Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Top 100 Quotes
Quotes by Iranian Authors
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The question, therefore, is not whether one should teach philosophy to Muslim students, but rather what kind or kinds of philosophy should be taught and how the subject should be approached.
Seyyed Hossein Nasr
From my earliest works written in the 1950s and 1960s, I have claimed that there is such a thing as Islamic science with a twelve-hundred-year tradition of its own and that this science is Islamic not only because it was cultivated by Muslims, but because it is based on a worldview and a cosmology rooted in the Islamic revelation.
Seyyed Hossein Nasr
All these schools of though gradually transformed into legal institutions, the diversity of ideas and freedom of opinion that characterized their early development gave way to rigid formalism, strict adherence to precedent, and an almost complete stultification of independent though
Reza Aslan
Certainly the shahadah contained an important theological innovation, but that innovation was not monotheism. With this simple profession of faith, Muhammad was declaring to Mecca that the God of the heavens and the earth required no intermediate whatsoever, but could be accessed by anyone.
Reza Aslan
No one speaks for God - not even the prophets (who speak about God)
Reza Aslan
The gnostic is Muslim in that his whole being is surrendered to God; he has no separate individual existence of his own. He is like the birds and the flowers in his yielding to the Creator; like them, like all the elements of the cosmos, he reflects the Divine to his own degree. He reflects it actively, however, they passively; his participation is a conscious one.
Seyyed Hossein Nasr
Every house was different. Some had prayer rooms, some did not. Some of the women covered, most did not. Some fasted for Ramadan, some did not. Every one of them shopped. Most had been to that same ball because America was the great place where you could worship many things at once, until now.
Laleh Khadivi
The anti-religious modernism which now threatens Islam and Muslims everywhere can be fully understood only by understanding the religion of the civilization in whose bosom modernism first developed, against which it rebelled, and whose tenets it has been challenging through constant battle since the birth of the modern world in the Renaissance.
Seyyed Hossein Nasr
For anyone who understood the essence of modernism based on and originating in the secularizing and humanistic tendencies of the European Renaissance, it was easy to detect the confrontation that was already taking place between traditional and modern elements in the Islamic world.
Seyyed Hossein Nasr
Be the hero of your own story. You are born to turn you mess into a message and the test into a testimony.
Farshad Asl
Effective communication requires active listening skills.
Farshad Asl
Communication is not a two way street. It is a bridge. Either you have one or you build one. It's about connecting, not correcting.
Farshad Asl
The sun, like a golden knife, was steadily paring away the edge of the shade beside the walls.The streets were enclosed between old, whitewashed walls. Everywhere were peace and stillness, as though all the elements were obeying the sacred law of calm and silence imposed by the blazing heat. It seemed as though mystery was everywhere and my lungs hardly dared to inhale the air.
Sadegh Hedayat
The inquisitive nature of youth should carry over into our adult lives. Challenging the status quo and enticing curiosity should be a daily practice of adult life.
Farshad Asl
These poems are cupsthat I pour my love into.Here, Drink!
Kamand Kojouri
Coaching is the universal to connect with people, helping them to develop a new perspective, while expanding their inner beliefs and boundaries, equipping them to become the best version of themselves.
Farshad Asl
Your attitude of gratitude will bring you altitude in business and multitude in blessings.
Farshad Asl
Innovation is more attitude than skill.
Sid Mohasseb
They might say that i am crazy or out of my mind to made such decision in my life. But they need to remember that must think twice before once say. Cause it might hurt someone for no specific reason.
Arash Tabish
The most beautiful period of time in our life are the ones which we understand that the problems are our own. and we should not blame other cause of our own problems, we need to realize that we are the one who control our own future, let's remember that maybe we will not have always a peaceful life and may not always be able to solve all of our problems that we face at once but we don't have to stop trying to find a solution way for it, we need to be positive and have courage and working hard to get what what we want cause i don't believe in excuses that most of us made but i believe in courage , being positive and hard working. Let's be positive and have courage.
Arash Tabish
If evolutionism were to be rejected, the whole structure upon which the modern world is based would collapse and one would have to accept the incredible wisdom of the Creator in the creation of the multiplicity of life forms which we see on the surface of the earth and in the seas. This realization would also change the attitude that modern man has concerning the earlier periods of his own history, vis-a-vis other civilizations and also other forms of life. Consequently the theory of evolution continues to be taught in the West as a scientific fact rather than a theory and whoever opposes it is usually brushed off as religious obscurantist.
