Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Top 100 Quotes
Quotes by British Authors
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On some such night as this she remembered promising to herself to live as brave and noble a life as any heroine she ever read or heard of in romance, a life sans peur et sans reproche; it had seemed to her then that she had only to will, and such a life would be accomplished. And now she had learnt that not only to will, but also to pray, was a necessary condition in the truly heroic. Trusting to herself, she had fallen.
Elizabeth Gaskell
We have the greatest power through love that can be known. It overcomes everything with its fierce and steady truth, if you can continue to stand in it.You can call love to you, directly from the original stream of consciousness, anytime you feel weak or fearful, and you will be given strength and courage.You can call love to you, directly from the original stream of consciousness, anytime you feel sad or alone, and you will feel embraced and comforted.Call love to you if you feel vulnerable. Feel its purity come to you from the universe and flow round you like a miraculous mother cradling its innocent child.Breathe love in. Say to yourself as you breathe deeply “I love. I am loved.” Say it over and over as you breathe it into yourself and out to the universe, until you really feel and believe that you ARE LOVE.Feel love pour into your lungs as you breathe. Feel it circulate round your body to fill every organ, every limb, and every cell. Vibrate with its radiance, and share it.
Jay Woodman
[his healing skills] ..lay in the ability to comfort, to comfort in the proper sense, to make strong, to fortify
Stephen Fry
Great men have great discipline.
Habeeb Akande
They did not suspect her for a moment. It did not occur to them that a woman could be dangerous. How foolish they were. Women could do most of the things men did. Who was left in charge when the men were fighting wars, or going on crusades? There were women carpenters, dyers, tanners, bakers and brewers.
Ken Follett
...bands fall out. But at the end of the day, they're like family. You get back together because you have to, because you're stronger together than you are apart.
Antony John
So I'll be bold, as well as strong, and use my head alongside my heart.
Mumford & Sons
...whatever happens I'll not be afraid again; for, when you've once pushed through the place of torment to the peace beyond, you know that you can do it again. You know there's a strength somewhere that you can call upon. You've confidence.
Elizabeth Goudge
Many great people over the centuries have depended on their faith- it is a sign of great strength to need Jesus in your life.
Bear Grylls
One thing I’ve learnt about humans: you can’t judge their strength by the size of their actions, but by the devotion of an act, no matter how small.
Dianna Hardy
One of the greatest lies ever told is that there’s no power in vulnerability.
Dianna Hardy
I was once told that sometimes out of limitation comes our greatest strength.
Carol McKay
The humanitarian philosophies that have been developed (sometimes under some religious banner and invariably in the face of religious opposition) are human inventions, as the name implies - and our species deserves the credit. I am a devout atheist - nothing else makes any sense to me and I must admit to being bewildered by those, who in the face of what appears so obvious, still believe in a mystical creator. However I can see that the promise of infinite immortality is a more palatable proposition than the absolute certainty of finite mortality which those of us who are subject to free thought (as opposed to free will) have to look forward to and many may not have the strength of character to accept it.Thus I am a supporter of Amnesty International, a humanist and an atheist. I believe in a secular, democratic society in which women and men have total equality, and individuals can pursue their lives as they wish, free of constraints - religious or otherwise. I feel that the difficult ethical and social problems which invariably arise must be solved, as best they can, by discussion and am opposed to the crude simplistic application of dogmatic rules invented in past millennia and ascribed to a plethora of mystical creators - or the latest invention; a single creator masquerading under a plethora of pseudonyms. Organisations which seek political influence by co-ordinated effort disturb me and thus I believe religious and related pressure groups which operate in this way are acting antidemocratically and should play no part in politics. I also have problems with those who preach racist and related ideologies which seem almost indistinguishable from nationalism, patriotism and religious conviction.
Harry W. Kroto
And what some people don't understand was that bleeding wasn't a sign of weakness; it was a sign of strength. It demonstrated to the world that you were vulnerable and ordinary, but when you wanted something enough, and fought hard for it, you were capable of doing extraordinary things.
Natasha Ngan
God desires that we develop spiritual muscle so we are strong enough to be His kind of wife.
