Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Top 100 Quotes
Quotes by British Authors
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I thought to myself, 'No matter what happens from now on, even if my heart ends up in pieces, this makes it all worth it, this moment.
Sophie Hannah
Souls do not break neither do hearts. Ravaged by time, they continue living within us and it is our choice whether to remove the walls of self preservation that we build as protection or to hide behind them and remain hardened within our comfort zone.Life is precious, giving it your all is preferable to withering and dying even before you fall off this mortal coil.
Virginia Alison
Your writing voice is the deepest possible reflection of who you are. The job of your voice is not to seduce or flatter or make well-shaped sentences. In your voice, your readers should be able to hear the contents of your mind, your heart, your soul.
Meg Rosoff
But, here was a curious thing. The more I tried to give up thinking of her, the more I said to myself, 'She's nothing to you', the harder I tried to pluck the idea of her out of my heart, the more she stayed there.
Sarah Waters
Out of the will of God, there is no such thing as success, in the will of God there cannot be any failure.
Elizabeth George
Forgive me," I wrote at the bottom. "I did not think I would break.
Claire North
Either I've always spoken to her from the heart in times like this, or I never have and I don't know what it means.
Ian McEwan
When we accept God’s invitation to commune with Him through prayer, He will transform our hearts and change our lives.
Elizabeth George
Obedience is the key ingredient in living out God’s plan for you.
Elizabeth George
A true joy in life should be knowing that you have touched the heart of another human being
Steven Aitchison
So this is it. You are scored on my heart, Clark.
Jojo Moyes
She realised with every inch of her being that she wanted Freya; she was in love with Freya. Her mind, with its perfectly rational arguments, had list the battle with her heart. She felt it. It was real. The conflict was torture.
Kiki Archer
Write from your heart, write with blood and courage.
Olivia Jardine
The human heart is like india-rubber; a little swells it, but a great deal will not burst it.
Anne Brontë
To truly motivate others 1) discover what their motives, desires & drivers are 2) genuinely connect with and support them from the heart.
Rasheed Ogunlaru
When people are cruel it's often said that they have no heart, only a cold space or lump of ice in their chest. This was never true of Avalon. She had no heart, everyone knew, but there was nothing cold about her. In her chest burned an enormous coal, white-hot, brighter than the North Star. North knew the truth about Avalon: she was made of fire, and she would burn them all.
Kirsty Logan
I had had the job for three weeks. It was dreary. You couldn't read; they didn't like it. I would feel as if I were drugged, sitting there, watching those damned dolls, thinking what a success they would have made of their lives if they had been women. Satin skin, silk hair, velvet eyes, sawdust heart - all complete.
Jean Rhys
Does one love a statue?" she demanded. "Shall I caress a picture? Shall I rain tears or kisses over the mere semblance of a life that does not live, shall I fondle hands that never return my clasp? Love! Love is in my heart -yes! like a shut-up fire in a tomb,but you hold the key, and the flame dies for want of air.
Marie Corelli
In life your expectations and disappointments are directly linked. So too is your heartfulness and your contentedness
Rasheed Ogunlaru
The only way to change someone's mind is to connect with them from the heart.
Rasheed Ogunlaru
I constantly yearn to celebrate life & its infinite manifestations, to examine the details of everything including the human heart & mind.
Jay Woodman
People do understand the language of the heart, you know, even if the head does not always comprehend it.
Mary Balogh
My Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) appeared to be caused by blood clots in the brain which had to be flushed out to cure it. The mystery was why I had the blood clots there, which recently was solved by the medical profession as I have a hole in my heart that creates them. It is estimated that 25% of the population have a hole in their heart and Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) may be one of the triggers for the onset of EHS in a person.
Steven Magee
The amount of people I met that had heart problems surprised me in high altitude astronomy. I had not seen it in other fields. After a decade of working at high altitudes, I was also diagnosed with a heart problem.
Steven Magee
…having once seen him put forth his strength in battle, methinks I could know him again among a thousand warriors. He rushes into the fray as if he were summoned to a banquet. There is more than mere strength—there seems as if the whole soul and spirit of the champion were given to every blow which he deals upon his enemies. God assoilzie him of the sin of bloodshed! It is fearful, yet magnificent, to behold how the arm and heart of one man can triumph over hundreds.
Walter Scott
After a decade of working in high altitude astronomy the medical profession discovered that I had a hole in my heart, erratic low blood oxygen levels and brain issues. Heart, lung and brain problems appear to be long term known adverse health aspects of high altitude work and unnatural electromagnetic radiation exposures.
Steven Magee
The summit of Mauna Kea should never have been developed as it is not safe for humans up there. I am now locked into an endless loop of doctors visits for what appears to be classic very high altitude heart, lung & brain damage because I was unfortunate enough to have worked there.
