Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Top 100 Quotes
Quotes by American Authors
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I believe this government cannot endure permanently half slave and half free.
Abraham Lincoln
The compact which exists between the North and the South is a covenant with death and an agreement with hell involving both parties in atrocious criminality and should be immediately annulled.
William Lloyd Garrison
If you put a chain around the neck of a slave the other end fastens itself around your own.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
A slander is like a hornet if you cannot kill it dead the first blow better not strike at it.
H. W. Shaw
O sin what hast thou done to this fair earth!
R. H. Dana
Nothing is more simple than greatness indeed to be simple is to be great.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
The obvious is that which is never seen until someone expresses it simply.
Kahlil Gibran
The art of art the glory of expression and the sunshine of the light of letters is simplicity: nothing is better than simplicity.
Walt Whitman
It is proof of high culture to say the greatest matters in the simplest way.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
If you can't write your idea on the back of my calling card you don't have a clear idea.
David Belasco
Simplicity carried to an extreme becomes elegance.
Jon Franklin
It's a simple formula do your best and somebody might like it.
Dorothy Baker
Art it seems to me should simplify.
Willa Cather
The niftiest turn of phrase the most elegant flight of rhetorical fancy isn't worth beans next to a clear thought clearly expressed.
Jeff Greenfield
The idea is to get the pencil moving quickly.
Bernard Malamud
When ideas come I write them when they don't come I don't.
William Faulkner
The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his.
General George S. Patton
I can always make it a rule to get there first with the most men.
Nathan Bedford Forrest
You don't hurt 'em if you don't hit 'em.
General Lewis
Putting aside all the fancy words and academic doubletalk the basic reason for having a military is to do two jobs-to kill people and to destroy the works of man.
Thomas S. Power
Stay out of jail.
Alfred Hitchcock
Don't let go of the vine.
John Weissmuller
Just learn your lines and don't bump into the furniture.
Spencer Tracy
I just take my three swings and go sit on the bench. I don't ever want to mess up my swing.
Dick Allen
The way you get better at playing football is to play football.
Gene Brodie
Losers have tons of variety. Champions take pride in just learning to hit the same old boring winners.
Vic Braden
There are only five things you can do in baseball: run throw catch hit and hit with power.
Leo Durocher
It's a round ball and a round bat and you got to hit it square.
Pete Rose
Football is blocking and tackling. Everything else is mythology.
Vince Lombardi
If you don't throw it they can't hit it.
Lefty Gomez
The rules of soccer are very simple. Basically it's this: If it moves kick it if it doesn't move kick it until it does.
Phil Woosnam
Hitting is timing. Pitching is upsetting timing.
Warren Spahn
Players have two things to do: Play and keep their mouths shut.
Sparky Anderson
In combat life is short nasty and brutish. The issues of national policy which brought him into war are irrelevant to the combat soldier he is concerned with his literal life chances.
Charles E. Moskos
If you aren't going all the way why go at all?
Joe Namath
Economy prudence and a simple life are the sure masters of need and will often accomplish that which their opposites with a fortune at hand will fail to do.
Clara Barton
If you want to be found stand where the seeker seeks.
Sidney Lanier
Success is simple. Do what's right the right way at the right time.
Arnold Glasow
The main obligation is to amuse yourself.
S.J. Perelman
Simplicity simplicity simplicity! I say let your affairs be as two or three and not a hundred or a thousand. ... Simplify simplify.
Henry David Thoreau
The sculptor produces the beautiful statue by chipping away such parts of the marble block as are not needed- it is a process of elimination.
Elbert Hubbard
The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.
Hans Hofmann
There is no cure for birth or death save to enjoy the interval.
George Santayana
I finally figured out the only reason to be alive is to enjoy it.
Rita Mae Brown
You decide what it is you want to accomplish and then you lay out your plans to get there and then you just do it. It's pretty straightforward.
Nancy Ditz
At times almost all of us envy the animals. They suffer and die but do not seem to make a "problem" of it.
Alan Watts
The whole is simpler than the sum of its parts.
Willard Gibbs
Making the simple complicated is commonplace making the complicated simple awesomely simple that's creativity.
Charles Mingus
Fame is a pearl many dive for and only a few bring up. Even when they do it is not perfect and they sigh for more and lose better things in struggling for them.
Louisa May Alcott
I searched through rebellion drugs diet mysticism religion intellectual-ism and much more only to find that truth is basically simple and feels good clear and right.
Chick Corea
Reduce the complexity of life by eliminating the needless wants of life and the labors of life reduce themselves.
Edwin Way Teale
The boy and girl going hand in hand through a meadow the mother washing her baby the sweet simple things in life. We have almost lost track of them. On the one side we overintel-lectualize everything on the other hand we are over-mechanized. We can understand the danger of the atomic bomb but the danger of our misunderstanding the meaning of life is much more serious.
Edward Steichen
I have a simple philosophy. Fill what's empty. Empty what's full. Scratch where it itches.
Alice Roosevelt Longworth
There is only one meaning of life the act of living itself.
Erich Fromm
If you don't like something about yourself change it. If you can't change it accept it.
Ted Shackelford
If it's working keep doing it. If it's not working stop doing it. If you don't know what to do don't do anything.
Dr. Melvin Konner
I believe that a simple and unassuming manner of life is best for everyone best both for the body and the mind.
Albert Einstein
We cannot solve life's problems except by solving them.
M. Scott Peck
I know only that what is moral is what you feel good after and what is immoral is what you feel bad after.
Ernest Hemingway
I go about looking at horses and cattle. They eat grass make love work when they have to bear their young. I am sick with envy of them.
Sherwood Anderson