin Sav
If you stop learning, you start dying.
Alin Sav