Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Top 100 Quotes
Quotes by British Authors
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Most men find [peace] entirely unlike what they had expected - like love...
Patrick O'Brian
I find my thoughts, increasingly, not on the supernatural or spiritual but on what is meant by living a good and worthwhile life—achieving a sense of peace within oneself.
Oliver Sacks
Success is a trophy, a title, something gained, attained or retained. Fulfilment, true happiness, contentment.... bliss is the gift of the self-realised. That is the real prize.
Rasheed Ogunlaru
There are many things in this unhappy world we cannot alter. We must learn to live with our lot and find peace with ourselves.
Robin Jarvis
Most people just want to be left in peace to eat their bacon, not realising that there is no peace behind bacon.
Mango Wodzak
A woman's strength comes from finding solace in peace and earning respect in silence...
Virginia Alison
I wandered in the streets, what with the noise the people made, the number of the coaches, the running of the footmen, the swaggering of great courtiers, and the thrusting aside of everybody, many a time I longed to be back among the sheep again, for fear of losing my peacefulness of spirit.
R.D. Blackmore
Knowing when you should weigh up your options, remain calm and not take everything at face value has certain benefitsEnding the day with with a peaceful soul is one...
Virginia Alison
There is no well being without inner peace.
Rasheed Ogunlaru
Want for your brother, what you want for yourself.
George Green
The stiller you are the calmer life is.
Rasheed Ogunlaru
...literary translators are the interpreters of human values - and the true peacemakers.
Margaret Obank
If it were but known that the combined might of the world was against aggression, the war-minded could only seek his salvation in peace, perceiving that further ostentatious preparations for war were idle.
Eden Phillpotts
Listen, if you want peace you must learn to drink cha from an empty cup.
James Clavell
If you don't have a rainbow to give. Give a smile. It works just the same.
Anthony T.Hincks
The price of stability is unpreparedness.
Anthony Ryan
I am worn out with civility. I have been talking incessantly all night, and with nothing to say. But with you there may be peace. You will not want to be talked to. Let us have the luxury of silence.
Jane Austen
You see every day of life as a bonus once you have inner peace.
Steven Magee
How wild it was, to let it be.
T.S Eliot
We are thankful to come here for rest, sir," said Jenny. "You see, you don't know what the rest of this place is to us; does he, Lizzie? It's the quiet, and the air.""The quiet!" repeated Fledgeby, with a contemptuous turn of his head towards the City's roar. "And the air!" with a "Poof!" at the smoke."Ah!" said Jenny. "But it's so high. And you see the clouds rushing on above the narrow streets, not minding them, and you see the golden arrows pointing at the mountains in the sky from which the wind comes, and you feel as if you were dead."The little creature looked above her, holding up her slight transparent hand."How do you feel when you are dead?" asked Fledgeby, much perplexed."Oh, so tranquil!" cried the little creature, smiling. "Oh, so peaceful and so thankful! And you hear the people who are alive, crying, and working, and calling to one another down in the close dark streets, and you seem to pity them so! And such a chain has fallen from you, and such a strange good sorrowful happiness comes upon you!"Her eyes fell on the old man, who, with his hands folded, quietly looked on."Why it was only just now," said the little creature, pointing at him, "that I fancied I saw him come out of his grave! He toiled out at that low door so bent and worn, and then he took his breath and stood upright, and looked all round him at the sky, and the wind blew upon him, and his life down in the dark was over!—Till he was called back to life," she added, looking round at Fledgeby with that lower look of sharpness. "Why did you call him back?""He was long enough coming, anyhow," grumbled Fledgeby."But you are not dead, you know," said Jenny Wren. "Get down to life!"Mr Fledgeby seemed to think it rather a good suggestion, and with a nod turned round. As Riah followed to attend him down the stairs, the little creature called out to the Jew in a silvery tone, "Don't be long gone. Come back, and be dead!" And still as they went down they heard the little sweet voice, more and more faintly, half calling and half singing, "Come back and be dead, Come back and be dead!
Charles Dickens
Why had peace given place so soon to turmoil? To two separate solitudes? Because peace had been without thought? Without...integrity?How could she have felt like that without love?Was love essential?Did it even exist - the love she had dreamed of her life?If it did, it was too late now for her to find it.Must she make do with this instead, then?Only this?Pleasure without love?
