Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Top 100 Quotes
Quotes by American Authors
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How much longer until we finally figure out how to be with one another?How many times do we have to play out this pain?I’m ready for something different.Aren’t you.
Scott Stabile
We are powerful beyond measure,and we must stand powerfully in the face of injustice and hate.United.
Scott Stabile
When we open ourselves up to feeling, we can't only open ourselves up to feeling certain things. The same is true when we shut ourselves down. The walls that guard against sadness also guard against happiness.
Scott Stabile
I stayed, to love you.I left, to love myself.
Scott Stabile
We decide how much we want our past to be a part of our present.I stopped inviting the past into my life.It took the hint and stopped showing up.
Scott Stabile
Friends...we can paralyze ourselves with the need to have all the details in order, with the desire to know all of the hows, with the reasons why we're not quite ready, and whatever other story we tell ourselves to keep from diving into the changes/dreams/goals we know we need to go after in our lives. At some point, though, we have to dive in. You'll never have all the details worked out, and they'll change along the way. You'll never know all the hows, and you don't need to. Nobody does. There will always be reasons you're not ready enough, and always fears that will beg you not to do a thing. Sometimes the only way we can overcome all of these obstacles is by starting, wherever we are, with whatever we have to offer in the moment. Really, just begin.
Scott Stabile
Making someone responsible for your misery also makes them responsible for your happiness. Why give that power to anyone but yourself?
Scott Stabile
I was still water, held by my surroundings.I am now a river, carving my own path.
Scott Stabile
Aren’t you tired of shutting up? Aren’t you sick of choking down your truth?Aren’t you over nodding yes when you mean no?Then stop—shutting and choking and nodding.You have not come this far to stay silent.You have not endured so much to give up now.You have not awakened just to go back to sleep.Right now is the time to announce yourself. Who are you? What do we need to know?Only you make claim to who you are.Only you decide what’s right, and not, for you.Only you choose how you want to shine.You—only you—get to create your singular life.
Scott Stabile
To all the friends out there struggling while so many are celebrating right now, please know that you are not alone, and you are so loved. I hold you in my heart and send you extra support and love these days, and all the light I know how to muster. I love you.
Scott Stabile
One of the most empowering things about being human is the fact that a single choice can change the entire direction of our lives. What are you choosing for yourself?
Scott Stabile
It’s easy to rebuke each other’s opinions, but can we honor each other’s pain? Can we make the effort to see beyond the portraits we’ve painted of one another, and to connect to the humanity that thrives beneath our own assumptions? Can we be relentless in our desire to tear down walls, and to build bridges? Can we be brave and stay committed to the conversations that need to be had?The only thing I know about these questions is that I need to replace the we with I, and begin to answer them from there.One thing I know for sure: I want to become the example I wish to see in others. That's a good place to start.Another thing I know for sure: I love you. You're beautiful. You rock.
Scott Stabile
I looked at my life and for the first time felt like I could hold it all. That I didn’t need to let go of anything in order to be whole. That even those things I’d been clinging to had a place in my freedom. That every single thing played its role.
Scott Stabile
Find people who can handle your darkest truths, who don’t change the subject when you share your pain, or try to make you feel bad for feeling bad. Find people who understand we all struggle, some of us more than others, and that there’s no weakness in admitting it. In fact, few things take as much strength. Find people who want to be real, however that looks and feels, and who want you to be real, too. Find people who get that life is hard, and who get that life is also beautiful, and who aren’t afraid to honor both those realities. Find people who help you feel more at home in your heart, mind and body, and who take joy in your joy. Find people who love you, for real, and who accept you, for real. Just as you are. They’re out there, these people. Your tribe is waiting for you. Don’t stop searching until you find them.9/30/16Then her heart opened wider than it ever had before,and all she saw before her, everywhere she looked, were people to love.
Scott Stabile
Sometimes my mind goes dark, and every single part of my life goes dark with it. Any happiness I thought I knew gets replaced by a sadness so big it must be for the whole world. I convince myself that I have nothing to offer, and that nobody has anything to offer me, either. I commit to hopelessness. In these dark moments I remind myself, ( because I’d be too lost without the reminder) that what I'm feeling isn't the full truth of the world, not by miles, and that though I can't see it, nothing is as dire as the nightmare my mind conjures, and that i, and the world, will be okay. In time, with hope. Slowly I come out of the darkness again. I reject my mind's devotion to misery and fear, and reroute myself on a path of acceptance and love. I focus on the beauty in our world, and in myself, and I remember that we are family, all of us, and we each matter. We each shine. Certainly.
