Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Top 100 Quotes
Quotes by American Authors
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Immense power is acquired by assuring yourself in your secret reveries that you were born to control affairs.
Andrew Carnegie
Life has indeed many ills but the mind that views every object in its most cheering aspect and every doubtful dispensation as replete with latent good bears within itself a powerful and perpetual antidote.
Lydia H. Sigourney
Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow.
Helen Keller
I think there is a choice possible to us at any moment as long as we live. But there is no sacrifice. There is a choice and the rest falls away. Second choice does not exist. Beware of those who talk about sacrifice.
Muriel Rukeyser
The greatest discovery of my generation is that man can alter his life simply by altering his attitude of mind.
William James
Man's rise or fall success or failure happiness or unhappiness depends on his attitude ... a man's attitude will create the situation he imagines.
James Lane Allen
Exude happiness and you will feel it back a thousand times.
Joan Lunden
Both abundance and lack exist simultaneously in our lives as parallel realities. It is always our conscious choice which secret garden we will tend ... when we choose not to focus on what is missing from our lives but are grateful for the abundance that's present-love health family friends work the joys of nature and personal pursuits that bring us pleasure-the wasteland of illusion falls away and we experience heaven on earth.
Sarah Ban Breathnach
Teenagers travel in droves packs swarms. ... To the librarian they're a gaggle of geese. To the cook they're a scourge of locusts. To department stores they're a big beautiful exaltation of larks ... all lovely and loose and jingly.
Bernice Fitz-Gibbon
Being tall is an advantage especially in business. People will always remember you. And if you're in a crowd you'll always have some clean air to breathe.
Julia Child
One of the things I learned the hard way was that it doesn't pay to get discouraged. Keeping busy and making optimism a way of life can restore your faith in yourself.
Lucille Ball
Each of us makes his own weather determines the color of the skies in the emotional universe which he inhabits.
Fulton J. Sheen
It was completely fruitless to quarrel with the world whereas the quarrel with oneself was occasionally fruitful and always she had to admit interesting.
May Sarton
She was one of those happily created beings who please without effort make friends everywhere and take life so gracefully and easily that less fortunate souls are tempted to believe that such are born under a lucky star.
Louisa May Alcott
If you think you can you can. And if you think you can't you're right.
Mary Kay Ash
This I know. This I believe with all my heart. If we want a free and peaceful world if we want to make the deserts bloom and man grow to greater dignity as a human being-we can do it!
Eleanor Roosevelt
The name we give to something shapes our attitude toward it.
Katherine Paterson
The thing always happens that you really believe in and the belief in a thing makes it happen.
Frank Lloyd Wright
What one believes to be true either is true or becomes true within limits to be found experientially and experimentally. These limits are beliefs to be transcended.
John Lilly
You have to believe in happiness or happiness never comes.
Douglas Malloch
If you constantly think of illness you eventually become ill if you believe yourself to be beautiful you become so.
Shakti Gawain
We are what we believe we are.
Benjamin N. Cardozo
Our belief at the beginning of a doubtful undertaking is the one thing that ensures the successful outcome of our venture.
William James
Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create that fact.
William James
Beauty to me is being comfortable in your own skin.
Gwyneth Paltrow
The actor's popularity is evanescent applauded today forgotten tomorrow.
Edwin Forrest
As long as I count the votes what are you going to do about it?
William M. Tweed
If nominated I will not accept if elected I will not serve.
William Tecumseh Sherman
My hat's in the ring. The fight is one and I'm stripped to the buff.
Theodore Roosevelt
The statesman shears the sheep the politician skins them.
Austin O'Malley
The Republicans have their splits right after election and Democrats have theirs just before an election.
Will Rogers
Politics is but the common pulsebeat of which revolution is the feverspasm.
Wendell Phillips
If a due participation of office is a matter of right how are vacancies to be obtained? Those by death are few by resignation none.
Thomas Jefferson
Like an armed warrior like a plumed knight James G. Blaine marched down the halls of American Congress and threw his shining lance full and fair against the brazen foreheads of the defamers of his country and the malign-ers of his honor.
Charles J. Ingersoll
It is a condition which confronts us - not a theory.
Grover Cleveland
A politician thinks of the next election a statesman of the next generation.
James Freeman Clarke
They pick a president and then for four years they pick on him.
Adlai Stevenson
It is dangerous for a national candidate to say things that people might remember.
Eugene McCarthy
The public is very fickle as I was saying to my cabdriver Gerald Ford.
Pat McCormick
Unlike Churchill I have no plans to shape history. . . . Socrates gave advice - and they poisoned him.
George Bush
Elections in L.A. are so different. Here you've got politicians with phony smiles making false promises to voters with fake boobs and bad toupees.
Jay Leno
When I was a boy I was told that anybody could become president. I'm beginning to believe it.
Clarence Darrow
I don't pick on politicians. They ain't done nothin'.
Red Skelton
Instead of giving a politician the keys to the city it might be better to change the locks.
Doug Larson
As a politician he does everything to keep out of trouble often by not asking questions. However it does bother him that every time the doorbell rings his maid hides in the dryer.
Jay Leno
Vice president: A spare tire on the automobile of government.
John Nance Garner
I have the perfect simplified tax form for government. Why don't they just print our money with a return address on it?
Bob Hope
I'm proud to be paying taxes in the United States. The only thing is - I could be just as proud for half the money.
Arthur Godfrey
A politician is a person who can make waves and then make you think he's the only one who can save the ship.
Ivern Ball
Liberals think you can reform an ax murderer. They don't want to kill anything. They want to change the Listerine labels to "Rehabilitate the germs that cause bad breath."
Marc Price
Men in high levels of government seldom surf.
Rita Rudner
A politician is a fellow who will lay down your life for his country.
Texas Guinan
Did you ever see that painting the Mona Lisa. It always reminds me of a reporter listening to a politician.
Robert Orben
Being in politics is like being a football coach. You have to be smart enough to understand the game and dumb enough to think it's important.
Eugene McCarthy
Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F Kennedy
One fifth of the people are against everything all the time.
Robert F. Kennedy
Money is the mother's milk of politics.
Jesse Unruh
I pledge you I pledge myself to a new deal for the American people. Let us all here assembled constitute ourselves prophets of a new order of competence and courage. This is a call to arms.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
To the victor belong the spoils of the enemy.
William L. Marcy
The Senate is the last primitive society in the world. We still worship the elders of the tribe and honour the territorial imperative.
Eugene McCarthy