Mary Balogh
...because it is the privilige and the curse of midnight's children to be both masters and victims of their times, to forsake privacy and be sucked into the annihilating whirlpool of the multitudes, and to be unable to live or die in peace.
Salman Rushdie
It partook ... of eternity ... there is a coherence in things, a stability; something, she meant, is immune from change, and shines out (she glanced at the window with its ripple of reflected lights) in the face of the flowing, the fleeting, the spectral, like a ruby; so that again tonight she had the feeling she had had once today, already, of peace, of rest. Of such moments, she thought, the thing is made that endures.
Virginia Woolf
I don't just want to ban The Bomb. I want to ban all bombs, whatever, and all bombers, whoever, and all bombings, whyever. There have to be better ways of saying no and making changes.
Aidan Chambers
I wanted to shut my mind, that my thoughts might closeon my own peace, I wanted to closethe peace of my love in my heartlike dew in a dark rose."From "Philip Speaks
Caryll Houselander
The ocean, the desert, and the jungle are the last strongholds and resorts of peace. ("Fear")
P.C. Wren
By prolonged and continued fellowship, the sheep who follow nearby enjoy the shepherd's presence and become his familiar companions. To those closest to him, he shares the choicest portions of the food he's gathered. These happy and content sheep are never in danger. Why? Because they are near the shepherd!
Elizabeth George
It was entirely silent and I tried to breathe its peace.
Sebastian Faulks
What a blessing to be able to leave the cares of life for a brief period and spend time in the outstretched arms of your Shepherd, rubbing, as it were, your cheek against His face in intimate fellowship through prayer.
Elizabeth George
Do you want to be safe from the influence, ways, and lusts of the world and the flesh (I John 2:16)? From the sins which so easily entangles us (Hebrews 12:1)? Then delight in yourself in the Lord, in His provision, in His Word. Faithfully feed on the things that possess true substance and real meaning. When you remember that "all Scripture is given by inspiration by God and is profitable" (2 Timothy 3:16) and partake of such divine substance, then you are fed, you are led and you are safe!
Elizabeth George
And now, dear Lord, I acknowledge afresh that You are the God of all peace, my Jehovah-Shalom. My job is to receive. you give me Your peace. My job is to take it. You lead me to Your still waters. My role is to follow. You extend Your hand. My role is to take hold. My I enjoy Your presence and the tranquility of the still waters where You pour out your promise of peace. Amen.
Elizabeth George
In Jesus the full meaning of peace is revealed: he gave peace, made peace and is our peace (Jn. 14:27; Eph. 2:14f.).
Gordon J. Wenham
Most often it is in heartache that we love more boldly.
Jill Telford
The way to preserve the peace of the church is to preserve its purity.
Matthew Henry
Elric knew that everything that existed had its opposite. In danger he might find peace. And yet, of course, in peace there was danger. Being an imperfect creature in an imperfect world he would always know paradox. And that was why in paradox there was always a kind of truth. That was why philosophers and soothsayers flourished. In a perfect world there would be no place for them. In an imperfect world the mysteries were always without solution and that was why there was always a great choice of solutions.
Michael Moorcock
Peace and rest at length have comeAll the day's long toil is past,And each heart is whispering, 'Home,Home at last.
Thomas Hood
With the help of the Lord, you can handle life's challenges and heartaches, even the valley of the shadow of death. What comfort your fainting heart has, knowing that in those stumbling times of discouragement and despair, of depletion and seeming defeat, the Shepherd will find you...restore and "fix" you...and follow you...until you are well on your way.
Elizabeth George
The world never leaves one in ignorance or in peace.
One in AllAll in One--If only this is realized,No more worry about your not being perfect (175)
Edward Conze
The charm of variety there was not, nor the excitement of incident; but I liked peace so well, and sought stimulus so little, that when the latter came I almost felt it a disturbance, and rather still wished it had held aloof.
Charlotte Brontë
Declare it. Just the same way we declare war. That is how we will have peace... we just need to declare it.
John Lennon
Glass & peace alike betray proof of fragility under repeated blows.
