Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Top 100 Quotes
Quotes by Pakistani Authors
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The concept of Free Will makes no sense unless associated, somehow or the other, with Absolute Determinism; it is just as a man cannot walk without gravity arresting and spurring his pace simultaneously.
Raheel Farooq
Readers don’t work for writers. They work for themselves.
Mohsin Hamid
Many skills, as every successful entrepreneur knows, cannot be taught in school. They require doing. Sometimes a life of doing. And where money-making is concerned, nothing compresses the time frame needed to leap from my-shit-just-sits-there-until-it-rains poverty to which-of-my-toilets-shall-I-use affluence like an apprenticeship with someone who already has the angles all figured out.
Mohsin Hamid
It's a trick question, Aquilla. A Mask is not made. She is remade. First she is destroyed. Stripped down to the trembling child that lives at her core. It doesn't matter how strong she thinks she is. Blackcliff diminishes, humiliates, and humbles her." "But if she survives, she is reborn. She rises from the shadow world of failure and despair so that she might become as fearful as that which destroyed her. So that she might know darkness and use it as her scim and shield in her mission to serve the Empire.
Sabaa Tahir
Never risk in the dark to search the light. Conversely, be light and shine in the darkness as a moon.
Ehsan Sehgal
The mountain trembled like an earthquake. Dust flew into the sky. And the rock turned dark red, like the color of blood'. 'How would you know?' Asks Sindhi cap. 'You only have a black and white television'.'But it's a very good one. You can almost see colours.
Mohsin Hamid
You don't know the art of eating ice cream." I mumbled."And what's that?" He said sarcastically."That is, to enjoy every single spoonful, lick it thrice to completely clean it off, then take another spoonful, and so on. You know what's sweet time? That is called sweet time. Next time, do it and enjoy the heavenly taste of it. It will increase its deliciousness by tenfold." I grinned at him.
Zainab T. Khan
in piecesyet at peacei am a building in a post war city
Noor Unnahar
Be focused in what you do and what you say. There is much noise in the world to detrack you.
Moazzam Shaikh
When you help people, don't wait around to hear them say, "Thank you." A lot of times we do good things, but in the back of our mind we're hoping to get some appreciation. But if you make your intentions pure, and you expect only from Allah, He will take more care of you than you could ever imagine.
Nouman Ali Khan
Well…speaking of rights, every single human on the face of this earth is entitled to achieve the basic education; no matter what religion, caste or race they belong to. I’m really against those people who despise the poor. The less fortunate are also normal people like us. In fact, they are special, as they need proper guidance, affection and attention just like us. We should pay them homage and regards rather than looking down upon them. I’m trying my best to support them as much as I can. In fact I’ve opened an orphanage house along with a friend of mine that I was mentioning about before and we’re providing them with the best possible financial services.” He went on.
Sara Naveed
When did you star here?” I ask her.“Three days ago. Sir. Aspirant. Um—” She wrings her hands.“Veturius is fine.”She walks carefully, gingerly—the Commandant must have whipped her recently. And yet she doesn't hunch or shuffle like the others slaves. The straight-backed grace with which she moves tells her story better than words. She'd been a freewoman before this—I'd bet my scims on it. And she has no idea how pretty she is—or what kind of problems her beauty will cause for her at a place like Blackcliff. The wind pulls at her hair again, and I catch her scent—like fruit and sugar. “Can I give you some advi
Sabaa Tahir
One must avoid getting stuck in the negative memories because these can block personal growth.
Hina Hashmi
Desire is a great virtue, but expectation is an even greater vice.
Raheel Farooq
You are a door to an existence she does not desire, but even if the room beyond is repugnant, that door has won a portion of her affection.
Mohsin Hamid
But show me just this one thing, my darling, i seek a heart stained like a poppy flower.
Fatima Bhutto
There is treasure hidden beneath the entire land, but the problem is people are unwilling to dig it out.
Waqar Masood
Past success secures future failure if we continue to bask in its glow for too long
Faisal Khosa
Wake up call may be a disastrous failure, if it results in a life change, the failure is worth the suffering
Faisal Khosa
It takes only a split second for life to go horribly wrong. To fix the mess, I need a thousand things to go right. The distance from one bit of luck to the next feels as great as the distance across oceans. But, I decide in this moment, I will bridge that distance, again and again, until I win. I will not fail.
Sabaa Tahir
Failure doesn't define you. It's what you do after you fail that determines whether you are a leader or a waste of perfectly good air.
Sabaa Tahir
One, who suicides, is itself a killer and itself a victim. To trigger that has its decision, and own willingness, no one else.
Ehsan Sehgal
My message to you all is of hope, courage, and confidence.
Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Self-confidence appear your attitude, so be confident
Sooner or later suffering will find you, It's better you find it first.
Imran Bughio
If one suffers from the pain and the hardship, its friends feel empathy and sadness too. Whereas, its opponents celebrate and enjoy that.
Ehsan Sehgal
When one has been as near to the reality of Life (which after all is Death) as I have been dearest, one only remembers the beautiful and tender moments and all the rest becomes a half veiled mist of unrealities. Try and remember me beloved as the flower you plucked and not the flower you tread upon . . . . Darling I love you—I love you—and had I loved you just a little less I might have remained with you—only after one has created a very beautiful blossom one does not drag it through the mire. The higher you set your ideal the lower it falls. I have loved you my darling as it is given to few men to be loved. I only beseech you that the tragedy which commenced in love should also end with it. . . .Ruttie Jinnah's last letter to Jinnah
Rafia Zakaria
On the far horizon waved some flicker of lightMy heart, a city of suffering, awoke in a state of dreamMy eyes, turning restless, still dreaming,the morning, dawning in this vacuous abode of separation.
