Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Top 100 Quotes
Quotes by American Authors
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Perhaps the greatest thing one can discover is that you can decide who you are. You don't have to be whom the Ludlucks made you. You don't even have to be who you were before that. You can choose. We are all creatures of our own devising.
Robin Hobb
If you want to thrive, you need to sow the seeds of self-development.
Brian Buffini
All my life, I've been trying to fill an emptiness inside. But that emptiness...I've built myself around it. Filling it in would be like filling in the empty space within a cathedral.
Blake Charlton
Perhaps we shall learn, as we pass through this age, that the 'other self" is more powerful than the physical self we see when we look into a mirror.
Napoleon Hill
If someone can handle you at your worst, they'll stick around for your best.
Ruth Ann Nordin
To be the best you must be able to handle the worst.
Ziad K. Abdelnour
If you are bitter, that means they got the best of you. If they got the best of you, that means they won.
Ziad K. Abdelnour
Never forget who was with you from the start....The people who stick by you at your worst, deserve to enjoy being with you at your best.
Ziad K. Abdelnour
Whether it is the best of times or the worst of times, it is the only time we've got.
Art Buchwald
The pessimist waits for better times, and expects to keep on waiting; the optimist goes to work with the best that is at hand now, and proceeds to create better times.
Christian D. Larson
I'd stop the world from spinning for you."That silly line oddly touched me. "I love you.""Liked that one, did you.
Sylvia Day
The true optimist not only expects the best to happen, but goes to work to make the best happen. The true optimist not only looks upon the bright side, but trains every force that is in him to produce more and more brightness in his life….
Christian D. Larson
God loves His people despite their sins and faults.
Jim George
Your religion cannot be divorced from your relationships.
Jim George
Trying to express yourself is more powerful than trying to be the best.
Steeven Shaw
Who knows how you should be? We simply do our best, over and over and over.
Charlotte Joko Beck
We do the best we can at the time we can.
L.A. Banks
Have you considered that some of your greatest heartaches and hardships might actually be the best things that ever happened to you in the long run?
Tim Hiller
He's the best I ever had. And the worst thing that ever happened to me.
R.K. Lilley
Be the best, not necessarily the original.
I.M. Pei
The best fighter is not a Boxer, Karate or Judo man. The best fighter is someone who can adapt on any style. He kicks too good for a Boxer, throws too good for a Karate man, and punches too good for a Judo man.
Bruce Lee
Far more important than being the first, be willing to settle for the best.
M. Lincoln Schuster
Better is the enemy of best.
Stan Beecham
A man is relieved and gay when he has put his heart into his work and done his best.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
See, I can talk to the pretty man like a real grown up if I try hard enough.
Dennis Sharpe
The only way you can be the best at something is to be the best you can be.
Susan Beth Pfeffer
But once in a while, you pick the right thing, the exact best thing. Every day, the moment you open your eyes and pull off your blankets, that's what you hope for. The sunshine on your face,warm enough to make you heart sing.
Sarah Ockler
The best listeners listen between the lines.
Nina Malkin
The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.
H. Jackson Brown Jr.
If I only had three words of advice, they would be, Tell the Truth. If got three more words, I'd add, all the time.
Randy Pausch
God Himself even "forgets" the wickedness committed by those whom He has forgiven. That's why it is never too late to clean up your life.
James C. Dobson
MY THESIS, in simplest terms, is: Let anyone do anything he pleases, so long as it is peaceful; the role of government, then, is to keep the peace...Keeping the peace means no more than prohibiting persons from unpeaceful actions...When government goes beyond this, that is, when government prohibits peaceful actions, such prohibitions themselves are, prima facie, unpeaceful.
Leonard Edward Read
The market economy is delivering miracles by the minute and yet we hardly notice or care; worse, we denounce the realization of this dream of all of history, this coming of heaven on earth and call it decadent and dangerous.
Jeffrey Tucker
Camille Paglia is: 'the nipple-pierced person's Phyllis Schlafly who poses as a sexual renegade but is in fact the most dutiful of patriarchal daughters.
Naomi Wolf
As regards the social apparatus of repression and coercion, the government, there cannot be any question of freedom. Government is essentially the negation of liberty. It is the recourse to violence or threat of violence in order to make all people obey the orders of the government, whether they like it or not. As far as the government’s jurisdiction extends, there is coercion, not freedom. Government is a necessary institution, the means to make the social system of cooperation work smoothly without being disturbed by violent acts on the part of gangsters whether of domestic or of foreign origin. Government is not, as some people like to say, a necessary evil; it is not an evil, but a means, the only means available to make peaceful human coexistence possible. But it is the opposite of liberty. It is beating, imprisoning, hanging. Whatever a government does it is ultimately supported by the actions of armed constables.
Ludwig von Mises
The government never minds having more power, and is always prepared to paper over the problems it creates. An economy not bludgeoned by powerful elites is the ideal we should seek, even if it has a name that is wildly unpopular: capitalism
Jeffrey Tucker
We really don’t get all the government we pay for, and thank goodness. Lord protect us on the day that we do.