David Mitchell
O Thou who art my quietness, my deep repose,My rest from strife of tongues, my holy hill,Fair is Thy pavilion, where I hold me still.Back let them fall from me, my clamorous foes,Confusions multiplied;From crowding things of sense I flee, and Thee I hide.Until this tyranny be overpast,Thy hand will hold me fast;What though the tumult of the storm increase,Grant to Thy servant strength, O Lord, and bless with peace.
Amy Carmichael
It is our duty to ensure we have a peace worth fighting for.
Chris Bradford
The least known among the virtues and also the most misunderstood is the virtue of humility. Yet, it is the very groundwork of Christianity. Humility is a grace of the soul that cannot be expressed in words and is only known by experience. It is an unspeakable treasure of God, and only can be called the gift of God. "Learn," He said, not from angels, not from men, not from books; but learn from My presence, light, and action within you, "that I am meek and humble of heart, and you shall find rest to your souls".
William Bernard Ullathorne
We too should make ourselves empty, that the great soul of the universe may fill us with its breath.
Laurence Binyon
That deep silence has a melody of its own, a sweetness unknown amid the harsh discords of the world's sounds.
Paul Brunton
We look forward to the time when the Power of Love will replace the Love of Power. Then will our world know the blessings of peace.
William Ewart Gladstone
And the peace which I always found in the silence and emptiness of the moors filled me utterly
James Herriot
Miss Morstan and I stood together, and her hand was in mine. A wondrous subtle thing is love, for here were we two, who had never seen each other until that day, between whom no word or even look of affection had ever passed, and yet now in an hour of trouble our hands instinctively sought for each other. I have marveled at it since, but at the time it seemed the most natural thing that I would go out to her so, and, as she has often told me, there was in her also the instinct to turn to me for comfort and protection. So we stood hand in hand like two children, and there was peace in our hearts for all the dark things that surrounded us.
Arthur Conan Doyle
Peace is the gift of God. Do you want peace? Go to God. Do you want peace in your families? Go to God. Do you want peace to brood over your families? If you do, live your religion, and the very peace of God will dwell and abide with you, for that is where peace comes from, and it doesn't dwell anywhere else. . . .Some in speaking of war and troubles, will say are you not afraid? No, I am a servant of God, and this is enough, for Father is at the helm. It is for me to be as clay in the hands of the potter, to be pliable and walk in the light of the countenance of the Spirit of the Lord, and then no matter what comes. Let the lightnings flash and the earthquakes bellow, God is at the helm, and I feel like saying but little, for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth and will continue his work until he has put all enemies under his feet, and his kingdom extends from the rivers to the ends of the earth.
John Taylor
Resolution, like responsibility, is a product of ownership, and kids can't resolve a conflict until they figure out how they contributed to it.
Richard Eyre
All we are saying is give peace a chance.
John Lennon
We are beckoned to see the world through a one-way mirror, as if we are threatened and innocent and the rest of humanity is threatening, or wretched, or expendable. Our memory is struggling to rescue the truth that human rights were not handed down as privileges from a parliament, or a boardroom, or an institution, but that peace is only possible with justice and with information that gives us the power to act justly.
John Pilger
Give me loveGive me loveGive me peace on earthGive me lightGive me lifeKeep me free from birthGive me hopeHelp me cope, with this heavy loadTrying to, touch and reach you with,heart and soul
George Harrison
If everyone who had a gun just shot themselves, there wouldn't be a problem.
George Harrison
Sweet are the thoughts that savour of content, The quiet mind is richer than a crown...
Robert Greene
I used to think that the world was doing something to me, that the world owed me something. And that either the conservatives or the socialists or the fascists or the communists or the Christians or the Jews or the fascists were doing something to me. And when you're a teeny-booper, that's what you think. I'm 40 now, I don't think that anymore—because I found out it doesn't fucking work. I am part of them. There's no separation. Were all one. "Give peace a chance," not "Shoot people for peace." "All you need is love." I believe it. It's damn hard, but I absolutely believe it.
John Lennon
Peace and love, peace and love!
Ringo Starr
Peace, though beloved of our Lord, is a cardinal virtue only if your neighbors share your conscience.
David Mitchell