Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Top 100 Quotes
Quotes by American Authors
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... always keep in mind that an article of faith is not something that the faithful assume. Faith, for those who have it, is the most certain form of knowledge, not a tentative opinion.
Mortimer J. Adler
Life is too short to waste time waiting for other people's approval on how you live it.
Steve Maraboli
Polls could be self-fulfilling prophecies, shaping reality as much as they described it.
Rick Perlstein
I listen to all these complaints about rudeness and intemperateness, and the opinion that I come to is that there is no polite way of asking somebody: have you considered the possibility that your entire life has been devoted to a delusion? But that’s a good question to ask. Of course we should ask that question and of course it’s going to offend people. Tough.
Daniel C. Dennett
At this very moment you are probably basing your value on how other people value you, even though most of the time, you don’t even know what these people really think. You are assuming what they think based on behavior you interpreted. In truth, most people don’t think about you at all. They are too focused on their own stuff. And if they do think about you, they probably don’t think what you think they think. You are most likely projecting your own fears of not being good enough onto them. What you think they think tells you more about your own opinion of yourself than theirs.
Kimberly Giles
Privilege" is something else."Privilege" is a judgment."Privilege" is an opinion."Privilege" is an accusation.
Joan Didion
What I mean is something like a closed circuit. Everybody on the same frequency. And after a while you forget about the rest of the spectrum and start believing that this is the only frequency that counts or is real. While outside, all up and down the land, there are these wonderful colors and x-rays and ultraviolets going on.
Thomas Pynchon
God does not seek the opinions of others about your life.
Bryant McGill
Keep your negativity to yourself. After watching you poison your own life with your opinions, I would be foolish to let you do the same to mine.
Steve Maraboli
Never give your opinion on someone's writing unless they ask sincerely, and never ask for someone's opinion unless you're sincere.
Justin Alcala
Nothing is my last word on anything.
Henry James
Being an independent modern day diva is cute...BUT being dedicated, faithful, willing to face the world together, monogamous, honest, family orientated, caring, nurturing, dependable, affectionate, easy to work with, hard working, and a woman I can call my own...is down right sexy. BUT THAT'S JUST MY HUMBLE OPINION
claris yetunde ramsin
Ray was always of the opinion that a handful was more than enough. Anything else just tends to sag, once it’s out of a bra.
Jason Medina
An artist simply cannot trust any public emblem of merit.
Samuel R. Delany
Instead, every precaution was taken not to violate his rights. Remember, many administrators have no difficulty in expelling a student who utters an unwelcome opinion about the immorality of homosexuality.
James C. Dobson
I would never tell you what to believe, Daniel, so please don't tell me that my opinion is wrong. We should be allowed a few basic human rights in life: the right to decide what goes into our bodies and the right to have an opinion without feeling shamed for it.
Jewel E. Ann
We are not the passive victim of others' opinions. Their opinions are powerless until we validate them.
John Ortberg
The work is at such a high level and is so well executed, it really is a matter of taste... [Source: Project Runway — but consider, applied to the theme of book reviews, it seems apropos!]
Tim Gunn
I can see by your face that I'll never persuade you. And that's surprising, because usually you at least try to see my side."I can see your side," said Cecily. "I've got a much clearer view of it than you do, from over here on my side.
Orson Scott Card
The worst time to give someone your opinion, is when no one has asked for it.
Cory Stallworth
The Ultimate Rule ought to be: 'If it sounds GOOD to you, it's bitchin'; if it sounds BAD to YOU, it's shitty. The more your musical experience, the easier it is to define for yourself what you like and what you don't like.
Frank Zappa
One day you'll discover that the opinions of worthless people are worthless.
Piers Anthony
Isn’t Hollywood a dump — in the human sense of the word. A hideous town, pointed up by the insulting gardens of its rich, full of the human spirit at a new low of debasement.
F. Scott Fitzgerald
I am crushed by your poor opinionBut will endeavor to carry on.
Amanda Quick
Every man has a right to his own opinion, but no man has a right to be wrong in his facts
Bernard M. Baruch
I don't care what you think unless it is about me.
Kurt Cobain
If you’re not working on the best idea right now, you’re wasting your time & money
Pedro Perry
Trust is learning how you feel about yourself,not how others feel about you.Do you trust how you feel.If not, why.
Ron W. Rathbun
Life is simple, just be yourself.
E'yen A. Gardner
It's simple; be YOU. If you're not being you, you're being someone else. YOU are not here to be someone else.
