Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Top 100 Quotes
Quotes by American Authors
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God has not promised skies always blue flower-strewn pathways all our lives through God has not promised sun without rain joy without sorrow peace without pain. But God has promised strength for the day rest for the labor light for the way Grace for the trials help from above unfailing sympathy undying love.
Annie Johnson Flint
A consciousness of God releases the greatest power of all.
Ernest Holmes
The Father most tender Father of all my immense God-I His atom.
Elizabeth Ann Seton
Darkness is strong and so is Sin But surely God endures forever!
James Russell Lowell
The million little things that drop into your hands The small opportunities each day brings He leaves us free to use or abuse And goes unchanging along His silent way.
Helen Keller
I could be whatever I wanted to be if I trusted that music that song that vibration of God that was inside of me.
Shirley Maclaine
Yet in the maddening maze of things And tossed by storm and flood To one fixed trust my spirit clings I know that God is good!
John Greenleaf Whittier
God is clever but not dishonest.
Albert Einstein
You are accepted! ... accepted by that which is greater than you and the name of which you do not know. Do not ask the name now perhaps you will know it later. Do not try to do anything perhaps later you will do much. Do not seek for anything do not perform anything do not intend anything. Simply accept the fact that you are accepted.
Paul Tillich
Whom the heart of man shuts out Sometimes the heart of God takes in.
James Russell Lowell
Every law of matter or the body supposed to govern man is rendered null and void by the law of Life God.
Mary Baker Eddy
No man hates God without first hating himself.
Fulton J. Sheen
I would rather walk with God in the dark than go alone in the light.
Mary Gardiner Brainard
A true love of God must begin with a delight in his holiness.
Jonathan Edwards
One unquestioned text we read All doubt beyond all fear above Nor crackling pile nor cursing creed Can burn or blot it: God is Love.
Oliver Wendell Holmes
My debt to you Beloved Is one I cannot pay In any coin of any realm On any reckoning day.
Jessie Rittenhouse
Many a humble soul will be amazed to find that the seed it sowed in weakness in the dust of daily life has blossomed into immortal flowers under the eye of the Lord.
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Pardon not wrath is God's best attribute.
Bayard Taylor
I will not fear for you are ever with me and you will never leave me to face my perils alone.
Thomas Merton
The accidents of life separate us from our dearest friends but let us not despair. God is like a looking glass in which souls see each other. The more we are united to Him by love the nearer we are to those who belong to Him.
Elizabeth Ann Seton
Whoever falls from God's right hand is caught into His left.
Edwin Markham
Divine love always has met and always will meet every human need.
Mary Baker Eddy
For the rest of my life I'm going to trust that God is always at work in all things and give Him thanks long before my simplest prayers are answered.
Nancy Parker Brummett
Without the assistance of the Divine Being ... I cannot succeed. With that assistance I cannot fail.
Abraham Lincoln
Fo those leaning on the sustaining infinite today is big with blessings.
Mary Baker Eddy
In every out-thrust headland in every curving beach in every grain of sand there is the story of the earth.
Rachel Carson
Eventually I lost interest in trying to control my life to make things happen in a way that I thought I wanted them to be. I began to practice surrendering to the universe and finding out what "it" wanted me to do.
Shakti Gawain
To Be is to live with God.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
In the faces of men and women I see God.
Walt Whitman
It's only by forgetting yourself that you draw near to God.
Henry David Thoreau
The soul can split the sky in two and let the face of God shine through.
Edna Saint Vincent Millay
There is but one ultimate Power. This Power is to each one what he is to it.
Ernest Holmes
The deep emotional conviction of the presence of a superior reasoning power which is revealed in the incomprehensible universe forms my idea of God.
Albert Einstein
God is what man finds that is divine in himself. God is the best way man can behave in the ordinary occasions of life and the farthest point to which man can stretch himself.
Max Lerner
God enters by a private door into every individual.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
God is a verb not a noun.
R. Buckminster Fuller
God to be God must transcend what is. He must be the maker of what ought to be.
Rufus M. Jones
The God of many men is little more than their court of appeal against the damnatory judgement passed on their failures by the opinion of the world.
William James
God is to me that creative Force behind and in the universe who manifests Himself as energy as life as order as beauty as thought as conscience as love.
Henry Sloane Coffin
God is like a mirror. The mirror never changes but everybody who looks at it sees something different.
Rabbi Harold Kushner
I always say my God will take care of me. If it's my time I'll go and if it's not I won't. I feel that He really has a lot of important things for me to do. And He's going to make sure that I'm here to do them.
Joycelyn Elders
Who fathoms the Eternal Thought? Who talks of scheme and plan? The Lord is God! He needeth not The poor device of man.
John Greenleaf Whittier
God is incorporeal divine supreme infinite. Mind Spirit Soul Principle Life Truth Love.
Mary Baker Eddy
One on God's side is a majority.
Wendell Phillips
I can't believe that God plays dice with the universe.
Albert Einstein
We trust sir that God is on our side. It is more important to know that we are on God's side.
Abraham Lincoln
God'll send the bill to you.
James Russell Lowell
An honest God is the noblest work of man.
Robert G. Ingersoll
I could prove God statistically.
George Gallup
God is a comedian whose audience is afraid to laugh.
H.L. Mencken
God is not a cosmic bellboy for whom we can press a button to get things done.
Harry Emerson Fosdick
We have no choice but to be guilty God is unthinkable if we are innocent.
Archibald MacLeish
Father expected a good deal of God. He didn't actually accuse God of inefficiency but when he prayed his tone was loud and angry like that of a dissatisfied guest in a carelessly managed hotel.
Clarence Day
The worst that you can say about him (God) is that basically he's an underachiever.
Woody Allen
The Vatican is against surrogate mothers. Good thing they didn't have that rule when Jesus was born.
Elayne Boosler
In the faces of men and women I see God and in my own face in the glass I find letters from God dropt in the street and every one is signed by God's name and I leave them where they are for I know that wheresoever I go others will punctually come for ever and ever.
Walt Whitman
God Himself is not secure having given man dominion over His work.
Helen Keller
How to make God laugh. Tell him your future plans.
Woody Allen
The greatest use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it.
William James
Reach high for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep for every dream precedes the goal.
Pamela Vaull Starr