Elizabeth George
This virtuous and very industrious woman needs physical strength and ability to do the work of her life, the work of love.
Elizabeth George
The degree of our spiritual strength will be in direct proportion to the time we spend in God's Word.
Elizabeth George
Just as mental toughness and physical energy are the primary traits of an army, they also mark God's beautiful woman.
Elizabeth George
It was not my strength that wanted nursing, it was my imagination that wanted soothing.
Joseph Conrad
My vigour, vitality, and cheek repel me. I am the kind of woman I would run from.
Nancy Astor the Viscountess Astor
It occurred to him that strength was quite different from toughness and that being vulnerable wasn't quite the same as being weak.
Michelle Magorian
There is no substitute for the strength that blesses a couple when they work together.
Elizabeth George
Prayer is only another name for good, clean, direct thinking. When you pray, think well what you are saying, and make your thoughts into things that are solid. In that manner, your prayer will have strength, and that strength shall become part of you, mind, body, and spirit.
Richard Llewellyn
...I hope that simple love and truth will be strong in the end. I hope that real love and truth are stronger in the end than any evil or misfortune in the world.
Charles Dickens
Well, I am sure, for we do not achieve this by ourselves, but by the strength of StarClan within us.
Erin Hunter
Moments of prayer intruded on by sloth cannot be made up. We may get experience, but we cannot get back the rich freshness and strength which were wrapped up in those moments.
Frederick W. Robertson
It takes strong, sound leadership, that correspondingly rare commodity, which is afflicted with neither an excess of pity nor callousness, to stand against the insipid tide of superficiality that is sweeping the world.
Tim Macartney-Snape
I can live alone, if self-respect, and circumstances require me so to do. I need not sell my soul to buy bliss.
Charlotte Brontë
When its back's against the wall, even positivity will come out fighting!
Serina Hartwell
Gentleness is strength under control. It is the ability to stay calm, no matter what happens.
Elizabeth George
Sometimes God’s way of answering prayer is not by removing the pressure, but by increasing your strength to bear it.
Elizabeth George
Tumble me down, and I will sitUpon my ruines (smiling yet:)Teare me to tatters; yet I'le bePatient in my necessitie.Laugh at my scraps of cloathes, and shunMe, as a fear'd infection:Yet scarre-crow-like I'le walk as one,Neglecting thy derision.
Robert Herrick
If you remain calm in the midst of great chaos, it is the surest guarantee that it will eventually subside.
Julie Andrews Edwards
But Ana, how could I have been such a lousy judge of character?" I groaned."Because you don't much care to judge people's characters," she answered after a moment's thought. "It's a strength, you know, as well as weakness."It was small consolation.
Chris Stewart
I fell in love with you like the stars fell in love with the sky, without you I am empty and bare.
Seja Majeed
Faith is not a hothouse plant that must be shielded from wind and rain, so delicate that it has to be protected, but it’s like the sturdy oak which becomes stronger with every wind that blows upon it. An easy time weakens faith, while strong trials strengthen it.
Elizabeth George
...but fear of death gives us strength.
Neil Gaiman
Pour Into My Spirit...spread your arms around meconsole me and keep me close -wield your mighty swordto vanquish all my foes...
Strength of character isn't always about how much you can handle before you break, it's also about how much you can handle after you've broken.
Robert Tew
Knowing what she did to him made her feel powerful, just as knowing what he did to her made her feel weak.
Kate Meader
Murder me with bombs you poor lonely sod I will only build myself again and stronger. I am too stupid to know better I am a woman built on the wreckage of myself.
Chris Cleave
Sometimes walking away has nothing do with weakness, and everything to do with strength. We walk away not because we want others to realize our worth and value, but because we finally realize our own.
Robert Tew
The struggle you're in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow. Don´t give up.
Robert Tew
It is not because men’s desires are strong that they act ill; it is because their consciences are weak. There is no natural connection between strong impulses and a weak conscience. The natural connection is the other way. To say that one person’s desires and feelings are stronger and more various than those of another, is merely to say that he has more of the raw material of human nature, and is therefore capable, perhaps of more evil, but certainly of more good. Strong impulses are but another name for energy.