Steve Maraboli
Don't let other people's opinions distort your reality. Be true to yourself. Be bold in pursuing your dreams. Be unapologetically you!
Steve Maraboli
Break the rules, stand apart, ignore your head, and follow your heart,
Paula Abdul
Don't dilute yourself for any person or any reason. You are enough! Be unapologetically you.
Steve Maraboli
When we know Love, fear has no value in our presence. There is no pressure to perform and mask our humanity. We can BE and when we BE. We can inspire others to BE.
E'yen A. Gardner
But then Macon smiled at me. "Just be yourself, Foster. That's the best thing in the world.
Joan Bauer
Everything just feels so empty without her. She was more a parent to me than my birth parents were. She took me in, fed, dressed me, but most importantly, she treated me with respect. She taught me that my abilities were nothing to be ashamed of, nothing I should try so hard to deny. She convinced me that what I had was a gift-not a curse- and that I shouldn't let other people's narrow minds and fears determine how I love, what I do, or how I perceive myself in the world. She actually made me believe that in no way, shape, or form did their uninformed opinions make me a freak.
Alyson Noel
Life's too short to live someone else's
Nathan W. Morris
Come out of hiding, don't be afraid to be yourself.
E'yen A. Gardner
Be You! It is so enchanting to see the beauty that radiates from someone freely expressing their uniqueness.
Steve Maraboli
You have the approval of yourself. That's quite enough for we who know true inner peace! - Charmainism
Charmaine Smith Ladd
I know when to be sexy. I know when to be smart. I know when to make you think I believe you. It's human nature to know these things. The only way you'll truly survive.
in a crowd of roses, choose to be a sunflower.thornless. unwithering. abundant in seeds
JaTawny M. Chatmon
Be you and only you, which means be you and all the people you have loved...
Dean Koontz
people are intimidated by people they cannot imitate.
Johnnie Dent Jr.
Sometimes it takes a lot of courage to be who you are.
Joan Bauer
If they don`t like you for being yourself, be yourself even more
Taylor Swift
Often we want to be somewhere other than where we are, to even to be someone other than who we are. We tend to compare ourselves constantly with others and wonder why we are not as rich, as intelligent, as simple, as generous, or as saintly as they are. Such comparisons make us feel guilty, ashamed, or jealous. It is very important to realize that our vocation is hidden in where we are and who we are. We are unique human beings, each with a call to realize in life what nobody else can, and to realize it in the concrete context of the here and now.We will never find our vocations by trying to figure out whether we are better or worse than others. We are good enough to do what we are called to do. Be yourself!
Henri J.M. Nouwen
If you are not yourself, you have nothing to offer the world but a cheap imitation of someone else.
E'yen A. Gardner
I am who I am and that's it!
Jen Calonita
Do not let other people invade your personality. Remember that every human being is a unique phenomenon, and worth developing. You will meet many who have no resources of their own, and who will try to fasten themselves upon you. You will find others eager to tell you what to do and think and be. But it is better to go apart and learn to be yourself.
Upton Sinclair
If you want to live within the definition of your own truth, you have to choose to go through the painful process of finding it.
David Levithan
Change is actually what you need to avoid.Assimilation is much more joyful than conformity,when you try to change you try to fit yourself to other people's standards.You deny your own values and opinions, and you adopt a personality that isn't you.And most likely you will be more uncomfortable even though it may seem like you fit in more, i would suggest you not to change. Just be yourself, the way you are.Because that's what makes you different and distinguishable and unique from every other individual.
Marilyn Monroe
Just be yourself. Let people see the real, imperfect, flawed, quirky, weird, beautiful, magical person that your are.
Mandy Hale
It's hard to remember who you were when you're constantly pretending to be someone you're not.
Amy Ewing
Often people attempt to live their lives backwards: they try to have more things, or more money, in order to do more of what they want so that they will be happier. The way it actually works is the reverse. You must first be who you really are, then, do what you need to do, in order to have what you want.
Margaret Young
There is a path for each of us. When we are on our right path, we have a surefootedness. We know the next right action―Although not necessarily what is just around the bend.
Julia Cameron
Keep being crazy. Keep being loud. Be yourself. Because the only thing you have in your life is yourself and your friends.
Zach Merrick
Nobody is wired wrong because there’s no wrong and right in the way we are.
Hannah Hart
The worst crime is faking it
Kurt Cobain
Don’t aspire to be the next somebody else. Be proud and embrace being the first and only you!
Tammy Ferebee