Seyyed Hossein Nasr
The theory of evolution also had a very great effect in alienating science from religion and creating a world in which one could go about studying the wonders of creation without ever having a sense of wonder in the religious sense of that term.
Seyyed Hossein Nasr
I wanted to be JUSTICE, LOVE, and the WRATH OF GOD all in one.
Marjane Satrapi
. . . for any worthwhile martial arts skill to be pragmatic, it has to be done live, otherwise it is of limited or no use in actual combat
Soke Behzad Ahmadi
You may not control what others do or say, but you can decide not to be reduced by them. Keep adding value to people around you and make your impact unstoppable.
Farshad Asl
The key to investing in yourself is being able to see your potential, not just your actual value. Being able to visualize your value demonstrates that you are already picking up the skills of a 3D thinker.
Farshad Asl
Everyone leaves behind a legacy of some kind, but those who approach living with a ‘No Excuses’ mindset leave a legacy of value.
Farshad Asl
Scriptures may have grains of historical truth within them, but there is also ample hyperbole, speculation and mythology.
Armin Navabi
It is likely that religious beliefs have been so widespread because they tap into the psychological desires of many people, not because there is any external proof of their veracity.
Armin Navabi
Science doesn't claim to have absolute certainty about the world; it creates models that provide the best explanation based on the available evidence. If additional evidence is found, the model can be changed.
Armin Navabi
An unknown cause is not the same as divine intervention.
Armin Navabi
Not knowing the answer to a question is not a valid excuse for making up a fairytale to explain it.
Armin Navabi
Close analysis of ‘miracles’ have never led to any proof for a supernatural explanation, and, in fact, many have proven to be cheap magic tricks, hallucinations or primitive misunderstandings of natural phenomena.
Armin Navabi
An all-loving god would surely not damn his children to an eternity of torture simply for being born into a culture that believes in the wrong deity, follows the wrong holy book or attends the wrong type of church services.
Armin Navabi
There is no evidence to suggest that God helps people. There is, however, ample evidence that people can help themselves and each other.
Armin Navabi
Although my work is to grapple with words, I have no words with which to describe and explain this feeling. Perhaps I write stories to show that in life there are moments, emotions, and events that cannot be explained with words.
Shahriar Mandanipour
Winning is not just a moment of glory, it’s a journey of peaks and valleys.Perseverance Matters!Winning is a habit.Small wins matter!Winning is an attitude.Mindset Matters!Winning is a choice.Hard work matters!Winning is your responsibility.Winning matters!
Farshad Asl
There is nothing I can do that won’t bring me back to you.
Kamand Kojouri
Maybe the hardened clay was not as ugly as I had thought. Maybe what I resented was the color my father had painted me. The time had come to sand away some of that dreadful stain.
Zohreh Ghahremani
I finally understood what my grandmother meant. If I wasn't comfortable with myself, I would never be comfortable.
Marjane Satrapi
Scattered across the Roman Empire, it was only natural for the gospel writers to distance themselves from the Jewish independence movement by erasing, as much as possible, any hint of radicalism or violence, revolution or zealotry, from the story of Jesus, and to adapt Jesus's words and actions to the new political situation in which they found themselves.
Reza Aslan
This is an extremely difficult matter for modern readers of the gospels to grasp, but Luke never meant for his story about Jesus's birth at Bethlehem to be understood as historical fact. Luke would have had no idea what we in the modern world even mean when we say the word "history." The notion of history as a critical analysis of observable and verifiable events in the past is a product of the modern age; it would have been an altogether foreign concept to the gospel writers for whom history was not a matter of uncovering facts, but of revealing truths.
Reza Aslan
Despite a few exceptions, I have found that Americans are now far more willing to learn new names, just as they're far more willing to try new ethnic foods... It's like adding a few new spices to the kitchen pantry.
Firoozeh Dumas
Please don't fool yourself cause you can't fool me. I know what exactly you think right now and i also know what excuses you will bring to cover your nasty lies, but never forget that i will never ever believe you.
Arash Tabish
Repose not trust in testing another's degree of honesty at the risk of one's loss in matters big, unless collateralized.