Scott Stabile
I’ve finally figured out a way to stand strong on my own.
Scott Stabile
You have what you need to be happy.
Scott Stabile
Don't waste mirror time criticizing your appearance when you could be spending it complementing the one person who has seen you through all of life's challenges and will get you through all that’s coming. that reflection of yours deserves nothing but praise, for as long as you're able to look in the mirror and see the it.
Scott Stabile
Rather than seek happiness living my life to please the will of others, I will seek happiness where I know it can be found - living my life to please the will of my heart.
Scott Stabile
When some things don’t work out, other things do.Some of life’s most memorable and fun experiences happen precisely because things don’t go as planned.
Scott Stabile
I am continually coming back to the belief that I know nothing, or that there are much deeper places to go with what I think I know. It's liberating, actually. I don't think the biggest questions can be answered with any certainty. I'm becoming more and more peaceful not knowing.
Scott Stabile
Your commitment to your happiness and well-being serves our entire world in powerful ways. Stay committed.You change our world for the better by changing your world for the better.
Scott Stabile
I can’t control my feelings, but I’m learning to have a say in how much my feelings control me.
Scott Stabile
We can’t heal what we refuse to acknowledge.
Scott Stabile
I finally stopped seeking in others everything I could only find in myself.
Scott Stabile
No one determines your truth but you.You can’t paint your own self-portrait with someone else’s hand.
Scott Stabile
There is absolutely no point in comparing ourselves to others. Everyone brings to the world exactly what they are meant to bring, and in doing so touches exactly who they are meant to touch.
Scott Stabile
A happiness trick:do more things that make you happy, and you'll be happy more often.
Scott Stabile
You’ve seen for yourself that when a sad person enters a room, the mood in the room drops. And when you talk to a cheerful person who is full of energy, you automatically feel a boost. I’m suggesting that by becoming a person with good energy, you lift the people around you. That positive change will improve your social life, your love life, your family life, and your career. When I talk about increasing your personal energy, I don’t mean the frenetic, caffeine-fueled, bounce-off-the-walls type of energy. I’m talking about a calm, focused energy. To others it will simply appear that you are in a good mood. And you will be.
Scott Adams
You have the power to change your life, if you want to. By the words you speak, the actions you take, the thoughts you give weight to. Your choices make all the difference. Your dedication alone will set you on a new path. Are you committed to making a better life for yourself? We make it a priority to discover your happiness? Can you let the past go to create space for the present? Your life will only change if you're willing to make changes, when you consider your peace and well-being and begin to make choices that serve them. One choice at the time. Though growthh is happening every moment, change rarely happens overnight. But it will happen eventually, if you stay committed. And why wouldn't you? This is your one very precious life were talking about.
Scott Stabile
She was a victim, until she decided she wasn’t. Until she realized only she had the final say in her victimhood. That it was a choice. Her choice. Before then, she allowed the actions of others to define her. She allowed painful, unfair circumstances to dictate how she announced herself to the world. She gave up control of who she was, and who she wanted to be, at home—but lost—in a victim’s life. so she made the choice to find herself. She couldn’t take responsibility for everything that happened to her. Bad things happen to us all, even when we don't invite them. But, she could own her response to all of it. everything. The moment she chose to do so, she ignited a strength she’d long forgotten and saw, at last, new possibilitiess for her life. She opened the door to a deeper healing and to endless opportunities for real change. The very moment she chose to take responsibility for her life, she acknowledged her power like never before. And was, never again, a victim.
Scott Stabile
Shit works out.
Scott Stabile
When you learn from the past, you're liberated from it.
Tim Fargo
Never adjust your day to suit someone else’s happiness. When riding on God’s good grace, roll with things your way.
Ron Baratono
The reason a lot of people can’t find happiness is because they don’t look for it. They allow themselves to be stuck in the same situations. Sometimes happiness comes with the courage to break free.
Ron Baratono
We will never find the perfect job, relationship, or situation. What we can do is search for happiness. Our ideals in life are set by others, and it’s because they haven’t mastered the art of the happiness search.
Ron Baratono
I don't know about you, but sometimes I need to remind myself to breathe. I have to close my eyes and concentrate, even force myself to take a few deep breaths. In and out. In and out. In and out.I know that breathing just happens, without us needing to work at it. But so does stress, and distress, and discomfort. That's when a few deep, conscious breaths can make a world of difference.Can I get an inhale?
