Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Top 100 Quotes
Quotes by American Authors
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The story unfolded quickly as I typed, in a way I was becoming familiar with. There was something about putting the truth on paper, bringing facts into the light of day where everyone could look at them, that made my fingers move faster -- it was becoming one of my favorite sensations on earth.
Gwenda Bond
It's nice to believe that when confronted with facts people will just suddenly respond to them but, in fact, most people don't really work like that.
Jonathan Safran Foer
The Kerguelen Islands in the southern Indian Ocean are a six-day boat ride from Madagascar, and their only inhabitants are French scientists.
Cary McNeal
Dodd acknowledged Congress's reluctance to become entangled abroad but added, "I do, however, think facts count; even if we hate them.
Erik Larson
Turns out all it takes to bring enemies to peace is a bigger enemy.
Soman Chainani
Facts and truth really don’t have much to do with each other.
William Faulkner
There is a point when a personal opinion shades off into an error of fact.
Gene Siskel
Sit down before fact with an open mind. Be prepared to give up every preconceived notion. Follow humbly wherever and to whatever abyss Nature leads or you learn nothing. Don’t push out figures when facts are going in the opposite direction.
Hyman G. Rickover
Facts must be faced. Vegetables simply don't taste as good as most other things do.
Peg Bracken
Her mind was an hotel where facts came and went like transient lodgers, without leaving their address behind, and frequently without paying for their board.
Edith Wharton
I am not one of those who in expressing opinions confine themselves to facts.
Mark Twain
You can spend your whole life building a wall of facts between you and anything real.
Chuck Palahniuk
Facts are stubborn things, but statistics are pliable.
Mark Twain
Your Purpose Should Dictate How You Spend Your Time
Brenda Johnson Padgitt
Time equals life; therefore, waste your time and waste of your life, or master your time and master your life.
Alan Lakein
Until we can manage time, we can manage nothing else.
Peter F Drucker
Fast car . . . You can drive anywhere in just a few minutes and time becomes just another thing we take advantage of never appreciating each moment that passes as a blessing from God.
Sarah Price
Forget physics, forget organic chem, forget reading James Joyce's Ulysses - organizing your time is one of the biggest challenges you'll face in your academic career.
Stefanie Weisman
The secret to your future is hidden in your daily routine. You have to be self—disciplined to spend your time wisely.
Michelle Moore
The Bible says we're to be moderate in all things. It's good to help others but not at the expense of your own family.
Lori Copeland
TIME: Today Is My Everything
Richie Norton
Time is a most versatile resource. It flies, marches on, works wonders, and will tell. It also runs out.
Kathryn Alesandrini
It's not a good idea to cut back indiscriminately on what you read. The reason is that reading can save you time, because it gives you the opportunity to learn from other people's experience.
Kathryn Alesandrini
Task switching exacts a cost few realize they are even paying.
Gary Keller
Our lives are made up of time, and the quality of our existence depends on our wise use of the moments we are given.
Alexandra Stoddard
It is not that we have too little time to do all the things we need to do , it is that we feel the need to do too many things in the time we have.
Gary Keller
Every hour you are not going after your passion, making your dreams a reality or defining your purpose is an hour you can't get back. Is what you're doing right now, this day, this moment getting you closer to where you want to be? If not, readjust your focus. It's your future. Go get it!
Elizabeth Bourgeret
A man has no right to occupy another man’s time unnecessarily
John D. Rockefeller
One of the very worst uses of time is to do something very well that need not to be done at all.
Brian Tracy
Our culture reasons that because we fell there is not enough time, we should increase our pace, multitask, and fit more into our already overbooked days. But even though it is counterintuitive to popular wisdom, perhaps the more effective response to the limits of time is to live more fully in the moment, to savor it and expand it.
Carrie Newcomer
Time is our most valuable nonrenewable resource, and if we want to treat it with respect, we need to set priorities.
Albert-László Barabási
Nothing consumes time like nothing.
Russell Ackoff
If you wouldn't get up early for it, you shouldn't stay up late to do it.
Benjamin Lotter
Managing time is an essential part of making life simpler. Time should be valued and treated as the limited resource it is. Through prioritizing and planning, time management becomes an integral part of day to day activities.
Susan Stovall
If you were to gather all the minutes wasted on insignificant, immaterial yik yak spent throughout the day and add them up, how much misspent time do you think you'd have? One hour? Two hours? Consider the sunk cost on that. It's unacceptable. One minute wasted is one minute too much.
Ari Gold
Time is the only commodity that is irreplaceable: invest it, share it, spend it...but never waste it.
Tracy Sherwood
There’s never enough time for all the naps you want.
Carolyn V. Hamilton
Multi-tasking is great in the kitchen when you are trying to time the chicken to be ready at the same time as the potatoes. But do not assume it is a great way to manage a workday.
Joanne Tombrakos
As much as I enjoyed yoga courses, it was hard to make time for them. Generally speaking, my work arrangements were flexible, so it was mostly a psychological problem: it was hard to convince myself it was acceptable to go twist my body into knots for two hours when there was work to be done.
Josh Kaufman
The rate of delay is in direct proportion to the urgency of arrival.
Doug Prebble
The greatest thing that gives me peace about time is knowing that I get to make choices about what I do with it. I also find it amazing that when there is something I really want to do, I find the time for it.
Sheri Kaye Hoff
Time doesn't need to be found, it is in plain sight ticking away loudly all the time. How we use it is the only question.
Don Aslett
When one faces two ghuls, waste no time wishing for fewer.
Saladin Ahmed
Hard work is often the easy work you did not do at the proper time.
Bernard Meltzer
Most try to fight the Truth of Time every day.
Dave Crenshaw
You need to start paying other people to do stuff for you even before you feel you are ready.
Kevin Kruse
You can never lose time and get it back again.
Kevin Kruse
If you're 5-minutes early, you're late "How to always be on time
Phillip Gary Smith
The present presses automatically on you. The future does not. To attend to the future requires bandwidth, which scarcity taxes. When scarcity taxes our bandwidth, we become even more focused on the here and now. We need cognitive resources to gauge future needs, and we need executive control to resist present temptations. As it taxes our bandwidth, scarcity focuses on the present, and leads us to borrow.
Sendhil Mullainathan
If something is not a "hell, YEAH!", then it's a "no!
James Altucher
Every minute we waste in frustration over a task that seems overwhelming is a minute subtracted from the time we've allotted to enjoy life.
Marc Mancini
People nowadays take time far more seriously than eternity. – Thomas Kelly
John Ortberg Jr.
Each delegated task must be both time-consuming and well-defined. If you’re running around like a chicken with its head cut off and assign your VA to do that for you, it doesn’t improve the order of the universe.
Timothy Ferriss
The quickest way to run out of time is to think you have enough of it,
Stewart Stafford
I am definitely going to take a course on time management... just as soon as I can work it into my schedule.
Louis E. Boone
Every thought, every action, every statement should have meaning.
Carlos Wallace
There will never be a point in my life where it is acceptable to waste time.
Carlos Wallace
Do not waste time attempting to make sense out of nonsense.
Johnnie Dent Jr.
The hands of the clock are ever in the hands of God. It is arrogant to plan without planning for God.
David Mathis
Burnout occurs when your body and mind can no longer keep up with the tasks you demand of them. Don’t try to force yourself to do the impossible. Delegate time for important tasks, but always be sure to leave time for relaxation and reflection.
Del Suggs