Faiz Ahmed Faiz
We always cherish and miss the time passed yet struglling for a better future but after moving to next level we feel the past was beautiful
Salman Ahmad
Not even God can change the past.
Nadeem Aslam
There’s a ghost of a dream that you don’t even try to shake free off because you’re too in love with the way she haunts you.
Kamila Shamsie
The past, rich with it's pains and joys, shuffles before me, relieving the weary dullness of endless days. I rejoice; I agonize.
Rukhsana Ahmad
I'd love to be what I have been.
Raheel Farooq
Such journeys have convinced me that it is not always possible to restore one's boundaries after they have been blurred and made permeable by a relationship: try as we might, we cannot reconstitute ourselves as the autonomous beings we previously imagined ourselves to be.
Mohsin Hamid
When the machine of a human being is turned on, it seems to produce a protagonist, just as a television produces an image. I think this protagonist, this self, often recognizes that it is a fictional construct, but it also recognizes that thinking of itself as such might cause it to disintegrate.
Mohsin Hamid
Khuda tujhe kisi toofaan se aashna karde,Ke tere behr ki maujon men iztiraab naheenMay God grant you a storm! The voyage of your life is on too placid an ocean…
Muhammad Iqbal
Khird-Mandon Se Kya Puchon Ke Meri Ibtida Kya HaiKe Main Iss Fikar Mein Rehta Hun, Meri Intiha Kya HaiWhat should I ask the sages about my origin:I am always wanting to know my goal.
Muhammad Iqbal
Peace, love and beauty are goals shared by every human heart. The question is whether our minds recognize them as such.
Raheel Farooq
There are greater goals in life than material and sensual pleasures
Imran Khan
Most people just ‘hope’ to meet their targets, while few have clear and strong intention hence they achieve it.
Hina Hashmi
Great goals always come from inspiration.
Hina Hashmi
Boys keep working over your goals these girls ain't going anywhere.
Moosa Rahat
We need to be our own guide. We can live a much more peaceful and happy life if we think about positive growth of ourselves and others, and its effects on the universe." -Hina Hashmi
Hina Hashmi
Love was the result of having caught a glimpse of another's loneliness.
Nadeem Aslam
Be faithful to the unknown, plan for it by expecting it rather than waiting for it to knock you down. I believe your husband will take care of you, for he is a hardworking sensible man, but Jane, I had no one to look out for me when I was growing up, or when I had you all to myself, it did not make me rudderless, cynical or pacifist, but it did make me feel extremely alone. It blinded me, I did not know what to make of it. No person in life can fill up that feeling, no matter how many workers we have or friends to call on, or women fluttering about, you are in this alone, you have to be all you can be in this life, and no one can make it happen for you, it is necessary to be lonely every once in a while, it is even good, but there is a difference in being alone and being helpless. If you let yourself be helpless, if you find yourself in such a predicament where you feel there is no way out, then you will be crushed whether you are a flower or a mountain. And you must not allow yourself to be crushed." - Mr. Adams to daughter Jane
Loneliness teaches and shows you the real and unreal and such things that one can never understand and even imagine living with others.
Ehsan Sehgal
I’m . . . accustomed to being alone. There are times when alone is the best place to be. I enjoy my own company.
Sara Naveed
Wealth of good manners is what no one can steal from you. You can keep it with you wherever you go.
Moazzam Shaikh
You see, it is my passionately held belief that the right to possess property is at best a contingent one. When disparities become too great, a superior right, that to life, outweighs the right to property. Ergo, the very poor have the right to steal from the very rich.
Mohsin Hamid
I did not grow up in poverty. But I did grow up with a poor boy's sense of longing, in my case not for what my family had never had, but for what we had had and lost.
Mohsin Hamid
We know the value of a blessing when we don't have it. But we only know the value of knowledge when we have enough of it.
Raheel Farooq
...status, as in any traditional, class-conscious society, declines more slowly than wealth.
Mohsin Hamid
Whenever we think, we construct a world that is centred upon the object of our thinking; whenever we act, we reconstruct a world that is centred upon ourselves.
Raheel Farooq
Our relationship could now thrive only in my head, and to discuss it with a mother intent—admittedly in my own best interest—on challenging it with reality might do it irreparable harm.
Mohsin Hamid
Conflicts stay in your mind with your permission.You allow them to.
Hina Hashmi
We talk what we think but do what we believe.
Raheel Farooq
People, material and situation come in to our lives because of our thoughts and beliefs. When we don’t want those experiences, we try to push them away. When we use our vital energy in resisting what we don’t want, we attract more of it whether it’s a person, circumstance or challenge.
Hina Hashmi
Our vibration depends upon what we are thinking, feeling and acting. You have two choices, one is to flow with the chaotic frequencies of the world and feel hopeless, or decide what and how you want to feel.
Hina Hashmi
Your thoughts exist. Whatever you have thought today, yesterday or many years back, it is energy and it exists. Your attention activates thoughts and it is strengthened with your repetition.
Hina Hashmi
Thoughts like weeds will grow automatically unless we train them according to our choice. Thoughts gravitate according to what’s happening around us.
Hina Hashmi