Firoozeh Dumas
We often settle for what's available and what's available isn't always great. You are destined to achieve greatness!
Farshad Asl
The more man realises his humanity, the lonelier he feels.
Ali Shariati
Humans can be anything you want, Only when alone.
Arash Pakravesh
I believe in good memories. I like to have those memories again, i also believe in love, Honesty, Kindness and being loyal. my favorite memories was when me and my brother and sister were kids and palying football together, i remember we had lots of fun. specially me and my younger sister love to play computer game too, i still remember that we wanted so badly to play , i think that kids love to play, so i am going to say to all parents that let your kids enjoy their life, take care of them good and teach them to be kind, be honest, to love and respect others. it was an amazing time and amazing memories, it make me happy when i look back at those memories but it also make me sad cause i missed those memories .
Arash Tabish
It make me upset, whenever i look back and think of old days, it bring me so many memories, i have done lots of mistakes,I made lots of people sad, but I have got a lot of great memories too, i had so many amazing days and wounderful memories but i also know which those days are over. i don't think i will let my self ever do so much terrible things, i want to change myself in a better shape, a better an understandable person, i want to be a good person, i want to love all humans beyond any condition, i believe they are all my brothers and sisters, no matter if they have different religions or they don't have any religion at all, i will keep loving them even if some of them hurt me, i will not allow myself to hurt them back cause i want to be a better person and i want to stay human, cause i believe we should not hurt each other even if they did, we should not do it back. Let's stay human.
Arash Tabish
If God creates morality, then morality is nothing more than the whimsy of a divine being blindly followed by humans.
Armin Navabi
Throughout his job ordeal, my father never complained. He remained an Iranian who loved his native country but who also believed in American ideals. He only said how sad it was that people so easily hate an entire population simply because of the actions of a few. And what a waste it is to hate, he always said. What a waste.
Firoozeh Dumas
I know there are many people who don't like me for different reasons cause they feel hurted by me, i am sorry that they feel like that but they need to understand which i am not trying to hurt them or anyone else, i am just trying to do what is right thing, i try to encourage my fellow human to love each others unconditionally cause i do believe we are all each other brothers and sisters and i am trying to ask them to stop following those religious leaders, politics leaders and others which are spreading hate and violence or trying to stand a group of people against other groups which i believe most religious and politics leaders are busy doing that, most important i am asking my brothers and sisters to refuse pick up guns and go war cause God does not allow us to take away someone life but he asked us to resepect the life of others and to love each others uncoditionally so let's love our brothers and sisters like how God want us to do and let's live according God's principle which most important is love.
Arash Tabish
For the person who tortured me in jail. For the person who tortured the many of my followers and killed them in jail, and the many other greater leaders than me and their followers in jail, and for the men who jailed my supporters, I pray. I don’t hate them. I love them as much as I love my closest loved ones, and I pray for their guidance. My loves, you be this way too. It doesn’t help to hate. If you hate, you pollute your own soul … Words cannot express how much I wish the best for you. My foremost ambition for you is that you have hearts full of light, thoughtfulness of God, and goodness, so much so that the devil has no space to get into your hearts. I want you to be happy with yourselves, and for other people to be happy with you, when you leave this life … May you be so good that rain of mercy falls onto you. May this brother (Ahmad), that is so unworthy of your love, also be so lucky.
Ahmad Moftizadeh
Before thinking about what you are going to say, think about what I am saying.
Alireza Salehi Nejad
Believing and investing in yourself is the best way to shift your thinking from a paradigm of excuses to one of solutions.
Farshad Asl
Karate is not about techniques and their execution, but about boldness, integrity and fight for justice and common good
Soke Behzad Ahmadi
A Martial Artist may become A professional fighter but not every Fighter is capable of becoming A martial artist. Martial Arts are about restoration of physical and spiritual balance and fluidity; they are about observing restraints and 'setting example'. Every practice session is A reminder of the play of opposites (yin and yang), . . . .
Soke Behzad Ahmadi
Consistent and clear communication creates a dynamic and sustainable culture that is there when your not there.
Farshad Asl
The Five C's of Coaching: 1- Clarity 2- Communication3- Collaboration 4- Commitment 5- Culture
Farshad Asl