John Stuart Mill
I always thought it was disgusting and ugly, how the weak live their lives depending on each other shamefully licking each other's wounds. A way of life that no one could truly want. I was certain that no greatness could ever come from that. That's what I thought until I met you.
Mark Haddon
Next to the dragon, and connected with it, water is the most frequently used symbol in Taosim. It is the strength in apparent weakness, the fluidity of life, an also symbolic of the state of coolness of judgment, acceptance and passionlessness, as opposed to the heat of argument, the friction of opposition, and the emotion of desire. Water fertilizes, refreshes and purifies and it is symbolic of gentle persuasion in government of the state and the individual. It occupies the lowest position, yet is the most powerful of forces. The highest goodness in like water.
J.C. Cooper
So why do I talk about the benefits of failure? Simply because failure meant a stripping away of the inessential. I stopped pretending to myself that I was anything other than what I was, and began to direct all my energy into finishing the only work that mattered to me. Had I really succeeded at anything else, I might never have found the determination to succeed in the one arena I believed I truly belonged. I was set free, because my greatest fear had been realised, and I was still alive, and I still had a daughter whom I adored, and I had an old typewriter and a big idea. And so rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life.
J.K. Rowling
Failure gave me an inner security that I had never attained by passing examinations.
J.K. Rowling
I shall never forget the African torture victim, a young man no older than I was at the time, who had become mentally ill after all he had endured in his homeland. He trembled uncontrollably as he spoke into a video camera about the brutality inflicted upon him. He was a foot taller than I was, and seemed as fragile as a child. I was given the job of escorting him back to the Underground Station afterwards, and this man whose life had been shattered by cruelty took my hand with exquisite courtesy, and wished me future happiness.
J.K. Rowling
Poverty entails fear, and stress, and sometimes depression; it means a thousand petty humiliations and hardships. Climbing out of poverty by your own efforts, that is indeed something on which to pride yourself, but poverty itself is romanticised only by fools.
J.K. Rowling
In social life we hardly stop to consider how much of that daring spirit which gives mastery comes from hardness of heart rather than from high purpose, or true courage. The man who succumbs to his wife, the mother who succumbs to her daughter, the master who succumbs to his servant, is as often brought to servility by a continual aversion to the giving of pain, by a softness which causes the fretfulness of others to be an agony to himself,—as by any actual fear which the firmness of the imperious one may have produced. There is an inner softness, a thinness of the mind's skin, an incapability of seeing or even thinking of the troubles of others with equanimity, which produces a feeling akin to fear; but which is compatible not only with courage, but with absolute firmness of purpose, when the demand for firmness arises so strongly as to assert itself.
Anthony Trollope
One must avoid snobbery and misanthropy. But one must also be unafraid to criticise those who reach for the lowest common denominator, and who sometimes succeed in finding it. This criticism would be effortless if there were no "people" waiting for just such an appeal. Any fool can lampoon a king or a bishop or a billionaire. A trifle more grit is required to face down a mob, or even a studio audience that has decided it knows what it wants and is entitled to get it. And the fact that kings and bishops and billionaires often have more say than most in forming appetites and emotions of the crowd is not irrelevant, either.
Christopher Hitchens
The forces of piety have always and everywhere been the sworn enemy of the open mind and the open book.
Christopher Hitchens
I prefer not to elaborate on the various stages of our dealings over the next few days - disbelief, anger, recrimination, the raking up of old sores, bitter silence and so on - but I can say that they gave lasting strength to our relationship, like a thick scar is stronger than the skin around it.
John Mole
Flexibility is the greatest strength.
Steven Redhead
Would he ever have the strength to stop looking?
J.K. Rowling
Miss Benson had the power; which some people have, of carrying her wishes through to fulfillment; her will was strong, her sense was excellent, and people yielded to her – they did not know why.
Elizabeth Gaskell
When a person is loved, they are granted the strength of all seas.
Simon Van Booy
... People were never quite what you thought they were.
William Golding
Sooner or later it would happen: strength would change into consciousness.
George Orwell