Scott Stabile
Happiness is not found in a life lived for the expectations of others.Rather than seek happiness living my life to please the will of others, I will seek happiness where I know it can be found—living my life to please the will of my heart.
Scott Stabile
I'd attended a selective liberal arts college, trained at respectable research institutions, and even completed a dissertation for a doctoral degree. In our shared office, I'd tell new hires I was ABD, so they wouldn't feel their own situation was so bleak. If they saw a ten-year veteran adjunct with a PhD, they might lose hope of securing a permanent job. It was the least I could do, as a good American, to remind the young we were an innocent and optimistic country where everyone was entitled to a fulfilling career. To make sure they understood that PhD stood not for "piled higher and deeper" or "Pop has dough," but in fact the degree meant "professional happiness desired," and at the altruistic colleges of democratic America only the angry or sad ones need not apply.
Alex Kudera
Give people a chance.
Scott Stabile
Days that lift us like a wave, when you feel you could live forever.
Marty Rubin
I am moving as one with the universe.
Catherine Marie Bergman
It is true - I am creating the life that I want.
Catherine Marie Bergman
Accepting uncertainty was the key to happiness.
Catherine Lacey
Art is good, but happiness is better.
Marty Rubin
It may seem that you are on the path alone, but the light that guides you is coming from somewhere. Trust your every step because none of us walk this journey alone.
Toni Sorenson
Of the big five factors in happiness—flexible schedule, imagination, diet, exercise, and sleep—my pick for the most important is exercise.
Scott Adams
You probably think the majority of your crabbiness is caused by the idiots and sociopaths in your life plus your inexplicable bad luck on any given day. Based on a lifetime of observation, my best estimate is that 80 percent of your mood is based on how your body feels and only 20 percent is based on your genes and your circumstances, particularly your health.
Scott Adams
It’s tempting to imagine happiness as a state of mind caused by whatever is happening in your life. By that way of thinking, we’re largely victims of the cold, cold world that sometimes rewards our good work and sometimes punishes us for no reason. That’s a helpless worldview and it can blind you to a simple system for being happier. Science has done a good job in recent years of demonstrating that happiness isn’t as dependent on your circumstances as you might think. For example, amputees often return to whatever level of happiness they enjoyed before losing a limb. And you know from your own experience that some people seem to be happy no matter what is going on in their lives, while others can’t find happiness no matter how many things are going right. We’re all born with a limited range of happiness, and the circumstances of life can only jiggle us around within the range. The good news is that anyone who has experienced happiness probably has the capacity to spend more time at the top of his or her personal range and less time near the bottom.
Scott Adams
I can only change the world by changing myself.
Toni Sorenson
Some of the most memorable paths I've taken have been detours.
Toni Sorenson
Our habitual failure to recognise thought as thought, our habitual identification with discursive thought, is the primary source of human suffering.
Sam Harris
Habitual identification with discursive thought is the source of human suffering
Sam Harris
I'm starting to think paradise isn't eternal contentment. It's more like there's something eternal about feeling contented. There's no such thing as eternal life, because you're never going to outrun time, but you can still escape time if you're contented, because then time doesn't matter.
Jonathan Franzen
Don't turn your back on your own happiness just to hug your pride.
Nora Roberts
Seekers, what are you seeking? Why aren't you happy just to be alive?
Marty Rubin
A meaningful life comes with the health, happiness and productivity of our children, family and ourselves. So many people get their wires crossed seeking material goods; the things that make them feel better as a means to happiness. The comfort of knowing our love ones are healthy and happy is the treasure we should seek. That’s where happiness rest, laying there for us beyond measure.
Ron Baratono
President Thomas S. Monson has said: “God left the world unfinished for man to work his skill upon. He left the electricity in the cloud, the oil in the earth. He left the rivers unbridged and the forests unfelled and the cities unbuilt. God gives to man the challenge of raw materials, not the ease of finished things. He leaves the pictures unpainted and the music unsung and the problems unsolved, that man might know the joys and glories of creation.” (in Quest of the Abundant Life, Ensign, March 1988) Put simply, the exhilaration of being creative and the feeling of accomplishment that often accompany hard work bring happiness. (Hank Smith, Be Happy)
Hank Smith
Go for the hum.
Ethan Mordden
It's important to achieve balance in sandwiches, because who really knows how to achieve it in life? Life is messy, difficult, occasionally great but mostly upsetting and out of your control. But you can always make a good sandwich, and a good sandwich will make you happy!
Tyler Kord