Steven Magee
Those who cannot conquer must bend the knee. They must find strength, or serve those of us who have. You are my generals. I will send you out: my hunting dogs, my wolves with iron teeth. When a city closes its gates in fear, you will destroy it. When they make roads and walls, you will cut them, pull down the stones. When a man raises a sword or bow against your men, you will hang him from a tree. Keep Karakorum in your minds as you go. This white city is the heart of the nation, but you are the right arm, the burning brand. Find me new lands, gentlemen. Cut a new path. Let their women weep a sea of tears and I will drink it all.
Conn Iggulden
Maybe it was the heart which punished one with such exquisite accuracy.
Mark Haddon
She had always understood that love could have an intense physical effect; could fill a space somewhere in the chest, could turn knees weak, could raise the pulse; could intoxicate, just as could a strong martini or a glass of champagne. Could, she thought, and would…but only if you allowed it, only if you opened whatever portals of the heart needed to be opened. And some people, of course, found it difficult to do that.
Alexander McCall Smith
I don't mind what you call yourself, so long as your heart is being true to you.
Jay Woodman
We spend so much time trying to change others – in part – because we do not deeply believe in and embrace ourselves as we already are. And so more often than not we do not learn to trust and utilize our gifts and power whole-heartedly enough to pursue and fulfill our own passions, purpose and possibilities.
Rasheed Ogunlaru
Destiny isn't a path that any cat follows blindly. It is always a matter of choice, and sometimes the heart speaks loudest.
Erin Hunter
We shall miss Leopardstar. I remember her from all the way back when I was an apprentice in ThunderClan. I always respected her, and, though her loyalty to RiverClan never wavered, she was a leader who understood the importance of keeping every Clan strong. She had the heart, courage, and strength of the mighty cat she was named for.
Erin Hunter
We have waited long. Learn who to trust. It is heart that knows truth. Don't close eyes and wait for path to choose you. Choose path and follow it.
Erin Hunter
Your stomach isn't the boss of you,' Mel says evenly.'Oh,' Jared says, realizing. 'Sorry-'Mel shakes her head, brushing it off. 'Not what I meant. Your heart isn't the boss of you other. Thinks it is. Isn't. You can always choose. Always.''You can't choose not to feel,' Henna says.'But you can choose how to act.
Patrick Ness
The rose I gave you was an emblem of myheart,' said she; 'would you take it away andleave me here alone?' 'Would you give me your hand too, if I askedit?' 'Have I not said enough?
Anne Brontë
I learned a lot. Friendship and kinship matter more than adventure. Boundaries only exist in our minds. A heart can travel to the horizon without moving a paw step. And I made the best friend any cat ever had.
Erin Hunter
The mind is wired by society, the heart is wired by your deepest desires for a blissful life.
Steven Redhead
Reach out for, then embrace your heart consciousness, tap into The Power of The Heart.
Steven Redhead
Tune in to the intuitive messages emanating from your heart. They are the essence of who you are and who you wish to become.
Steven Redhead
Learn to Open Your Heart and mind to the infinite wonder that exists for you in life.
Steven Redhead
Set your desires in motion by connecting to the heart conscious.
Steven Redhead
Open up the full capacity of the heart and mind.
Steven Redhead
The most powerful creative state to bring your desires into reality is by bring the conscious and subconscious into unison then keeping your heart and mind in perfect sync.
Steven Redhead
Bring your heart power into play to create the things that you wish in your life through energising your desires with your heart energy.
Steven Redhead
The heart power once engaged and awakened is capable of achieving and realising the things to make your life wonderful.
Steven Redhead
Turning your heart’s desires into actions is what counts most.
Steven Redhead
Tune in to the intuitive and creative abilities of the heart. They are the essence of who you are and who you wish to become.
Steven Redhead
The choice is to listen to the chaos your mind creates or the intuitive wisdom from the heart.
Steven Redhead
Giving credence to persistent intuitions awakens the dormant heart consciousness.
Steven Redhead
Learn to combine the Power of The Heart and mind into one force to create your desires.
Steven Redhead
The heart together with the mind is the most powerful creative state to bring your wishes and ideas into reality.
Steven Redhead
Loving passionately, loving fiercely, loving and taking both good and bad, and at times, the damn near impossible, provides sweet chaos, fueling the pitter patter of the heart...
Virginia Alison
Learn about the true powers of your heart, it’s not just pulsing blood throughout your entire body, but also communicating with every cell including those of your mind.
Steven Redhead
Follow your heart’s intuition by pursuing the things you truly love.
Steven Redhead
Achieving your heart’s desire is the key to living a life of bliss, bring your heart alive with a passion for living.
Steven Redhead
The heart has the ability to drive your reality, put into action by your thoughts and intuition.
Steven Redhead
Your heart's Brain has independent thought which can create a life of tranquil bliss.
Steven Redhead
Utilise the combined power of creative consciousness of the heart, mind and higher self to manifest, modify and manage your total reality. Create a state of Bliss where everything is in perfect balance.
Steven Redhead