Jeffrey Tucker
Golden sees parental uninterest in collective solutions as part of a larger “decline in the social contract”… "As a scholar, I'm very disturbed that we have more [media] articles about toxins in the home than the fact that we don’t have universal prenatal care, she says. “We’ve moved from collective concern about infant and child welfare into this very privatized focus on “my child” and this intensive child-rearing.
Emily Matchar
A Libertarian’s just a Democrat whose vote doesn’t count. Same thing.
Kenneth Eade
Of all the numerous forms that governments have taken over the centuries, of all the concepts and institutions that have been tried, none has succeeded in keeping the State in check.
Murray N. Rothbard
The greatest danger to the State is independent intellectual criticism.
Murray N. Rothbard
When libertarian sentiments take a populist form, it looks like this: a mix of anger, fear, anti-intellectualism, and fierce government hostility. Welcome to the Tea Party movement.
David Niose
I think Liberals may tend to be more people oriented, whereas Conservatives are more task oriented. It makes Liberals look softheaded to Conservatives and Conservatives hardhearted to Liberals. I'm a Libertarian for the most part. I guess we're just assholes. Practical, critical thinking assholes who ask evil selfish questions like Why are we being punished for something someone else did or might possibly do?, Who is supposed to pay for this? and What about my children and their future?
Rock Cowles
It’s herding kittens. If kittens had a lot of guns and an overdose of neo-Libertarian property theory.
James S.A. Corey
Regulated" rights are not rights. They are niceties and platitudes intended to keep the populace thinking their individual autonomy is respected by their government.
A.E. Samaan
Liberty is not something a government gives you. It is a right that no government can legally take away.
A.E. Samaan
Until recently, attempts to resolve the contradictions created by urbanization, centralization, bureaucratic growth and statification were viewed as a vain counterdrift to "progress"—a counterdrift that could be dismissed as chimerical and reactionary. The anarchist was regarded as a forlorn visionary, a social outcast, filled with nostalgia for the peasant village or the medieval commune. His yearnings for a decentralized society and for a humanistic community at one with nature and the needs of the individual—the spontaneous individual, unfettered by authority—were viewed as the reactions of a romantic, of a declassed craftsman or an intellectual "misfit." His protest against centralization and statification seemed all the less persuasive because it was supported primarily by ethical considerations—by Utopian, ostensibly "unrealistic," notions of what man could be, not by what he was. In response to this protest, opponents of anarchist thought-- liberals, rightists and authoritarian "leftists"—argued that they were the voices of historic reality, that their statist and centralist notions were rooted in the objective, practical world. Time is not very kind to the conflict of ideas. Whatever may have been the validity of libertarian and non-libertarian views a few years ago, historical development has rendered virtually all objections to anarchist thought meaningless today. The modern city and state, the massive coal-steel technology of the Industrial Revolution, the later, more rationalized, systems of mass production and assembly-line systems of labor organization, the centralized nation, the state and its bureaucratic apparatus—all have reached their limits. Whatever progressive or liberatory role they may have possessed, they have now become entirely regressive and oppressive. They are regressive not only because they erode the human spirit and drain the community of all its cohesiveness, solidarity and ethico-cultural standards; they are regressive from an objective standpoint, from an ecological standpoint. For they undermine not only the human spirit and the human community but also the viability of the planet and all living things on it.
Murray Bookchin
...new discoveries show that American soldiers used the swastika as their symbol early in World War I, and up to 1941, against Germany. The symbol was used by Americans in the French Escadrille Lafayette, by the 45th Infantry Division, and on Boeing P-12 planes. The discoveries are in the growing body of work by the historian Dr. Rex Curry (author of 'Swastika Secrets'). He has previously shown how socialists in the USA originated the modern swastika as overlapping 'S' letters for 'Socialists' joining together in a utopian 'Socialist Society.
James B. Lawrence
It's freedom of speech, not freedom from consequences and/or ridicule.
A.E. Samaan
I believe the very heart and soul of conservatism is libertarianism.
Ronald Reagan
I am a libertarian with a small 'l' and a Republican with a capital 'R'. And I am a Republican with a capital 'R' on grounds of expediency, not on principle.
Milton Friedman
If I want my people to be free, Americans have to be free.
Russell Means
In fact, there is nothing so easily remade as our definitions of ourselves.
Dinaw Mengestu
We are only here for a little while, and our bodies belong to ourselves and no one else.
Penn Jillette
The day you ever have that much control over my behavior, it will be because somebody's asking you, should she get the pine box or a plain white shroud?
Michael Chabon
This is the twenty-first century - you have to know what you want, then set upon it with everything you've got.
Manil Suri
I judge the world by my own lightsand I come by my own hand.
Catherine Madsen
So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains, and we never even know we have the
It's not what happens to us that molds us. It's what we do with what happens to us.
Anita Stansfield
The only life worth living is the one we take responsibility for choosing.
Alexandra Stoddard