Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Top 100 Quotes
Quotes by American Authors
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Of all the things I wish for her, above all, I want her to know and love the sea.
Laurie Nadel
Soul-to-soul contact sweeps through, like a tsunami, leaving in its wake just this: unconditional surrender and overwhelming gentleness.
Laurie Nadel
Swirling around my ears, the wind and I whooping at the sea, picking up speed, breathing it all in. An act of loving life.
Laurie Nadel
Inside, my spirit is sparkling like foam on the crest of a wave at high tide under a full moon.
Laurie Nadel
There are two kinds of special events: planned and unplanned.
Laurie Nadel
Lucid dreams often feel like this—as if you are observing yourself from a point over your shoulders-arm flexed, hands curving around the boom, breathing, in three dimensional silence.
Laurie Nadel
If there’s a takeaway from working here, it’s an understand that, as bioorganisms, we are a walking time bomb programed for cellular self-destruction. Not if, when.
Laurie Nadel
Flip a coin. Life or death. Heads or tails. You never know.
Laurie Nadel
Producing obituaries is a way of creating a legacy to remember important people of our times and their contributions. No matter whose obituary it is, I look for something inspirational about each person.
Laurie Nadel
Instead of falling, I am dancing with the wind.
Laurie Nadel
Out here on the water, it’s a fine line between feeling in control and losing it altogether.
Laurie Nadel
Barely halfway back, exhaustion sets in. What if I don’t make it? An edge of panic gets intercepted by a calmer inner voice: Look behind you.
Laurie Nadel
Find a way to learn something from every disappointment.
Laurie Nadel
Like Salvador Dali’s paintings of watches melting in the sand, time wanders at its own curious pace whenever you’re on vacation in a foreign country.
Laurie Nadel
Meaning is not what happens, but what you do with what happens.
Jessica Fechtor
Yes, you can be a dreamer and a doer too, if you will remove one word from your vocabulary : impossible.
Robert H. Schuller
We're all a blemished spirit full of censurable faults
Netiera Danise
The world doesn't keep spinning and changing seasons for us to remain DORMANT. The world continues to change because we continues to change because we continue to change and because change is a BEAUTIFUL thing.
Netiera Danise
I want to be the reason you look at your phone when you wake up in the morning and smile
Genereux Philip
The energy I want to put out in the world is the kind of energy even people that don’t fuck with me appreciate and benefit from. Positivity is all I want in my life.
Genereux Philip
The well of knowledge will never run dryAs long as you have the wisdom to seek and the courage to try
Gil Gonzales
I Have No Sympathy For Gossip Boys & Girls
Genereux Philip
Inhale every blessing you can think of, and exhale all that is not. Like a fist that can always get tighter, you can always give more. It is essential that you know that in your heart, and you will survive this day as you have so many in the past. You can get through this. I believe in the power of you.
Ace Antonio Hall
Helen Heinmiller
You don’t have to do it all. If unrushing your life feels overwhelming or impossible, consider that it is impossible for you. That’s why we need God. Where you can’t, He already has.
Lara Casey
I can't change yesterday, but I can sure mess up today.
Charlton Heston
She believed she couldn't, so God did.
Lara Casey
Hold yourself back, or heal yourself back together. You decide.
Brittany Burgunder
Passion is everything...so make it happen
James Holzier
Good character is all about improving your personal moral values to advance to a more desirable state.
Joan Jessalyn Cox
Discouraging words...discourage dreams,Encouraging words...sprout dreams,Parents plant the seeds!
Kristin Anderson Cetone
What if we treated the ones we loved the same way we treated ourselves?
Rain Cooper
There comes a point in everyone's life when the only thing you can manage to do is sit. To sit and stare. To sit and stare and wonder how everything got so messed up that you've passed the point of caring.The Whys Have It
Amy Matayo
Be the person you needed when you needed help.
Rain Cooper
The penalty for procrastination is the loss of hopes and dreams.
Tai Lopez
Once you eliminate the persona that was created to survive. The real you will have permission to come forward, and enjoy the life that is meant to thrive.
Steven Cuoco
Shout out to everyone transcendinga mindset, mentality, desire, belief,emotion, habit, behavior or vibration,that no longer serves them.
Lalah Delia
Just becauseyou feel lostdoesn't meanthat you are.Sometimes youjust have to relax,breathe deep,and trust the pathyou're on.
Lalah Delia
Soon, when all is well, you're going to look back on this period of your life and be so glad that you never gave up.
Brittany Burgunder
In the middle of all the ordinary--something extraordinary shows up.
KariAnne Wood
Achieving success is like hitting a moving target. Both require accuracy, the ability to counteract external factors and adjusting the sight when necessary.
Valerie J. Lewis Coleman
Passion without purpose leads to frustration.Purpose without passion leads to procrastination.Passion with purpose leads to success.
Valerie J. Lewis Coleman
The existential hero strives for authenticity even when it is costly, lives meaningfully in the midst of a banal, absurd world, and confronts rather than rejecting reality regardless of the personal cost.
Jason Dias
Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.
Tony Robbins
Never look back unless you are planning to go that way
Henry David Thoreau
It takes a warrior's courage to acknowledge that your point of view matters, that your truth matters, that your gifts matter, and that your presence on this earth matters. You don't have to earn this right; it's yours as part of your birthright.
Debbie Ford
Between the MileI have always counted the miles.Sometimes they came quick,Other times slow.The distance between things,The way I could know.Close could feel far,And far could feel near.The miles that passed too quickly,The ones I ran out of fear.They weren’t all the same,So I had been told,The unmarked trails,And the days I was bold.Some miles went down,Spiraling so low,When I was afraid to look forward,There was nowhere to go.The sunset came fast,And the day turned to night,But the trails could be endless,If I looked at them right.Everything I knew,All I was told,The conversations left behind,The people who grew old.When the miles stretched out before me,I wanted to sew them at the seam,Looking forward and then back,Holding everything in between.
Jacqueline Simon Gunn
The one who truly sacrifices the most is usually the one who talks about it the least
Todd Stocker
When you put the hard work in... reward will come out.
Johnnie Dent Jr.
Overthinking is parasitic. It’s viral. It’s deadly, even. Letting yourself fall victim to overthinking doesn’t just kill your happiness, it destroys who you are. The mind is a beautiful and complex thing, and the only person who can hurt it is yourself.
Genereux Philip
We don't experience the world. We experience our thoughts and think that's the world.
Tina Hallis
In every set of circumstances, we get to create our own experience.
Tina Hallis
Optimistic people bring a sense of hope into the world. Encouraging people bring a new meaning to life. They help you see past the clouds on a glooming day. They bring sunlight every day” ― From my book, Faith, Courage, Wisdom Strength and Hope: Inspirational Poetry That Comes Straight from the Heart
Stacey Chillemi
Defeat the demons of self-doubt and self-loathing by being your own hero/heroine of self-compassion.
Amy Leigh Mercree
Practice self-compassion and experience the priceless feeling of emotional safety.
Amy Leigh Mercree
Peak performance happens when we feel loved and supported from within.
Amy Leigh Mercree
Speak to yourself with compassion on the inside and you will radiate peace on the outside.
Amy Leigh Mercree
The love you share with yourself pays immediate and lifelong dividends of peace.
Amy Leigh Mercree
Relax your heart and let go into the infinite ocean of love within you.
Amy Leigh Mercree
Slowing down your thoughts on a regular basis is the path to consistent peace of mind.
Amy Leigh Mercree