Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Top 100 Quotes
Quotes by American Authors
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Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love grace and gratitude.
Denis Waitley
Life holds so much so much to be happy about always. Most people ask for happiness on condition. Happiness can be felt only if you don't set any conditions.
Artur Rubinstein
I've been riding the carousel in Central Park since I was five years old . . . If I'm very depressed or if something's bothering me today my husband Larry and I go back to the park. We get on the carousel horse and we start riding and I start singing at the top of my lungs. It is pure and absolute joy and happiness.
Eda LeShan
With a little discipline and regular self-checks you can learn to do one thing at a time. And do it better. And be happier doing it.
Elaine St. James
When one door of happiness closes another opens but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.
Helen Keller
We all have 100% to deal with in our lives: 10% is important 90% unimportant. The secret to a happy productive life is to deal with the 10% and let the 90% slip.
Salli Rasberry
We have all been placed on this earth to discover our own path and we will never be happy if we live someone else's idea of life.
James Van Praagh
The way to happiness: keep your heart free from hate your mind from worry. Live simply expect little give much. Fill your life with love. Scatter sunshine. Forget self think of others. Do as you would be done by. Try this for a week and you will be surprised.
Norman Vincent Peale
Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
If you want to be happy set yourself a goal that commands your thoughts liberates your energy and inspires your hopes. Happiness is within you. It comes from doing some certain thing into which you can put all your thought and energy. If you want to be happy get enthusiastic about something.
Dale Carnegie
Lead the life that will make you kindly and friendly to everyone about you and you will be surprised what a happy life you will lead.
Charles Schwab
Make people happy and there will not be half the quarreling or a tenth part of the wickedness there now is.
Lydia Maria Child
Those who are happiest are those who do the most for others.
Booker T. Washington
Do not worry eat three square meals a day say your prayers be courteous to your creditors keep your digestion good exercise go slow and easy. Maybe there are other things your special case requires to make you happy but my friend these I reckon will give you a good life.
Abraham Lincoln
Happiness is a perfume which you cannot pour on someone without getting some on yourself.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Do you want a world with . . . more joy and happiness? Then find your own joy and happiness and contribute to the joy and happiness of others.
Bo Lozoff
The happiest and most contented people are those who each day perform to make the best of their abilities.
Alfred A. Montapert
You're happiest while you're making the greatest contribution.
Robert F. Kennedy
Many people think that if they were only in some other place or had some other job they would be happy. Well that is doubtful. So get as much happiness out of what you are doing as you can and don't put off being happy until some future date.
Dale Carnegie
If God came in and said "I want you to be happy for the rest of your life " what would you do?
Bernie Siegel
You find yourself refreshed by the presence of cheerful people. Why not make an earnest effort to confer that pleasure on others? Half the battle is gained if you never allow yourself to say anything gloomy.
Lydia Maria Child
Even if we can't be happy we must always be cheerful.
Irving Kristol
A happy woman is one who has no cares at all a cheerful woman is one who has cares but doesn't let them get her down.
Beverly Sills
Let us be of good cheer remembering that misfortunes hardest to bear are those which never come.
James Russell Lowell
Life's better when it's fun. Boy that's deep isn't it?
Kevin Costner
There is no cure for birth or death save to enjoy the interval.
George Santayana
Life is a game of whist. From unseen sources The cards are shuffled and the hands are dealt. I do not like the way the cards are shuffled But yet I like the game and want to play.
Eugene F. Ware
All the things I really like to do are either immoral illegal or fattening.
Alexander Woollcott
I wish to preach not the doctrine of ignoble ease but the doctrine of the strenuous life.
Theodore Roosevelt
Life is the game that must be played: This truth at least good friends we know So live and laugh nor be dismayed As one by one the phantoms go.
Edwin Arlington Robinson
My candle burns at both ends It will not last the night But ah my foes and oh my friends - It gives a lovely light.
Edna St. Vincent Millay
Tell me not in mournful numbers Life is but an empty dream!
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Out of sleeping a waking Out of waking a sleep.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Hurried and worried until we're buried and there's no curtain call Life's a very funny proposition after all.
George M. Cohan
Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time for that is the stuff life is made of.
Benjamin Franklin
And remember my sentimental friend that a heart is not judged by how much you love but by how much you are loved by others.
L. Frank Baum
If we all discovered that we only had five minutes left to say all that we wanted to say every telephone booth would be occupied by people calling other people to tell them that they loved them.
Christopher Morley
Love your neighbor as yourself but don't take down the fence.
Carl Sandburg
They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world: someone to love something to do and something to hope for.
Tom Bodett
I wonder what memories of yours will persist as you go on in life. My hunch is that the most important will have to do with feelings of loving and being loved - whoever's been close to you. As you continue to grow you'll find many ways of expressing your love and you'll discover more and more ways in which others express their love for you.
Fred Rogers
Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars.
Henry Van Dyke
Who will tell whether one happy moment of love or the joy of breathing or walking on a bright morning and smelling the fresh air is not worth all the suffering and effort which life implies.
Erich Fromm
Love is anterior to life Posterior to death Initial of creation and The exponent of breath.
Emily Dickinson
When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.
Jimi Hendrix
Among those whom I like or admire I can find no common denominator but among those whom I love I can: all of them make me laugh.
W.H. Auden
Love is the only thing that we can carry with us when we go and it makes the end so easy.
Louisa May Alcott
Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence.
Erich Fromm
A loving relationship is one in which the loved one is free to be himself - to laugh with me but never at me to cry with me but never because of me to love life to love himself to love being loved. Such a relationship is based upon freedom and can never grow in a jealous heart.
Leo Buscaglia
The Grand essentials of happiness are: something to do something to love and something to hope for.
Allan K. Chalmers
If love is the answer could you please rephrase the question?
Lily Tomlin
To love means not to impose your own powers on your fellow man but offer him your help. And if he refuses it to be proud that he can do it on his own strength.
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
In the arithmetic of love one plus one equals everything and two minus one equals nothing.
Mignon McLaughlin
Love looks through a telescope envy through a microscope.
Josh Billings
Life without love is like a tree without blossom and fruit.
Kahlil Gibran
I love humanity but I hate people.
Edna St. Vincent Millay
Love is like pi - natural irrational and very important.
Lisa Hoffman
Loving people live in a loving world. Hostile people live in a hostile world. Same world.
Wayne W. Dyer
And whatever it is that keeps widening your heart that's Mary too not only the power inside you but the love. And when you get down to it Lily that's the only purpose grand enough for a human life. Not just to love - but to persist in love.
Sue Monk Kidd
What I cannot love I overlook.
Anaïs Nin
It is not true that life is one damn thing after another- it's one damn thing over and over.
Edna St. Vincent Millay